capricorn moon
Astrology Forecast August 8 – 14, 2022
Getting the week started may prove challenging this morning with a Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in Pisces, as well as a Venus in Cancer opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Make every effort to guard against laziness, self-indulgent behavior and a passive attitude, as it may set things back for the rest of the week. It will however be all work and little play by this afternoon, as the Moon shifting in Capricorn will insist we now get down to business and make things happen!
The Capricorn Moon will keep us under pressure to perform until Thursday, when the Aquarius Full Moon insists on a sudden shift in direction amplified by Venus moving into fiery Leo. This combination will bring out our fiery and dramatic personality traits, tempting us to put work on the back burner and let our passions and imagination carry us into another dimension. Venus in Leo also lures us into seeking beauty and pleasure. Be careful not to over-indulge and remember that less is more.
The trend continues Friday afternoon with the Moon moving into Pisces causing us to be dreamy and somewhat self-absorbed. Friday evening’s Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus is however a social highlight for the week, as it will be a great time to go out with friends and have some fun! Alternatively, it will also be the perfect evening for a romantic date night of ‘Netflix and chill’ with that special someone.
The remainder of the weekend will continue to unfold under a karmic Pisces Moon, calling us back to ourselves to spend a few days soul-searching and connecting with our higher source. It’s one thing to come up with a great plan, and yet another to empower it by joining hands with spirit to manifest our dreams, so let’s make it a point to engage Spirit in our plans for the future, to assure they come to pass in the greatest manner possible.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.
Astrology Forecast July 11 – 17, 2022
Today should turn out to be an easy-going day, and though we may not get much done under the Sagittarius Moon, a sense of rebalancing and renewal will surround us.
But caution is advised in domestic affairs this evening, as two aspects may cause some emotional upheaval at home. The Sagittarius Moon opposition with Venus in Gemini can lead to unbridled passion and overreactive feelings, while the Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in Pisces may further cause us to be hypersensitive, anxious, even neurotic. Make every effort to set the scene for a calm, tranquil evening and leave unresolved work issues at the office. Tomorrow is another day.
Tuesday’s Capricorn Moon will get us back on track with obligations, and as it waxes full on Wednesday, we’re sure to get a lot of things on our list completed. We will feel especially fired up around midday tomorrow, when a Capricorn Moon trine Mars in Taurus will infuse us with resourcefulness, determination and practical action. Wednesday morning the Capricorn Moon trine Uranus in Taurus will add an additional flair of focus, persuasiveness, optimism, and new solutions to old problems.
Brainstorming and interactive discussions will futher improve our productivity under Thursday and Friday’s Aquarius Moon, and we may even be inspired to join a discussion or group to share our ideas with the world at large.
A peaceful weekend awaits as the Sun drifts through Pisces, punctuated by Venus’ entry into Cancer on Sunday. This could be the perfect weekend to get out and find some new items for your home, practice a little feng shui or clear out clutter to restore and refresh your surroundings.
Astrology Forecast June 13 – 19, 2022
Tomorrow’s Sagittarius Full Moon is the star of the show this week, emanating a joyful and optimistic energy all around us.
Full Moons are known for marking a time of release, so we should spend the next two weeks releasing old fears or worries, letting go of things that no longer bring us joy or fulfillment in our lives, and making a plan for new goals and activities that will enrich our lives.
Today and tomorrow’s Sagittarius Moon could however make it difficult to get anything done, as we’d rather want to play than work.
Fortunately Mercury in Gemini will help to even the score by inspiring us with mental acuity and curiosity. Use this energy to at least make some new plans or do research on that trip you have been putting off.
Once the Moon moves into Capricorn on Wednesday and Thursday, we’ll have no trouble making up for lost work time.
Remember to watch your step Wednesday morning under the Capricorn Moon square Jupiter in Aries, as this aspect has a the potential to get us into trouble with the law and the authorities. It can also be the catalyst for upheaval in romantic relationships.
Prepare to expect the unexpected as the Moon charges through Aquarius on Friday and Saturday, upending plans or presenting a better idea in its wake. Just remember to remain flexible and open to the shifts, as the Universe will be driving the bus on those days.
