astrological transits
Astrological Forecast December 14 – 20, 2020
We’ve got a full parade of planetary aspects going on this week, including the Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse, as well as Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all changing signs. The Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse greets us first this morning, kicking off a new six-month cycle of renewed focus, new beginnings and unexpected opportunities.
This is a powerful time to set new intentions for manifestations of abundance in your life. Sagittarius is all about justice, fairness and light-hearted fun, perfect for the holidays and New Year that is just around the corner. We may soon find ourselves immersed in speculating about what to expect from 2021, but first, there’s the holiday celebrations to contend with!
Venus moves into Sagittarius tomorrow, amplifying the holidays and social interaction. Saturn moves into Aquarius on Wednesday, urging us to break free of tradition or restrictions, and to do more of our own thing over the next six months. Jupiter will join Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday, followed by Mercury entering a more grounded Capricorn on Sunday. With all these astrological shifts occurring in one week, we can be certain that change, big change, is coming our way, heralding a promising start to the coming New Year!
Astrological Forecast November 30 – December 6, 2020
A lunar eclipse greets us today, as the Gemini Moon (also known as the Frosty Moon) waxes full and marks the first of two eclipses this month, along with a significant shift in direction for the next six months. Eclipses tend to come in pairs, one lunar and one solar, and the solar eclipse will occur in two weeks, on Monday, December 14th. During this cycle, we need to step back and go within to prepare for new beginnings, release the past, and consider a new focus for the start of 2021. This week’s lunar eclipse encourages us to put aside our emotions, and look more closely at the tangible, practical aspects of our lives.
Mercury will move into Sagittarius tomorrow, turning our thoughts to the coming holiday season. Under Wednesday and Thursday’s Cancer Moon, we may feel inspired to begin decorating our homes for the celebrations ahead or, at the very least, take a closer look at creating more flow and harmony in our surroundings. The remainder of the week unfolds under a Leo Moon, calling us to practice care and generosity not only with those around us, but also with ourselves. It’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves during the astrological eclipses, so the most important thing we can do this weekend will be to put ourselves first!
Astrological Forecast November 23 – 29, 2020
The only significant astrological event on the agenda this week is Neptune turning direct on Saturday, after a five month retrograde cycle. Since it’s a subtle aspect, it should pass almost unnoticed! Although Neptune is a karmic planet that tends to move in the background, it has a higher purpose to direct us spiritually, allowing us to connect with our higher self, as well as our magical powers. As it shifts direction, this is a wonderful time to explore our intuitive, psychic and mystical gifts.
It may feel like we’re running in circles under today’s Pisces Moon, but as it grounds itself in Aries tomorrow, we’ll have three days to gather our wits about us, and prepare for Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend. We’ll greet the traditional ‘Black Friday’ shopping rush under a Taurus Moon, which bodes well for finding great bargains or regrouping after over-doing it on Thursday.
Our best bet this weekend is to focus on intellectual and social pursuits, as the Neptune shift on Saturday and the Gemini Moon on Sunday encourages thinking and dreaming big!
Astrological Forecast November 16 – 22, 2020
The Sun will complete its cycle through Scorpio this week, moving into Sagittarius on Saturday, and kicking off the official start of the holiday season. The Moon travels through Sagittarius on Monday, then enters Capricorn on Tuesday, where it will remain until Thursday. This will create one of the most productive weeks we’ve had in a while, and since Thanksgiving is next week in the United States, and the holiday season will kick in right after that, this is the week to get all that unfinished work and overdue projects completed, or at least advanced to a level where it feels manageable through the end of the year.
The Aquarius Moon will take us into the weekend, urging us to prepare for the social activities ahead. If you’re planning a big holiday dinner, double-check to make sure you’ve invited everyone you want there, and if you’re aiming for a more quiet, peaceful and calorie-light day off, this is the time to set that into motion as well. Doing things differently is a theme of Aquarius, so if you’re ready to start a new holiday tradition, or ignore tradition altogether, you can still work an attitude and sense of gratitude into your world.
