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astrology constellation

Astrology Forecast August 22 – 28, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBrace yourself. This week is so packed with astrological shifts that we’ll have to pay close attention to the daily changes it will bring.

The Sun moves into Virgo today, setting us up for a month of inspired thoughts and the desire to create more order and organization in our lives. However, keep your emotions in check as the Cancer Moon
Moon square Jupiter in Aries may inspire risky behavor and bad investments.

We’ll have a quick breather tomorrow, as the Moon moves through Cancer, but on Wednesday, Uranus will turn retrograde and have us questioning everything and everyone. Sudden changes and reversals are a hallmark of this aspect, so be prepared to change direction at a moment’s notice.

On Thursday, Mercury will move into Libra and thankfully restore some balance to our thinking. What we thought was a great idea on Wednesday may prove otherwise on Thursday. So, the trick is to not take action on things too quickly, but to let the dust settle before you proceed. Thursday evening’s Leo Moon conjunction with Venus in Leo will be a lovely opportunity to spend some quality time with your mom or the motherly figure in your life. It will also be the ideal evening for a ladies night or hanging out with girlfriends.

Take advantage of Friday’s Leo Moon to stop and attend to personal needs, making sure you aren’t letting anything fall through the cracks, as you continue through the maze of this weeks’ astrological influences.

Saturday we will have a New Moon in Virgo and yes, you guessed it, even more brilliant ideas rising to the surface. The fun continues on Sunday as we sort through all we’ve discovered this week, as well as what we are imagining for the future.

Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign on our website.

Astrology Forecast August 15 – 21, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe’ll experience a fairly balanced time energetically as the Sun spends its last week of this year in Leo, with only one significant astrological shift created by Mars when it moves into Gemini on Saturday.

Our creative sides flourish under the Aries Moon today and tomorrow, as it awakens our spirits to the possibilities. Even something as simple as taking a different route home can uplift our perceptions and bring greater awareness, so practice making small changes that will soon result in some big ones!

The Aries Moon conjunction with Jupiter in Aries creates ideal Monday morning vibes for financial gains, acquisition of wealth, ambition, and increased social influence. Get your most important business calls done early this morning to make the most of this prosperous energy.

Tomorrow will be a pleasant, positive day on the social front. In the morning, the Leo Sun trine the Aries Moon will ensure happy, harmonious interactions with your partner and family. If you are single, this will also be a great time to ask that special someone out on a date. Tuesday afternoon, Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus will continue to inspire socializing and getting along with others.

This is a great aspect for socializing with friends and creating lots of groups over social media. Things will go very well for you if you’re in the hi-tech industry. You will be very creative, and it’s a good idea to express that in any way you can. You may come up with original and innovative ideas.

The Moon cruises through Taurus on Wednesday and Thursday, allowing us some time mid-week to catch up on obligations of a grounded nature, such as house cleaning or bill paying. Keeping our environment in order makes all our other senses thrive more effectively.

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Astrology Forecast August 8 – 14, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGetting the week started may prove challenging this morning with a Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in Pisces, as well as a Venus in Cancer opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Make every effort to guard against laziness, self-indulgent behavior and a passive attitude, as it may set things back for the rest of the week. It will however be all work and little play by this afternoon, as the Moon shifting in Capricorn will insist we now get down to business and make things happen!

The Capricorn Moon will keep us under pressure to perform until Thursday, when the Aquarius Full Moon insists on a sudden shift in direction amplified by Venus moving into fiery Leo. This combination will bring out our fiery and dramatic personality traits, tempting us to put work on the back burner and let our passions and imagination carry us into another dimension. Venus in Leo also lures us into seeking beauty and pleasure. Be careful not to over-indulge and remember that less is more.

The trend continues Friday afternoon with the Moon moving into Pisces causing us to be dreamy and somewhat self-absorbed. Friday evening’s Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus is however a social highlight for the week, as it will be a great time to go out with friends and have some fun! Alternatively, it will also be the perfect evening for a romantic date night of ‘Netflix and chill’ with that special someone.

The remainder of the weekend will continue to unfold under a karmic Pisces Moon, calling us back to ourselves to spend a few days soul-searching and connecting with our higher source. It’s one thing to come up with a great plan, and yet another to empower it by joining hands with spirit to manifest our dreams, so let’s make it a point to engage Spirit in our plans for the future, to assure they come to pass in the greatest manner possible.

Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.

Chiron Retrograde Is An Opportunity For Deep Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA lesser-known celestial body to watch if one is metaphysically inclined is the planet-like asteroid or comet known as Chiron, which orbits between the planets Saturn and Uranus. It is named after the wise centaur in Greek mythology who could heal others, but not himself, and is associated with the archetype of the ‘wounded healer.’

Chiron went retrograde recently on July 19th and its reverse trajectory will last until December 23rd, 2022. This astrological event will challenge us, as Chiron symbolizes the unhealed pain and unresolved past traumas we still carry within. It represents our deepest, core wound and our efforts to heal that wound. The good news is, despite a retrograde cycle bringing challenge, it also bring opportunity for expansion and growth.

