Astrology Forecast April 3 – 9, 2023
The way to get through this week without getting ‘wounded in combat’ is to choose your battles very wisely. In fact, it may be best to sit on the sidelines and let everyone else duke it out over the next few days! Taking things in our stride, biding our time, and holding fast to the ultimate goal, will help us to maneuver the ups and downs of the week.
We can set a cautious tone for the week by keeping our ego in check today under an idealistic Virgo Moon, as well as the inflexible attitude of Mercury in Taurus. These aspects may have us thinking our ideas and opinions are the best and cause us to dig our heels in, and perhaps we are correct, but striving for teamwork, being more flexible, and considering the needs and sensitivities of others will serve us best this week.
Grace, harmony and self-awareness will be a little easier to maintain once the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, where it remain until it waxes full on Thursday. But watch your step Wednesday morning under the Libra Moon square with Mars in Cancer, as this aspect is known for causing people to be more easily triggered, impulsive, and even argumentative.
The Libra Full Moon on Thursday may continue to have us feeling moody, irritable and restless. It will however also entice us to let go of our preconceived ideas entirely once it peaks and a new and better dream emerges under Friday and Saturday’s Scorpio Moon.
Things may however be heating up again by Sunday. Watch out for more assertive energy, as the Sagittarius Moon will combine forces with the Aries Sun to bring out the aggressive, stubborn qualities in people.
Astrology Forecast March 27 – April 2, 2023
We feel quite invincible as the week begins, sharing our thoughts and hopes with anyone who’ll listen under today’s Gemini Moon. With all the planetary activity we experienced last week, this week is a good time of reprieve to turn inward and ask for spiritual direction before we make our next move.
This morning’s Gemini Moon sextile with Jupiter in Aries is a golden opportunity for business prospects, making lucrative deals and boosting our finances. This winning business streak will be carried forward tomorrow by a Cancer Moon trine with Saturn in Pisces, which will be an ideal time for that sales pitch or strategic business meeting. So, seize the moment and make lots of money!
On Wednesday, the Cancer Moon sextile with Venus in Taurus will inspire love and romance. Treat that special person in your life to a romantic lunch in the park, or spontaneously go on that blind date your friends have been nagging you about. Be careful however not to let your social life distract too much from your work and other responsibilities.
With the Moon traveling through Leo Thursday through Saturday, we’ll be drawn to focus on ourselves. Increased self-care, commitment to healthier living, and restoring our energy balance of give and take are all essential strategies now, before we don our spiritual armor and set out to slay all those dragons standing in the way of our dreams.
The Virgo Moon holds reign on Sunday, inspiring us to clear a physical path to our goals, so addressing clutter, clearing out our cyber inboxes, and organizing our homes and schedules will be a theme.
Astrology Forecast March 20 – 26, 2023
Expect a busy week. This week will be a decisive, inspired, action-oriented time that will feel like the actual beginning of the New Year for many of us. If you have been procrastinating with your goals for 2023, or been putting off making important life decisions, this week’s planetary energies are bound to change that!
The hustle and bustle begins with today being very special date for astrologers and metaphysicians everywhere, as we are celebrating International Astrology Day! This special holiday is observed every year on the day of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). No matter where you are in the world, the length of day and night is equal today. The Spring Equinox also marks the beginning of a new astrological year, because the Sun moves into Aries today to mark the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac year.
The Aries Sun will revive us on many levels this week, as we cast off the pessimism, overthinking, indecision, and sometimes lazy vibes of Pisces, to enter a cycle of fiery creativity, passion, inspiration, and assertive action. The next four weeks can prove very fruitful and exciting for those who confidently embrace the energies of the new zodac year. Aries is high energy, upfront, and fast-paced, so make the most of this energy to propel yourself into new adventures.
To add to the excitement, tomorrow’s Aries New Moon will add further fuel to the fire to inspire fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings. This New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for the rest of the year.
The Healing Energies Of Plant Spirits
Here in Latin America there is a rich tradition of herbalism and ceremonial, shamanic spiritual medicine. There has also been in recent times a global revival of plant medicine and natural healing practices, as well as a renewed interest in related indigenous wisdom traditions found in many cultures all over the world.
As a result of modern science, we have largely abandoned and forgotten the fountain of knowledge the aborigines had regarding healing and natural harmony. It took us several centuries to realize what we have lost and overlooked in the process.
Herbalism is however not only about natural medicine potentially having fewer side effects than modern pharmaceuticals. It is also about the innate energetic qualities we share with a particular plant. This approach to healin stems from a worldview that fully integrates man and nature.
