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new moon

Astrology Forecast May 10 – 16, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith the Sun traveling through Taurus and a New Moon occurring in the sign tomorrow, it’s time for us to take action to make the changes that will move us forward into a new level of being.

Even simple changes to our appearance and surroundings can have a profound effect this week, so don’t hesitate to make that hair appointment or order that new throw rug or art print to liven up your home. The Taurus moon sextile with Neptune in Pisces will support your efforts with a rise in your artistic flair and imagination.

However, bear in mind that the Taurus New Moon tomorrow may cause some of us to be restless, irritable and even moody. Avoid disagreements and potential conflict with family and relatives this week, as things might easily escalate to a full-blown drama.

The Moon will travel through Gemini Wednesday through Friday, calling for more networking, socializing, and research during the later part of our work week. So, don’t worry if you run up against something you don’t have the answers for or are unfamiliar with, as this is a good week to learn new things.

Jupiter will move into Pisces on Thursday, where it will spend the next two years expanding our awareness and gifts on a spiritual level. Though we may not notice this shift on Thursday, we’ll begin to experience life on a higher, more enlightened plane for the next few years, letting intuition, inner peace and heightened spiritual awareness guide the way.

Plan on a nice, quiet, and relaxing weekend, as the Moon travels through Cancer, the sign of comfort, and the home. Taking it easy is a theme, and a good idea as the pace begins picking up again next week.

Weight Loss Astrology Using The Moon Phases

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe past winter has been especially tough on all of us. Many of us are experiencing some form of pandemic fatigue or cabin fever. We’ve baked all our cookies, ordered junk food deliveries, and did the experimental microwave recipes during lockdown. And many of us have put on a pound or two, or more, for sheer comfort’s sake!

But now we’re finally beginning to look ahead again. Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate is warming up. We wanna wear less and it’s time to get serious about figuring out how to achieve our best Summer ‘beach body.’

In my own search for weight loss inspiration, I discovered a great formula for women devised by sports nutritionist, astrologer and weight loss guru, Kira Sutherland.

She recommends a diet lasting 12-14 days, starting with your menstrual period. This is apparently the absolute best time to lose weight. Then you stop and return to normal eating, even allowing yourself some well-earned treats. Even I can do that!

If you don’t experience a monthly flow, a bit of astrological research will be needed to follow this diet. If you don’t have your natal birth chart available, or don’t know how to interpret it, you may need to consult a professional astrologer.

What you’re looking for is your Natal Moon Phase Cycle, from New Moon to Balsamic (no, not the salad dressing). At birth, we fall into one of eight cycles of Moon-to-Sun connections that define our Natal Moon Phase.

Once your phase has been determined, it’s time to check out the Ephemeris to note when the transits in the sky mirror the same Moon Cycle that is in your natal blueprint. And when that blessed event occurs every month, it’s time to punch the stop watch and begin your two week Kira Sutherland diet!

After 14 days, stop. You’re done for now. Relax the diet and stop weighing yourself for the next two weeks. You deserve a reward for all that hard work and sacrifice, so feel free to live your best couch potato life! Once the lazy two weeks are at an end, you can begin again on the next moon phase cycle, or at the start of your next period.

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Astrology Forecast March 15 – 21, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy Equinox and Astrological New Year! In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal or spring equinox arrives this week, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is the autumn or fall equinox. Equinoxes are a point of balance or equilibrium and either represent the beginning (spring) or ending (autumn) of a phase. It is a powerful time for self-reflection and taking stock.

The Sun moves into Aries on Saturday, followed by Venus on Sunday, and sets a brand new tone for the remainder of 2021.Use this week to realign with your goals and ambitions for the year ahead.

The week starts out with Mercury moving into spiritual Pisces on Monday, which will turn our thoughts to the mystical, the soulful, and the metaphysical for the next three weeks. This is a wonderful time to advance our meditation or spiritual practice and lean more fully into following our intuition.

The Taurus Moon prevails overhead Tuesday through Thursday, enabling us to tackle our physical worlds and restore balance to our health, finances, and work obligations. A Gemini Moon will take us into the new season, as our heads fill with creative ideas and hopes for a bright new future.

The Sun’s move into Aries on Saturday inspires a fresh start and new beginnings, making this the ideal time to recommit to any New Year resolutions we’ve let slide and to bolster our commitments to live a more purpose-filled and vibrant life! But we can take a breather on Sunday as Venus tiptoes into Aries and the Cancer Moon inspires staying in, working on home projects, or simply take a long nap to catch up on our sleep.

Making The Most Of Today’s New Moon In Pisces

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe New Moon in Pisces today offers us the chance to get in touch with out creative side and enhance our intuitive gifts.

