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How To Conduct A Séance

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I facilitate a séance, it is to give the sitters opportunity to communicate with departed spirits that have crossed over to the other side, which the spirits like to call ‘home.’ Spirits often like to call the day they left the earth plain their ‘birthday’ going back home. Death is the beginning of their life in the other side, as some people like to call it. Matter cannot be destroyed it just changes form.

A séance is group session aimed at communicating with spirits. The word séance comes from the French word for seat, session or setting (from the old French seoir, which means to sit).

There are usually three to twelve people in the séance. I prefer six to eight, and if possible a mix of female and male energy. When people come to my space for a séance I have a nice round wooden pedestal table. Lighting is a personal preference. Some mediums like very little light, some like a red light, because they believe it is easier to see spirit in red light. I personally feel spirit can communicate in any kind of lighting. Continue reading

When Animals Cross Over

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am an animal over. I have four cats and two dogs. Sadly, I have also had many animals that have passed over the years. I have been doing animal energy healing and mediumship readings for over 15 years, and I have come to learn a lot about how animals cross over and what their experience is.

Almost every animal I have read after their passing, has stayed next to their human for days, weeks, and even months after passing their death. It takes them a little more time to understand that they are no longer attached to their physical body.

I try to encourage my human clients, who have lost a pet, to slow down and stay silent and still for periods of time while in their house. When they do this, often they can hear their dog bark or their cat meow. Some hear scratching or paws tapping on their hard wood floors. A few have heard their pet’s chain, leash or collar make a noise. Many also tell me they can feel their animal rub against their leg, or sleep next to them at night. Continue reading

Spirits Living Among Us

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Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has experienced a spirit coming into their space. There are, however, those who balk and laugh at even the notion that a spirit may exist. Some people are also terrified of paranormal phenomena, while there are those that co-exist comfortably with spirits, like old friends. Which person are you?

For the skeptic, just leave them to their beliefs. It is their right of free will to see what they choose to see, or not see what they choose not to see. Many of them have experienced some type of spirit encounter, however they have buried it and fluffed it off as nothing. With the skeptic, there is no use trying to convince them otherwise, as their mind is made up. And that is their prerogative. Continue reading

Signs From The Spirit World

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I have passed on endless messages of reassurance to my customers from their loved ones on the other side. The focus in most mediumship readings is typically on reassuring those left behind, on this side of the veil, that their deceased loved ones are actually very much alive and doing well. The dearly departed often let us know that they are unencumbered by any discomfort of a physical or emotional nature they may have experienced prior to their crossing.

Yesterday, I did a reading for a customer who received a profound message from her father. It made me think how I had not really been feeling my own father’s presence recently. That is, not since the final group gathering of my psychic development circle over two years ago, prior to my move to Spain. In that final group session, my dad communicated how I had been talking to his photo that very morning, just a few hours earlier. I blushed as the rest of the group laughed at my embarrassment. Spirit loves laughter, and that was so typical of my dad to come through with funny comments during our psychic circle. Continue reading

Table Tipping

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTable tipping, also known as table-turning is a form of spirit communication during séances known as “physical phenomena.”

Table tipping became popular during the rise of the Spiritualist movement in the mid 1800s. It was consider a great way to entertain your guests at social gatherings, and was even considered to be a parlor game. Even President Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln had such goings on in the White House. Many people of that era had neither the means or easy access to professional psychic mediums as we do today. Small groups of people, family and friends, would get together and try to communicate with the spirit world themselves. Patience and the singing of lively songs of the day, to raise the vibration in the room, ensured some sort of physical phenomena to happen. Continue reading

The Mysterious Man Who Followed Me

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI kept seeing him. He would show up everywhere. I would be walking in the park and he would walk past me. Or I would be shopping at the supermarket, and he would appear between the isles… looking at me. He would appear to me walking on the sidewalk as I drove by. I even saw him the other day leaving the farmers market.

Do you ever experience seeing the same person over and over? You feel that they might be following you. It can get as creepy as feeling you have an actual stalker.

I finally realized who this person is just the other day, while talking with someone whom I haven’t seen in a long while. My friend shared with me that her boyfriend had died in a boating accident several months ago, while he was out fishing. Apparently she has also been seeing him. I never met him, but she had told him of me when he was still alive. He had known that I am a medium. Continue reading

My Friend’s Visitation From Her Grandmother

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA dear friend called me today to tell me that she had a visitation from her grandmother last night. She had woken up late at night to use the bathroom and upon returning to her bedroom she found it hard to fall asleep again. Being Catholic she started to pray the Rosary, until her grandmother appeared at the foot of her bed.

It surprised her that she wasn’t afraid at all. Instead she was very happy and felt only a sense of love and belonging. She merely looked at her Grandma and silently communicated with her. I had a similar experience with my grandfather. We also communicated telepathically without words. Continue reading

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