July 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
July 6 – 12
Mercury will go direct this Sunday, after three weeks of shifting our perceptions and interfering with our movement. However, bear in mind it typically takes a week to straighten out completely, after it turns around, so we’re not out of the woods yet!
Misplaced cards or documents, electronic glitches, and emails and texts that aren’t sent or received may still happen. Continue to practice patience to see what the messages are behind Mercury’s shenanigans!
The Aquarius Moon could shift our movements on an hourly basis on Monday or Tuesday, so don’t hang on to your plans when they go astray! The Pisces Moon will take center stage on Wednesday, moving us through the rest of the workweek in flowing and easy-going ways.
Action is the theme over the weekend, as the Moon charges through Aries and energizes all our movements. There won’t be much trouble on Sunday, as the day Mercury turns around and changes direction is usually fairly benign.
A Sweetening Ritual To Rekindle Your Love
The traditional love spell is a metaphysical practice that is ill-advised and extremely selfish, because it aims to influence and interfere with someone else´s free will. This is never a good idea. The endulzamiento or ‘sweetening’ ritual, also known as a ‘honey jar spell,’ is a better and safer alternative.
A sweetening has similar aims as a love spell, but its mechanism is very different. It is a simple act that seeks to attract higher, more positive energy to your relationship. It´s about finding a better way for both you and your partner. It aims to improve communication and find the best in each-other. In essence one can describe it as ‘kindness magic.’
A sweetening not only enhances positive feelings and attitudes in the relationship, but also seeks to remove all negative feelings and attitudes. For this reason, a sweetening is always considered to be a good metaphysical strategy when difficulties and conflicts are causing damage in your relationship.
Execute a sweetening when you feel you need to save your relationship, or when you want to reawaken the feelings and get the renewed attention of that someone special in your life.
Many people forget what a passionate, intimate, warm and satisfying relationship is like. I have seen many couples wear themselves out with routine, complacency, getting stuck in a rut and taking each other for granted. In time it leads to boredom, emotional exhaustion, unwanted tension, and conflict at every turn.
As it happens gradually, we typically do not notice the decline of passion in our relationships, and we get used to living with a second-rate version of our original love. That initial loving feeling tends to grow cold with the passing of the months and years. A sweetening ritual is the perfect recipe to recover the nature and quality of that original relationship.
June 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
June 1 – 7
The exciting news this week is Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! Lunar and solar eclipses always come in pairs, with one following the other in a period of two weeks. So, this week’s Lunar Eclipse will be followed by a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st.
Eclipses set the tone for the next six months, so these lunations will usher in a time of focusing on our perceptions of home, family, security and emotional issues. Over the next two weeks, watch for new insights and clarity that emerge from honoring our emotions and tending to our hearts.
Monday’s Libra Moon will cast a centering energy over us all. The Moon will travel through Scorpio on Tuesday and Wednesday, evoking our spiritual and intuitive sides to the surface. The lunar eclipse occurs under a Sagittarius Full Moon (also known as a Strawberry Moon) and asks us to release inhibitions and restrictions that are holding us back.
If we’ve got anything important to accomplish on the home front, Sunday’s Capricorn Moon will give us the energy to tackle and complete unfinished tasks.
June 8 – 14
A nice quiet week awaits, as we move through the two current eclipses occurring in June. Monday’s Capricorn Moon will make this the most productive day of the week, moving us through our tasks and obligations at record speed.
Under Tuesday and Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon, our inventive and social sides will emerge. Focusing on friendships and solutions to current problems, we should be mindful of our emotions and intuitive urgings.
The Truth About Life’s Choices
There are certain cards in the Tarot that are more commonly associated with our life choices. The Two of Swords, Two of Wands, Two of Pentacles, and Justice, to name just a few. Many other cards also indicate choices we have to make, and where these cards fall in a layout will often influence the direction of the Tarot reading itself.
Choices and decisions are present in almost every good psychic reading. When we are faced with challenges or opportunities in life, it almost always presents itself in the form of a choice. But there is a lot more that goes into making wise choices, other than simply weighing out the ‘pros and cons.’
During a psychic reading, your advisor can usually see what is at the root of the situation, including your own intentions and the motivations of others. Your reader can also verify what decision will support you on a soul level, as well as in your best interest and for your highest good.
Often, what feels right to your mind, is wrong for your heart. A great example of this is when you are considering taking a job offer that has a high pay scale, but is not a good fit for your skill set, or what we really enjoy doing.
Making the right choices in life is actually what prompts most people to call for a psychic reading. We all want to know if we are seeing our current scenario through a clear lens, as well as get a glimpse into the future, to see which choices will lead to the best outcomes. These types of choices are typically clear-cut, and they have to be made, such as deciding about a new job, choosing a place to live, or taking things to the next level in a romantic relationship.
When Too-Close-For-Comfort Reveals The Truth
So, here is something new, which I have not heard before in my work: distraught clients asking for help while quarantined with their partner or spouse. For some, being cooped up with their significant other is apparently not going very well!
The circumstances that we are all going through at the moment, is forcing us to take another look at our closest relationships and see if they are meant to be long lasting, or if it is only a chapter or season in our life. Some relationships start off wonderful like a TV commercial, one minute it is heavenly, and then one day not so much.
So, let me share a recent Tarot reading I did for a gentleman, who said it helped them a lot during this too-close-for-comfort time at home with his wife. Who knows, maybe it will be of value to you too? It might just rescue your mental health, happiness and well-being…until they let the two of you out of the house again.
He said that he is a great problem-solver, but just can’t figure out how to make this marriage work. He never saw certain aspects of his wife’s personality, until he has now been forced to have to be around her for a very long extended period of time during the Covid-19 lockdown. He also admitted that sometimes it’s hard to really connect his feelings to things going on in his life, only because he “can be moody.” But we soon discovered the real truth about his toxic relationship.
In the reading, I saw that he has had many relationships in his life and he acknowledged that he had been married several times. I said that I felt it did not work out because he didn’t get the necessary support he needed from his mates in the past.