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astrological shift

Astrology Forecast May 22 – 28, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlright, alright, alright!” isn’t just a famous line from the teen movie Dazed and Confused (1993), it is also an appropriate theme for this week’s cool cosmic vibes and easy-going energies.

With the most impactful planetary shifts for the month completed, we can proceed this week with calm, confidence and grace – even if we may not be entirely sure where we’re headed yet. Treating each day as a new adventure and being open to whatever happens is definitely the way to cruise through the coming week.

A Cancer Moon casts a calm, if somewhat ethereal atmosphere today and tomorrow. We may not get much done, but it will not be a waste of time as our focus will be on the goodness of interpersonal relationships, creature comforts, and taking things easy.

The Cancer Moon trine with Saturn in Pisces around midday, followed by a sextile with Mercury in Taurus this afternoon, offers a perfect opportunity for presenting a sales pitch, doing marketing, or having a business meeting. Making a good social impression, effective communication, closing deals and sound financial descisions will all be easier than usual.

The Moon travels through Leo on Wednesday through Friday, encouraging us to focus on ourselves and our self-care needs. Of course, we should remain available if someone needs our help, but for the most part, being selfish is not a liability under the Leo Moon.

After a week of ‘just being,’ the Virgo Moon will bring us back to reality on Saturday and Sunday.

Astrology Forecast May 15 – 21, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGet ready to rock and roll this week, as several important astrological shifts take place and reset the tone for the next few months.

Today’s Aries Moon offers a perfect start to a successful work week by boosting our energy levels and assertiveness. We feel mentally sharp and confident today to take on even the most difficult challenges. The Aries Moon sextile with Pluto in Aquarius this morning will add fuel to the fire with a heightened sense of adventure and fearless risk-taking!

The sign of Taurus takes center stage this week, starting with Jupiter’s move into the sign of the bull on Tuesday, which will inspire us with a more grounded and ambitious focus for the next few years.

The Moon enters Taurus on Wednesday for the remainder of the work week, culminating in a Taurus New Moon on Friday. New Moons signal a two-week cycle of fresh starts and new beginnings, so this is the ideal time to take all those brilliant ideas you’ve been pondering and start putting them into action.

Mars will move into the vibrant sign of Leo on Friday and spend the next two months encouraging us to shine brightly in the world. Mars thrives in fire signs, and Leo is no exception. It’s a good time to share more of your gifts and talents with the world! And if you haven’t been tooting your own horn lately, the Sun will dance into Gemini on Sunday and encourage you to broadcast your brilliance out to the world for the next four weeks.

Astrology Forecast May 8 – 14, 2023

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The main astrological event to look forward to this week is Mercury turning direct on Sunday! However, keep in mind that the effects of Mercury retrograde energy can become more profound as the planet prepares to change direction, so electronic glitches, miscommunication and travel issues could be more distinct through this week.

Today’s Sagittarius Moon casts a happy-go-lucky vibe, and though we may not get much done, we can make up for lost time tomorrow and Wednesday, when the Moon marches through Capricorn.

In fact, tomorrow promises to be an exceptional day for professional success, business prowess and getting important things done. A Capricorn Moon sextile with Saturn in Pisces, as well as a trine with Mercury in Taurus will imbue us Tuesday morning with an increased sense of responsiblity, goal-setting, organization and even effective communication, despite the retrograde return. It will therefore be a good time to schedule that important staff meeting or group zoom call.

Beware however Tuesday afternoon’s Taurus Sun conjunction with Uranus, as it may cause us to be highly individualistic, self-absorbed and rebellious. As tempting as it may feel in the moment, this will not be the best time to pick a fight with your employer, or challenge the authority of your team leader.

Thursday and Friday’s Aquarius Moon will prematurely get us in the mood for a fun, social weekend, so it may take some effort to stay focused on work responsibilities, instead of cutting loose and doing something crazy. The energy over these two days will however benefit creatives, as this lunar aspect inspires imagination and our flair for design.

The weekend unfolds under an easygoing, cheerful Pisces Moon. Remember however that desite Mercury turning direct Sunday night, retrograde energy tends to linger for another week or two during the aftermath known as the retrograde ‘shadow.’

Astrology Forecast May 1 – 7, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith Pluto turning retrograde today and a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse waxing full on Friday, this could prove a challenging week. Patience, flexibility, and counting to ten will be essential to getting through the week unscathed.

We may however not notice the Pluto shift today, since it is an outer planet, but the Virgo Moon could bring out our intense side. The more we resist this change, the harder things may become, so try to move through the day with an open mind and heart.