In local tradition, near the Andes, the timing is just as important as the type of plant used for healing purposes. Depending on the season, or the phase of moon, for instance, the plant’s properties will vary, and its effectiveness less than optimal if used at the inappropriate time.
Both the healer and their patient’s attitude towards the plant itself is also an important factor in the healing process, as the respect and gratitude shown to the plant will determine its healing ability.
In shamanic herbalist practices it vital to understand that all entities are considered to have elemental energy, including plants and humans. This is the metaphysical premise of all plant medicine and magic. In fact, for the traditional herbalist all plants have spirits. And each one has specific faculties and properties at different levels or frequencies that can heal us in mind, body and soul.
A Brief History Of Astrology
The energies of the planets and stars affect us on many levels every day, whether we were aware of it or not. The earliest humans looked especially to the movements and phases of the Sun and Moon to guide them in their decisions about when to hunt, when to plant and harvest, and when to prepare for winter or migrate.
From this evolved the practice and study of Astrology. The early civilizations of Mesopotamia were the first to observe the patterns formed by stars in the galaxy as long ago as 3000 BC, while Indian astrology began to emerge as far back as 1200 BC.
The original astrologers identified five ‘wandering stars,’ which together with the sun and moon became the seven original ‘planets.’ More planets were of course identified over time, as technology advanced to introduce the telescope and other astronomical devises.
The Babylonians are generally credited for first developing formal Astrology, because they developed astrological charts to predict the recurrence of the seasons and certain celestial events. Centuries later, Ancient Egypt and Greece discovered Babylonian Astrology, where it soon became highly regarded as a science and was eventually also embraced by the Romans, as well as in the Middle East. In time, its popularity spread throughout the rest of the world. Today, we still use the Roman names for the zodiac signs.
Meanwhile, separate systems of Astrology also emerged in India, China, and Mesoamerica. It remains unclear whether the Babylonian, Indian (known today as Hindu or Vedic Astrology) and Chinese systems of Astrology evolved in isolation and independently, or whether they mutually influenced each other. There are many similarities between these systems, but also many distinct differences. Scholars have been studying and debating this for centuries, but the matter remains inconclusive.
Creating A Crystal Energy Jar Based On Your Astrology Chart
When thinking of Astrology, most people only know their Sun sign. This chart placement indicates the core essence of the person’s traits and personality. However, many other astrological influences shape our lives, including our Moon sign, Ascendant sign, and Midheaven placement.
Each of us also has a unique astrological birth chart with planets and stars in certain placements, meaning that it is exceptionally rare that two people might have the same natal chart. Even twins with seemingly identical birth charts will usually have small variances in their charts, depending on the amount of time that passed between the first and second birth.
On the rare occasion that two people do have identical charts they are known as ‘time twins.’ For this to be possible, they must be born in the same year, on the same day, no more than 15 minutes apart, and within at least a 10-mile (16 km) radius from each other.
Similarly, each individual crystal and gemstone is also unique and can be used to celebrate the uniqueness of your birth chart, despite it being the birthstone for everyone who shares your zodiac sign. Crystals and stones reflect and magnify the energies we exude, and they can be used as a powerful tool in your spiritual practice.
Something special you can create is a specialty crystal jar to reflect the uniqueness of your own astrological identity by harnessing the energies embodied by certain crystals and stones.
A New Life On Another Planet
Scientists and thought leaders have been investigating the possibility of humans being able to live on another planet for many years now. Mars specifically is considered a viable option for future human settlement as there is water on the planet, although it is currently mostly present in the form ice, as well as in small quantities of vapor in the atmosphere. Whether another planet’s environment can become a liveable world for humans however remains to be seen.
But what if this interplanetary relocation does become possible someday soon? I have been contemplating such a drastic change of location for myself and it brought up many interesting questions and personal insights.
Firstly, why would I want to leave this known world that I have become so familiar with? Of course, one cannot dispute the fact there is lot of turmoil on planet Earth, including extreme weather, wildfires, floods, droughts, and even the possibility of food shortages, which does not seem to forebode good things for our long-term future. However, we also have much to be grateful for. The ongoing challenges and setbacks we face on the planet are also balanced with much abundance, prosperity, and well-being. Humans have always found new ways to survive and come up with viable solutions to help us sustain a successful, liveable environment.
So, if we eventually have the option to permanently relocate, after being shown without any doubt that a new home in a faraway dimension would certainly be in our best interest, what will induce us to take such a big step? Perhaps we may be convinced by the hope that we could start over in total peace and harmony, having already learned and understood that doing things in certain ways would not be for the greater good and in the best interest of all.