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astrology constellation

Astrology Forecast October 10 – 16, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere’s a beautiful balance to this week under the Libra Sun, starting with today’s energizing Aries Moon. This is a great day to get creative and be proactive in resolving any issues that have been holding you back.

But beware the Aries Moon square with Pluto in Capricorn this morning, as this transit is known to inspire intolerance and aggression. Stay calm and centered, avoid the drama, count to ten, and do not lash out. Also, check on your pets’ health, as they are more likely to not be feeling well this morning.

Things hum along smoothly under a Taurus Moon tomorrow and Wednesday, where we can turn out attention to restoring order in our physical worlds or attending to health and financial issues.

On Wednesday the Taurus Moon trine with Pluto in Capricorn late in the afternoon offers a special opportunity to do something fun or adventurous that is outside your normal after-work routine. Be spontaneous, take a different route home, stop at the park near your house, or call a friend to meet you at that new coffee shop downtown.

Thursday and Friday are all about socializing under the Gemini Moon, and we’ll also be able to do some great research and share new ideas with everyone around us.

Friday afternoon’s Gemini Moon trine Venus in Libra, as well as its trine with the Sun in Libra in the evening sets the tone for a perfect date night. Harmony, love and a cheerful mood will be at the forefront. Surprise your beloved or new love interest with a gourmet dinner at a fancy restaurant, as you will both enjoy the food more than usual during this Gemini-Libra energy interaction.

The rest of the weekend will reflect the vibes of the Cancer Moon, allowing us to focus on home, family, and relaxation.

Astrology Forecast October 3 – 9, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s Capricorn Moon should make for a highly productive and progressive day, so keep your nose to the grindstone as it will pay off handsomely!

If you lack the drive and motivation to make most of today’s energy, the Capricorn Moon’s trine with Uranus in Taurus will support us this morning with its energies of increased ambition, focus, attentiveness, and creativity. Don’t allow the usual humdrum to weight you down…there are always new and original ways to get things done!

The productive, determined approach will be especially wise today, because tomorrow and Wednesday could be fraught with interruptions, distractions and unexpected changes courtesy of the Aquarius Moon.

To make matters worse around midday on Wednesday, the Aquarius Moon’s square with Uranus in Taurus, as well as its conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, may cause people to be difficult, uncooperative, moody and irritable, so it will be challenging to keep ourselves and others motivated. Do not give in to negative thinking or self-pity. And, if there is currently tension at home with your significant other, Wednesday will definitely not be the best time to try and resolve it.

Thursday and Friday should also unfold relatively smoothly under the Pisces Moon, but with the Moon preparing to wax full in Aries on Sunday, we may experience some unusual and synchronistic circumstances. Full Moons usually carry a few surprises with them as they near fullness, and this one will most likely be no exception. For example, you might run into a long-lost friend, or find hidden money while looking for something else!

Venus will go direct on Saturday after six weeks of retrograde motion, restoring a sense of peace and balance to our worlds.

Sunday’s Aries Full Moon also signals a time of release, so for the next two weeks, we will want to focus on letting go of anything that is draining our energy or slowing our movement.

Astrology Forecast September 26 – October 2, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon will dance through Libra today and tomorrow, balancing our movements and reminding us to move in authentic and honest ways. As well as being a productive energy, this is a good time to make new commitments to ourselves, and to our overall physical and financial health.

Today’s trine between Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, followed by a Venus in Virgo conjunction with Mercury in Virgo, will further boost our productivity and professional success with enhanced social interaction, good manners, a cheerful mindset, imaginative strategies, and a zest for life. Make the most of these aspects today to promote your business or career.

Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon carries a soulful air about it, calling for us to examine our movements and align with our soul’s desires. Venus will move into Libra on Thursday, adding a deeper sense of unconditional love and gratitude to all our movements.

Thursday afternoon will also be a good day for business marketing and travel. The Scorpio Moon sextile with Mercury in Virgo is a highly favorable aspect for advertising, promotions, sales and customer relations.

Friday afternoon’s Libra Sun sextile the Sagittarius Moon will bring the work week to an early end for many of us, as it will likely make us feel somewhat passive and laid-back. Fortunately, it also fosters good working relationships, so the boss may be open to letting you leave earlier than usual. All you have to do is ask. Might as well pack it up and get the weekend started!

A light-hearted and fun-loving Sagittarius Moon will take us into a weekend full of fun social events or relaxing activities, allowing us a few days to regroup and recharge. Mercury will also turn direct on Sunday, ending its three-week run of computer glitches and setbacks. We shouldn’t relax yet though, as it usually takes at least a week for it to straighten itself out.

Astrology Forecast September 19 – 25, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological highlights this week will be the Sun moving into Libra on Thursday, followed by a Libra New Moon on Sunday.

We could find it difficult to get much done today as the Moon dances through emotional Cancer. Go with the flow and promise yourself to get back to work tomorrow, when the Moon charges into Aries and spends three days energizing our every move!

Interpersonal relations may be somewhat volatile tomorrow morning when the Cancer Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Do not even attempt to discuss joint finances with your significant other or take that phone call from your toxic relatives, and steer clear of big egos and power struggles when you arrive at work.

The Sun’s move into Libra on Thursday sets us on a pleasant course of sharing love, reaping rewards, and easy-going times for the next four weeks. Immersing ourselves in our passions and exploring deeper connection in our partnerships will be overriding themes.