A Pisces Moon on Sunday will add a more relaxing energy to the day, promoting easy-going and restful activities, as well as the chance to regroup after a busy week.
Astrology Forecast May 16 – 22, 2022
The week flows along relatively smoothly (not counting any Mercury retrograde glitches!) as we prepare to welcome the Sun’s entry into Gemini on Friday.
We’ll keep a light-hearted focus as the Moon moves through Sagittarius today and tomorrow. This morning’s Sagittarius Moon trine Jupiter in Aries is an ideal constellation to start a week, as it is associated with both financial gains and social prowess. But be careful not to let this afternoon’s Sagittarius Moon opposition to Mercury in Gemini undo all your earlier optimism and hard work with fickle, erratic thinking and hasty actions.
When the Moon moves through Capricorn on Wednesday and Thursday, it’s all work and no play, so we’ll have to put our noses to the grindstone and take care of business! Once completed though, we’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment, which will leave us free to embrace a weekend of social activities and intellectual pursuits.
The Moon will move into Aquarius on Friday, and combined with the Sun’s entry into Gemini, fill us with ideas, inspiration, and innovation! This is the time to start brainstorming for new ideas or searching for the answers to long-standing mysteries.
With the Sun in Gemini for the next four weeks, it’s also a great time to reconnect with long-lost friends or go in search of our soulmates.
Make it a point to take things easy on Sunday as the Moon dances through spiritual Pisces, focusing on pursuits that feed your soul.
Astrology Forecast April 18 – 24, 2022
The Sun will move into Taurus tomorrow, turning our attention to our physical, material reality for the next four weeks. Taurus is an earth sign and it channels the Sun’s energy into tangible change, alerting us to where we need to ‘up our game’ in regard to health, finance and security. This is potentially a time of attainment, where after much effort, we will reach important goals. For example, graduating from high school or college, or finally purchasing a home or other big-ticket item.
The week starts off with a Scorpio Moon today, where things might seem a bit ethereal, but take heart, as once it moves into Sagittarius tomorrow, things will become much clearer.
This morning’s Aries Sun square Pluto in Capricorn can cause some tension and upheaval, leading us to be impulsive, argumentative and arrogant. This aspect creates a high risk energy for road rage and accidents, so if you commute to work drive carefully, keep calm, and be highly aware.
This afternoon the Scorpio Moon trine Jupiter in Pisces offers the potential for both social success and material gains, so put in some extra effort after lunch to get that deal or score that sale.
Thursday and Friday are the days to mark your calendar for productivity, as the Capricorn Moon can aid in any projects or work obligations you’ve been meaning to get to.
We’ll relax over the weekend under an Aquarius Moon, seeking out friends, family and new acquaintances to connect with and share fun times with.
Astrology Forecast March 21 – 27, 2022
It’s time to refresh our perspective and create a plan of action as the season of spring begins (autumn in the southern hemisphere) and we experience a rebirth on all levels!
The week opens under a Scorpio Moon, which will give us an intense focus today and tomorrow, making this a good time to evaluate, reflect and restructure our plans for the future.
Beware the Scorpio Moon square Mars in Aquarius this morning, followed by an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. These two aspects may cause us to be impatient, moody, irritable and disagreeable.
Getting into an argument with your partner our spouse is more likely this morning, which may turn your day into a manic Monday, that may culminate in feeling depressed and miserable tonight under the Scorpio Moon square Saturn in Aquarius. Stay calm and grounded today, things will ease up by tomorrow!
A more light-hearted energy prevails on Wednesday and Thursday under the fair-minded and fun-loving Sagittarius Moon. Friday and Saturday’s Capricorn Moon indicates an ideal time to address financial and health issues, as we make a commitment to live more structured and nurturing lives.
Our thoughts will be inspired on Sunday as Mercury moves into the creative sign of Aries and the Moon dances into innovative and imaginative Aquarius!
All in all this week is a great start to the astrological new year, where we’ll get a third chance to dust off those resolutions and start taking actions that will move us closer to our ideals and dreams!