Discover Your True Destiny With Divine Living
Are you truly happy? It’s quite normal and perfectly understandable if you are not. These days many people feel their lives leave much to be desired. Discontent truly is the ‘disease of our time’, and it feels as if our world is increasingly spinning out of control. Too many of us are wandering aimlessly through our lives.
But if you knew your potential to live a life of joy, purpose and contentment, you would never again spend another moment living any other way. Within you looms the potential for authentic happiness so infinitely beyond everyday measure, or common human understanding, that you will never again be willing to settle for anything less.
This is in essence what my new book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny is about. It is a practical spirituality handbook for realigning with your Divine Self, and for reclaiming your birthright to enjoy a truly Divine Life.
Many people have in recent years experienced a profound spiritual awakening, but not everyone has been able to integrate their newfound spiritual awareness into the practical reality of their everyday life. I wrote Divine Living for this very reason. It is my hope that it will empower and inspire people to finally start living the connected and blissfully abundant life they always intended to have, since long before they were born.
Divine Living is the preferred lifestyle choice for many spiritually awakened souls all over the world. It is the new way of being that changes your life and perception of reality forever. As a species we are currently experiencing the inevitable dawning of a new era in human ascension. The new age of conscious evolution has begun. My goal with Divine Living is to provide the sincere spiritual seeker with a personal survival guide to successfully navigate this looming, global paradigm shift that is currently gaining critical mass all over the planet. Continue reading
You Are A Divine Being
You are not who you think you are. You are not that face you see in the mirror every morning. You are not someone’s child, or someone’s parent, or partner or friend. You are not the physical body you admire or criticize when you take a shower, or when you get dressed.
Neither are you the profile description on your social networking page, or your high school diploma, your driver’s license, or your title at work. You are not defined by your career, or the things you own, or the family and friends you love. You are not a name or an address, or a six-figure salary.
You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. Continue reading
Can Oxygen Help To Prevent Cancer?
Six years ago this week, I sat with my mother as she took her last breath. She died of brain cancer. She went to the doctor with a massive headache. They ran some tests, and she was told that she had fourth stage brain cancer, and had only three weeks to live.
Last night, in the exact same Hospice Center, six years after her death to the day, I sat with my life-long, dear friend and roommate of six years, as he was taking his last breaths. He too is dying of cancer at the age of 37. This cancer was also detected about three weeks ago. After only two chemotherapy treatments, the doctors said it was useless. He was then transferred to the Hospice Center to die.
Last month, my cousin went to the doctor complaining of pain in his groin area. He was admitted to the hospital for tests. They found fourth stage cancer and he died four days later. Continue reading
The Power Of Words Revisited
I posted an article a couple of weeks ago titled We Should Choose Our Words More Carefully, about ‘words’ and how powerful they can be. I showed how words are vibration and vibration can not only build but, also destroy.
So, for your amusement and mine, I have compiled a long list of words. To show the hidden meanings in the words we use.
I believe that our names, words and phrases contain hidden clues about each one of us and the things or places around us.
I am going to use anagrams and lexigrams. Lexigrams are words formed by using some of the letters in a word or phrase. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of the word, using all of the letters. For example: Continue reading
Teaching Others How To Treat You
Do you also believe that we teach others how to treat us? It is a motto I have religiously adhered to for most of my adult life. However, I must add that I have made some radical changes to my ‘teaching strategy’ over the years, and this change in my approach has brought me much inner peace and harmony with others. I have learned that we can ‘teach others’ with much less fuss and drama.
In my early adulthood I used to take a firm stand on just about everything and everyone who I felt were out of line. I am someone who often feels compelled to stand up for others, as well as for myself and my beliefs. I also have this annoying habit of constantly wanting to side with the ‘underdog’ in any given situation. Like most empaths, I just cannot come to grips with any form of injustice or underhanded behavior. Circumstances that are unfair, dishonest or cruel really trouble me, and people who are unreasonable, inconsiderate or simply mean have always been one of my ‘pet peeves’. Continue reading
Ol’ Boogeyman Still Comin’ To Getcha?
In my line of work there is often an unhealthy obsession with the concept of evil. It appears we are simply not able to rid ourselves of this ‘thing’ we seem to have for the boogeyman (here in my country known as the tokoloshe).
Just the other day I was listening to a radio psychic scaring the living daylights out of his unsuspecting caller. She just wanted some career advice, but instead he was hell-bent on convincing her that her home was infested with evil entities. His charming co-host also jumped in to offer some old-wives’ cures for getting rid of all the demonic forces. Truth be told, the only disturbance I was picking up on was the fact that the poor, freaked out woman would not be getting much sleep for weeks!
Now, don’t get me wrong. The struggle between good and evil is very, very real. It is a fundamental component of the human condition. It is also the basis of all Creation. It stems from the duality found in every important aspect of our expanding Universe: dark versus light, life versus death, night versus day. Light needs the presence of darkness to be truly visible and meaningful. Continue reading