Visualizing Your New Reality
We all want certain things in life: an exciting career, financial success, good health, a fulfilling romantic relationship, and a happy family life. Achieving these goals require dedication, hard work and some sacrifices. What many people do not know is that they can boost their efforts to achieve these goals by using visualization.
To fast-track your dreams, begin by shaping and clarifying your vision. What we imagine in our mind’s eye, is what will become manifest in our life.
Some of our dreams are easy to visualize. It is simple to picture yourself on a tropical island, with a gentle breeze blowing sweetly across your face. Or visualize yourself driving down the highway in your snappy new sports car. Imagining such things are not that much of a challenge for most of us.
But what about the more serious, large scale goals? For example, how do you visualize making the huge leap from a mundane office job to an exciting, globetrotting career, that will offer you both financial freedom and sense of fulfillment? Or how do you envision moving from a tiny cramped apartment to a glorious, well-designed home? These things may be more difficult to imagine, since they are outside your everyday experience and seem out of reach.
The solution is to break these visions down into smaller, more practical steps, instead of focusing solely on main outcome. We must tap into our life experience, as well as the creative juices we all have within. Build an image in your mind of the desired goal or outcome by visualizing the different aspects towards accomplishing the overall dream.
The Power Of Your Imagination
Great feats have been achieved throughout history, because someone imagined the impossible could be possible. Our imagination is the best motivation tool we have. Only when we create the image of our best life in our mind, can we truly start to believe that it is possible to reach our goals.
You can achieve so much more in life by using your imagination. Imagination is key to achieving the goals you desire. If you cannot imagine yourself being, having, or doing the things you want in life, it will be difficult to stick to whatever it takes to reach your goals.
Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination is limitless and embraces everything… all there ever will be to know and understand. When you use your imagination, you get to write your story any way you want it to be.
As a hypnotherapist, I have my weight loss clients imagine how they will look and feel in the next six months to a year, once they reach their goal weight. It is a powerful technique to make their goals more tangible.