The Libra Moon on Tuesday and Wednesday will create a more gentle flow of energy mid-week, allowing us to stand back and observe rather than act. Viewing things from a more balanced perspective will keep you grounded and on track.

The Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse on Friday could create much conflict, so the main thing will be to choose our battles wisely. When in doubt, stay out of the drama it may stimulate. Keep in mind that Scorpio is a sign that can cast much fear and doubt, which may or may not be real. So,  pay close attention to whatever information you receive and then bide your time for at least a few days before you act on any of it. On an up note, this can also create a time of release, when we can let go of misguided notions or efforts we’ve been making that keep us going around in circles.

The week ends on a sweeter note, when Venus moves into the heartwarming sign of Cancer and turns our attention to home and family for the next four weeks.

Astrology Forecast April 24 – 30, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAfter last week’s cosmic excitement, we’ll find some solace as the Moon drifts through Cancer today through Wednesday, giving us time to regroup, reorganize and tend to personal chores and obligations.

The pace picks up again on Thursday when the Moon moves into Leo and restores our energy and drive. For the next few days, we can reset our goals and review our directions before we move forward, as with the Sun now in Taurus, it’s time to take our ideas and put them into action!

We’ll also want to stop and look around to see how we can help others, as well as reconnecting with friends and family to make sure they are doing okay. Thursday evening’s Leo Half Moon might however invoke disagreement and conflict, especially with family, so think twice before you react and do not take the bait.

Friday may prove to be challenging in terms of communication and interacting with others. A Leo Moon square with Mercury in Taurus in the morning, as well as a Leo Moon square with Uranus in Taurus in the afternoon, could have us struggling to stay focused and clearly convey our thoughts and feelings. Don’t speak or act hastily, and double check emails and text messages before sending, as it may contain incorrect details or go out to the wrong recipients! Also, avoid getting into unnecessary arguments, as willfulness, irritablity and mood swings are more likely under these aspects.

Sunday is the perfect day to finish up our spring cleaning, as the Virgo Moon combines with the Taurus Sun and inspires a clearing out of clutter, garage sales, or gathering items to go in the donation bin. Even if you’d rather be taking it easy and relaxing, promise yourself you’ll clean out or at least organize one area of your house; you’ll be glad you did.

Astrology Forecast April 17 – 23, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAn interesting astrological week lies ahead as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, followed by an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. If you have placements in any of the cardinal signs, namely in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, this first solar eclipse of the year will affect you more.

Tomorrow afternoon the Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune may cause us to be distracted and immersed in daydreams, as well as overly sensitive, emotional and even anxious. Keep calm and try to stay focused until the Moon transits into Aries tonight to restore our mental clarity, energy levels and confidence to take on life’s challenges.

Leading up to the Solar Eclipse and Sun sign transition on Thursday, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Aries Moon will cast excitement in the air. We’ll feel a signigicant change is coming, even if we don’t know what it is yet.

Thursday’s hybrid solar eclipse in Aries is a rare and beautiful phenomenon, as it is both a total and an annular eclipse. During an annular eclipse the edge of the Sun remains visible, creating a lovely bright ring of light around the shadow of the Moon.

This solar eclipse is a powerful time to review our dreams and goals, set clear intentions, and embrace new possibilities. If you need a significant breakthrough in your career, business or romance, then make the most of this potentially life-changing energy with a prayer, meditation, affirmations, or visualization. This is also the second Aries New Moon in just three weeks, so it reaffirms the energy of the previous, encouraging us to put ourselves out there and create new magic and miracles!

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Empower Yourself With Astrological Intention

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAstrology is to me like a metaphysical best friend. It is a way to reflect in the mirror and expand my personal growth. By applying it daily over the past decade my life has become more mindful, and miraculous. I’ve also noticed that challenging astrological aspects, such as squares and oppositions, have become easier for me to deal with.

An astrological square is considered one of the more adverse aspects in a chart. This placement is when two planets are separated by three zodiac signs and therefore positioned at a 90-degree angle in the chart at the time of birth. This creates competing tension between the energies of these two planets which neither can win, forcing them to compromise and somehow meet each other halfway.

An astrological opposition is another extremely challenging aspect in a chart. This placement happens when two planets are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac at 180 degrees apart. This means these two planets are in opposing signs and as far apart as they can possibly be on the astrological wheel. Their unique energies are therefore polar opposite, causing conflict, drama, and power clashes.

I keep track of these events in my chart because I incorporate daily astrological intentions in my life as part of my spiritual routine. My practice is to map out each day’s relevant transits and to then meditate on the significant aspects. I  also pray for assistance where needed, such as with the significant squares and oppositions in my daily chart. Then, I go about my day.

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