Pisces is the zodiac sign of fluidity, inspiration, sensitivity, perception, softness, and going within. This cycle gives us the opportunity to connect with spirit and trust in the mysteries of life, without over analyzing every detail.

Going with the flow and patience is the key to thriving during this month’s New Moon. Since Pisces ends the zodiac wheel, it is a wonderful transit to release and tie up any loose ends, before the Aries New Moon next month.

Pisces is a water sign. So, staying hydrated, getting in touch with our deeper emotions and beautifying our physical bodies will create lovely results moving forward.

The shadow side of Pisces involves being too passive, self-defeating, over-indulgent, having a victim mentality, lacking focus, addictive behavior and holding onto unhealthy situations or people who are toxic.

Pisces often times has dualistic tendencies in extreme, which means that it will be vital to question anything that is out of balance and correct it. These changes don’t necessarily have to happen overnight, but acknowledging them now will allow you to heal whatever is holding you back from living your best life.

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Astrology Forecast March 8 – 14, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s Capricorn Moon will present us with a productive day, allowing us to catch up on anything we couldn’t get to last week. Take care though, as things could come undone tomorrow through Wednesday, when the Moon moves into Aquarius and throws a few unexpected twists and turns into the mix.

Thursday through Saturday we’ll drift along under a spiritual Pisces Moon and on Saturday, a New Moon in Pisces will set the stage for the next two weeks. Pisces New Moons aren’t always a call to start new things, as the spiritual tones it carries makes it more viable for setting new intentions and exploring our intuition. This is a great time to use your imagination and be creative, as well as explore new spiritual practices.

The Moon will dance into Aries on Sunday, calling us to delve into the creative sides of our psyches and try new ways of approaching long-standing problems.

With the Astrological New Year and a new season due to arrive next week, this week is the time to evaluate where you stand, where you would like to go, and what your options are for embracing the new energies preparing to unfold. Our collective efforts at building a better society will begin to make more of an impact this month with Mars, the Planet of Action, being in upbeat Gemini since last week, followed by the start of the astrological new year on March 21st.  That’s when we’ll start to see greater momentum in our lives and feel like the year has truly kicked off. However, you may already be feeling more energized this week due to the influence of Mars in Gemini.

Manifesting With The Moon Phases

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon affects all life on Earth and paying attention to her phases, and planning accordingly, can be especially useful in our spiritual practice and in manifesting our wishes and desires.

You can improve your life circumstances by planning events or personal prayers for manifestation around the phases of the Moon. It is also useful in the clearing of unwanted energetic influences.

Throughout the ages, in many belief systems, the Moon is seen as a Lunar deity or goddess. I regularly meditate on her divine presence, while attending to what I wish to manifest within the timing of the lunar energy.

The power of the monthly phases of the Moon can be utilized for manifesting as follows:

New Moon

The phase of the Moon when it first appears as a slender crescent, shortly after its conjunction with the Sun. A time of preparing one’s goals to manifest.

Waxing Moon

A few days after the New Moon one can see a clear crescent lit by the Sun. This is a perfect time for manifesting anything you wish to increase in matters of finances and career. It is also a perfect time for planting all seeds. Remember, the period from the New Moon to the Full Moon are the days of increase.

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By The Light Of The Moon

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOh, the Moon! How I love the Moon. What’s not to love? I love watching the moon dance on the lake’s surface outside our home or just to observe it in the night sky. It is so healing to me.

I remember going outside and just basking in the light of the moon. I remember waiting for it to be full and then putting a big bucket of water in the garden. I would let the light of the moon reflect on the surface and I would prop up my feet on either side of this and just go into the alpha state and meditate.

To this day I will wash my precious stones, like my moonstones and agates, with salt water. After that, on a full moon, I will let them absorb the light. I feel it recharges and cleanses them.

I always agreed with the school of thought that the moon affects the fluids in our bodies, just like the tides of the ocean. I also view the moon as a lovely lady who is in charge of our emotions and feelings; she is the ‘bringer of moods’.

Usually you can see her influence very clearly on a full moon. For example, emergency services and police sirens are often more prevalent on the roads, there are more arrests and accidents and people lashing out and doing things they normally wouldn’t dare.

There is much power and control to be found in knowing when the different phases of the moon are, and to have the heads up as to how it affects us. The moon also rules all female physiology; she is the mother of all things which are important and necessary for creating life and nurturing. It virtually has an effect on the growth of all living things, including all plants and animals. I call the moon ‘she’ because of this. She rules over the ‘internal ocean’ that keeps us all alive.

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