Venus will move into Scorpio on Saturday, adding to the spiritual tone of the weekend. And with the Moon moving into Pisces on Sunday, it will be easy to hear what your intuition is telling you. Listening to your gut will take you exactly where you want to go!
Astrological Forecast November 9 – 15, 2020
Mars will turn direct this Friday, after a retrograde cycle of two months, and we’ll begin to feel forward movement once again. It’s time to focus on our personal lives with more determined action, and with the Moon in Virgo on Monday and Tuesday, we’ll be able to focus on the details and make solid plans for future movement.
Expect some challenges with emotional balancing on Wednesday and Thursday under the Libra Moon, followed by a spiritually karmic Moon in Scorpio over the weekend. What’s done is done, what’s been decided is decided, and we’ll all want to go within on Friday and Saturday, to regroup and find our center.
A Scorpio New Moon occurs on Saturday, opening up a two-week cycle of new beginnings and fresh starts, primarily on a soul level. The things we’ve been learning about ourselves, as the Sun has been traveling through Scorpio, will now turn our focus to the future and doing things differently, and with more freedom of movement, and conviction of heart. Sunday’s Sagittarius Moon will encourage a lighthearted day, so take things easy and have some fun!
Retrograde Aromatherapy
I am very relieved that Mercury is turning direct today, since this recent retrograde has affected me a lot as an empath during these challenging times. Mars will also be turning direct again next week, after a two month retrograde that has left many of us feeling low in energy, demotivated, and struggling to take any real action in our lives. Fortunately, I have now found a useful tool in curbing the effects of retrogrades: essential oils and aromatherapy. This is something that has always been available to me, but I never before considered using in the context of such astrological influences. But now that I have tried it, and it worked, I will be much better prepared next time around!
I am no astrologer, but I do thankfully have access to some very talented ones in my circle of friends, and I received this very helpful advice from one such a friend when I was complaining to her recently about the effects of all the recent retrogrades on my emotional health and well-being. She suggested that my interest in essential oils could be very helpful to support my emotional energy during any major astrological events. I had never before thought of blending and diffusing oils specifically aimed at balancing retrograde energy, but I liked the idea. So, I have been experimenting a lot lately with ‘retrograde aromatherapy.’
There are some common energy themes that are present during retrogrades. For example, a feeling of being at loose ends, or a sudden shift in emotions, often followed by unexpected or unwelcome events. A retrograde is usually a time for us to ground ourselves and focus on unfinished tasks. It is also a time to evaluate our lives and choices, as well as our careers and relationships, whilst managing our erratic emotions.
A retrograde is often a time of upheaval, change and transition. Feeling peaceful, centered, clear and confident during a retrograde can therefore be very useful. To help achieve this I can recommend using some of my favorite oils. Some are maybe less well-known, but you may consider exploring their uses and benefits.
Clary sage
The oil of this flowering herb is wonderful for inspiring clarity and confidence, and is also excellent at soothing intense emotions. For me, it has quite a strong scent and I therefore prefer not to diffuse this oil on its own, but that is a matter of personal preference.
Astrological Forecast November 2 – 8, 2020
The big event this week is Mercury turning direct tomorrow, coinciding with the United States presidential election day. It could potentially influence the election process in a negative way, for example by slowing down or complicating the counting process with technical issues, or causing miscommunication and delays with the results. With a Gemini Moon overhead from Monday to Wednesday, there will many rumors and a lot of speculation about the final outcome. And globally, there may also be speculation about the effects certain world events are having on the economy in general.
On a personal level, we may find it impossible to move in any tangible direction this week. Mercury rules Gemini, so we can expect this week to be filled with confusing conversations and a lot of conjecture in an attempt to gather the information we need to make important decisions about our future and how to move forward.
The Moon will move into Cancer on Thursday, calling for us to pull back into our personal world, and attend the things that keep us safe, comfortable and secure. The weekend will unfold under a Leo Moon, restoring our sense of self and reminding us to share all our hopes and dreams with the world – or at least the people who make up our little world! Being proactive is a theme this weekend, so let’s all focus on getting what we need, and making sure those we love have what they need.