Friday and Saturday are great for organizing, clearing out clutter, and restoring order to our worlds under the Virgo Moon.

Remember to make a wish on Sunday under the Libra New Moon, which will kick off two weeks of possibilities and shifts, moving us closer to our dreams. But beware the Libra Moon opposite Jupiter in Aries early Sunday evening, as this transit is notorious for getting us into legal troubles and clashing with authorities. if you are planning to go out, be sure to wear your seatbelt, obey traffic laws and do not drink and drive! Also, plan your activity budget for the evening, as you may be prone to overspending and being too extravagant.

Astrology Forecast September 12 – 18, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis should be a fairly calm and quiet week – not counting any annoyances Mercury retrograde might cause. But if we remain aware of this possiblity, it will be easier to sidestep any disruptions or glitches that do arise.

The week starts out on a highly productive note thanks to today’s Aries Moon. If you have a lot to get done with your team this week, then the Aries Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius around midday will be the ideal time for a working lunch, as this transit is perfect for getting people together to discuss goals and important issues. It also heightens our organizational abilities and sense of responsibility, so tap into this energy opportunity to get off to a great start this week.

Wednesday’s Taurus Moon features a series of transits that can be useful in terms of love and romance. The Taurus Moon trine Venus in Virgo early on Wednesday morning will be a good time to ask that someone special out on a date. Don’t be shy – send that text while you have your morning coffee!

If you are married or in a relationship, then the lunar conjunction with Uranus in Taurus early Wednesday evening will be ideal for a surprise date night, but keep an eye on your budget as this transit can be precarious when it comes to financial loss and overspending. Also, if you choose to take your beloved out to dinner, remember to be cautious about what you eat and drink, as Wednesday evening’s Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius is known to disrupt our metabolism and glucose levels, as well as increase indigestion. Avoid rich, heavy foods and overly sweet deserts, and most of all take it easy with the alcohol consumption! A light, healthy meal, followed by a romantic evening walk or some window shopping, is recommended instead.

Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Thursday, we’ll have three days to let our inner child come out to play, as this lunar transit promotes curiosity, exploration, and social interaction. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith if an opportunity to fully express yourself or let your hair down presents itself, for as they say, once you leap, you’ll either learn how to fly, or to swim!

Sunday is all about home and family as the Moon drifts through Cancer and gives us the opportunity to connect and engage with those dearest to us, as well as to restore order to our surroundings before another busy week unfolds.

Astrology Forecast September 5 – 11, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe may experience a bit of astrological ‘whiplash’ this week, as we’re under the influence of a Waxing Full Moon, while Mercury gears up to go retrograde.

The week starts out with Venus moving into Virgo, a sign known for its idealistic tendencies and love of perfection. We’ll have to take care not to let our requests turn into demands and our expectations into commands, as either will have others running for the hills!

Today and tomorrow the Capricorn Moon casts an air of productivity over us, allowing us to catch up on anything that fell to the back burner last week. Take care however to not to adopt a lazy attitude this morning due to influence of a Capricorn Moon square Jupiter in Aries.

The mid-morning Capricorn Moon square Mercury in Libra may cause delays in communication and unexpected misunderstandings. Make a conscious effort to stay focused and mentally alert under this aspect. Be sure to send that email to the correct person! Most of all do not let your thoughts spiral into unnecessary emotional upheaval.

Expect flashes of brilliance to dominate the landscape under Wednesday and Thursday’s Aquarius Moon. These will be the ideal days this week to brainstorm, solve a mystery, or seek out new friendships with like-minded people.

The Pisces Moon will influence the remainder of the week, adding an ethereal tone as Mercury turns retrograde on Friday. The moon will wax full on Saturday. A Pisces Full Moon may cause some irritability, restlessness and mood swings. Try to follow your head, not your heart this weekend.

Sunday will be action-oriented under the Aries Moon, as it energizes our every move. Flexibility will be a must, and our main focus this week will be to pay attention. If we don’t, we’re sure to miss important messages from Spirit along the way.

Astrology Forecast August 29 – September 4, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTime for a cosmic breather this week, as the astrological musical chairs game comes to a halt and we focus on restoring balance to our lives.

We can start by taking advantage of Monday and Tuesday’s Libra Moon to bring our worlds back into order, deftly moving between the physical and intellectual realms of our lives to restore equilibrium. The Libra Moon conjunction with Mercury in Libra around midday today will provide the ideal energy springboard by inspring us with mental clarity, focus and sound judgment. It will be a good day for business planning and success, as well as communicating with the people in our life we care about most.

This wave of empowering energy will be carried further by the Libra Moon trine Mars in Gemini later in the afternoon, which will call forth additional courage, determination and resourcefulness and inspire us to take practical steps to put our plans for the week in motion.

The Libra Moon square Pluto in Capricorn early Wednesday morning could set us up for unnecessary drama if we are not careful, especially with the Moon entering Scorpio around midday to further fan the flames with its intensely passionate, impulsive energy. Keep your emotions in check and do not react aggressively to mundane situations. Most of all avoid getting sucked into arguments regarding money and financial matters with loved ones and co-workers, as it will most likely not end well.

The Moon will wade through Scorpio Wednesday through Friday, calling for us to go within to complete the process of change we are in the midst of.

Thankfully, a Sagittarius Moon will rule over the weekend, reminding us to quit taking things too seriously and focus on the joy and simple things in our lives.

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