Chiron is currently in the fiery, action-oriented sign of Aries where it will remain until the year 2026. This is a difficult placement, because Chiron is all about deep introspection, delicate shadow work and patiently working towards the healing of old wounds, while Aries has little patience in such matters and just wants to ‘get on with it.’

You may feel tempted to rush into the core of your pain and trauma due to this retrograde, but be sensible instead and take a step back. This retrograde period does offer a powerful opportunity for working on inner healing and forgiveness, but take a measured approach and do not foolishly rush in where angels may fear to tread. Give yourself permission to honor slow, steady processing, healing and growth. Healing is like a seed we plant; it takes time for an acorn to grow into an oak tree.

If you find your temper and emotions flaring, remember to breathe, use mantras, and positively visualize your outcome. New growth takes place after a wildfire (Aries) and this is an excellent time to start anew, while overcoming old traumas.

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Astrology Forecast August 1 – 7, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCommunication, research, and innovation are the themes of the week as the Moon travels through thought-provoking signs and Mercury moves into the idealistic sign of Virgo on Thursday.

With a Virgo Moon overhead today, we’ll start the week out by organizing and refining our thoughts, goals, and plans for the future.

The Mars and Uranus conjunction in Taurus this morning will further boost our energy levels and will keep us focused on our goals for the week ahead. However, don’t allow your determination and focus to turn into an impulsive and stubborn mindset. Rules are there for a reason, so don’t foolishly break them because you feel somewhat unstoppable this morning!

Tomorrow and Wednesday we’ll be striving for balance under the Libra Moon, double-checking facts, and making sure our ideas are sound and attainable.

The Venus in Cancer sextile with Uranus in Taurus tomorrow morning will be the ideal time to ask that special someone out on a date. Venus and Uranus in this constellation tends to make people more open and receptive to to romance, love and new connections, so strike while the iron is hot!

Mercury will move into Virgo, one of the signs it rules, on Thursday, speeding up our thoughts and inspiring our visions for the next three weeks. Combined with a Scorpio Moon, we’ll move beyond the tangible and consider alternate ways to bring our dreams into reality.

The pace will slow a bit over the weekend, as the Sagittarius Moon encourages us to lighten the pace and spend more time interacting with others in social and fun-loving ways. Just be sure to write down those flashes of brilliance when they pop up this week, for further investigation next week.

Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.

The Wise Approach To Mercury Retrograde

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According to astrology, our lives can be in upheaval when Mercury goes Retrograde. Its effects can be felt by anyone, regardless of your zodiac sign.

However, some signs may be more sensitive to its influence than others. This is because Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, and people with strong placements of these signs in their birth charts may be more likely to experience disruptions in communication, technology, and transportation during a Mercury retrograde.

Although this concept is widely touted in the spiritual and metaphysical communities, I find that many people affected by it do not understand its true meaning and are not well informed on how best to deal with it.

Mercury retrograde is indeed a challenging cosmic influence. It tends to feel like we have just finished one round of it, and the next one is already looming on the horizon.

A common side effect of Mercury Retrograde for many people is unexplained nervous energy or restlessness. You feel anxious and stressed about everything, and you can’t figure out why? Sometimes you feel anxious about things that have never bothered you in the past.

You may also have a hard time concentrating on things. Retrograde energy can throw even the most calm and centered person off balance.

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Astrology Forecast July 25 – 31, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you have a busy schedule at work this week, brace yourself for a challenging few days ahead. The Moon wades through Cancer today until Wednesday, leaving us with a preference for rest and relaxation at home, instead of drive and ambition, which is not ideal energy for the first three days of a demanding work week.

However, if you are fortunate to be spending time at home this week, use this restorative lunar energy to revitalize your soul and recharge your body and mind.

Tomorrow morning the Cancer Moon square Jupiter in Aries will further increase our sense of laziness and wanting to chill out. Until Thursday, we may therefore have to dig deep to persevere, stay on track, and get stuff done.

By tomorrow afternoon, the situation may degenerate even further when Mercury in Leo squares Mars in Taurus. This energy may cause our sense of laziness and procrastination to turn into hypersensitivity to criticism, sarcasm, intolerance, and even aggressive behaviour. If you find yourself spiralling, take some time out and gather your emotions…before you do or say something you might later regret.

Come Thursday, the Leo New Moon will set the stage for active change and restore our vision for the future. Jupiter will also turn retrograde on this day, traveling backward until the end of November. Jupiter Retrograde is an opportunity to step back and consider what we want to manifest in our lives, as well as pointing out where we may need to change direction, or how to focus on achieving what we want. During this phase, there will be a lot of shifts and changes in our perception, as well as our thinking. It can help us separate our ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ from our ‘desires.’

We will close out the week under a Taurus Moon, which encourages physical activity and a reality check as we evaluate our surroundings and clear out clutter to make way for a new cycle of attainment. Translation: out with the old, in with the new.

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