Astrology Forecast February 5 – 11, 2024
Mercury moves into Aquarius today, challenging us to think differently for the next few weeks. Breaking out of old molds and thought processes will be the challenge as the rulin planet of communication, intellect, and the mind moves through this electric sign.
Our most productive days of the week will be tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon marches through Capricorn, so get your to-do list completed before the fireworks and celebrations begin, as this week marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year 2024.
This year we celebrate the Year of the Dragon, more specifically, Wood Dragon. An Aquarius New Moon occurs on Friday, February 9th, which officially kicks off Chinese New Year on February 10th, lasting until January 28th, 2025.
The Year of the Dragon is any esteemed year in Chinese culture, as it is associated with strength, prosperity, and good fortune. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with one of the twelve animal signs, and the Dragon is the only mythical creature in the cycle. People born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to inherit the dragon’s characteristics, which include intelligence, ambition, courage, and a strong sense of justice. Continue reading
Astrology Forecast January 29 – February 4, 2024
The week begins with great energy to get your show on the road with three determined Virgo Moon trines this morning.
The first trine with Mars in Capricorn will kick off the day with decisive action, willpower and resourcefulness, followed by a trine with Uranus in Taurus to promote creativity, originality and an innovative mindset. The third trine with Mercury in Capricorn will seal the deal with some quick-witted intelligence, sound judgment and practical thinking.
Get as much done today as you can to set the stage for the week ahead, for when the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, our work ethic will take a backseat to our social and emotional lives. You may find yourself more interested in social activities, spending time with friends and nurturing your relationships.
The Moon moves into Scorpio on Thursday afternoon, bringing a more intense energy through Saturday. Some of us will be drawn to spiritual and esoteric pursuits, while others will take on projects that require intense focus and attention, like taxes, haha!
Watch out for the Scorpio Moon square Pluto in Aquarius on Thursday afternoon, as this transit is known to cause drama and conflict. Think twice before you lash out and avoid fights over taxes, joint finances, debt or alimony!
Astrology Forecast January 22 – 28, 2024
Everything in moderation is the recommended mantra this week, as the cosmic outlook promises to be all about tempting makeovers, unexpected new goals and potentially costly reinventions.
The scene is set for a relaxed, even lazy attitude this morning due to a Gemini Moon square to Neptune in Pisces, followed by a lunar opposition to Venus in Sagittarius this afternoon.
Not only do these transits tend to induce a passive, dreamy state of mind, but they can also make us feel a bit hypersensitive, insecure, and unbalanced. The perfect breeding ground for restlessness and dissatisfaction!
Head vs. heart issues can cause us to be all over the place or even volatile today, so take extra care to stay grounded and don’t act hastily. A good way to counteract this is to start your day with a calming guided meditation.
Venus moves into Capricorn tomorrow until February 16, 2024. This could inspire a major personal or home makeover. Makeovers are great, but keep in mind that Venus doesn’t really care about your budget and could have you spending a lot of money to reinvent your lifestyle. Continue reading
Astrology Forecast January 15 – 21, 2024
We may feel a little directionless and passive today under the waxing crescent moon in Pisces.
This dreamy, relaxed mood will peak this afternoon when the Capricorn Sun sextiles the Pisces Moon, followed shortly by a Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.
If you are highly sensitive, you may feel more thoughtful, sluggish, or unbalanced today. However, if you are a creative, this may also be a good time to focus on projects.
Fortunately, things will speed up tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon moves into sure-footed Aries. These are the two days when we will get the most done this week, and a good time to start new projects and take desired actions.
The main key to creating positive movement forward will be asking for help. Brainstorming and research will also be helpful in making the most of these two days.
A Mars conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday will bring an extra burst of energy and enthusiasm. It’s a good time to take on challenges and pursue your goals with confidence. Continue reading
Astrology Forecast May 15 – 21, 2023
Get ready to rock and roll this week, as several important astrological shifts take place and reset the tone for the next few months.
Today’s Aries Moon offers a perfect start to a successful work week by boosting our energy levels and assertiveness. We feel mentally sharp and confident today to take on even the most difficult challenges. The Aries Moon sextile with Pluto in Aquarius this morning will add fuel to the fire with a heightened sense of adventure and fearless risk-taking!
The sign of Taurus takes center stage this week, starting with Jupiter’s move into the sign of the bull on Tuesday, which will inspire us with a more grounded and ambitious focus for the next few years.
The Moon enters Taurus on Wednesday for the remainder of the work week, culminating in a Taurus New Moon on Friday. New Moons signal a two-week cycle of fresh starts and new beginnings, so this is the ideal time to take all those brilliant ideas you’ve been pondering and start putting them into action.
Mars will move into the vibrant sign of Leo on Friday and spend the next two months encouraging us to shine brightly in the world. Mars thrives in fire signs, and Leo is no exception. It’s a good time to share more of your gifts and talents with the world! And if you haven’t been tooting your own horn lately, the Sun will dance into Gemini on Sunday and encourage you to broadcast your brilliance out to the world for the next four weeks.
Astrology Forecast March 20 – 26, 2023
Expect a busy week. This week will be a decisive, inspired, action-oriented time that will feel like the actual beginning of the New Year for many of us. If you have been procrastinating with your goals for 2023, or been putting off making important life decisions, this week’s planetary energies are bound to change that!
The hustle and bustle begins with today being very special date for astrologers and metaphysicians everywhere, as we are celebrating International Astrology Day! This special holiday is observed every year on the day of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). No matter where you are in the world, the length of day and night is equal today. The Spring Equinox also marks the beginning of a new astrological year, because the Sun moves into Aries today to mark the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac year.
The Aries Sun will revive us on many levels this week, as we cast off the pessimism, overthinking, indecision, and sometimes lazy vibes of Pisces, to enter a cycle of fiery creativity, passion, inspiration, and assertive action. The next four weeks can prove very fruitful and exciting for those who confidently embrace the energies of the new zodac year. Aries is high energy, upfront, and fast-paced, so make the most of this energy to propel yourself into new adventures.
To add to the excitement, tomorrow’s Aries New Moon will add further fuel to the fire to inspire fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings. This New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for the rest of the year.
The Empowering Symbolism Of The World Card
The World card in the Tarot remains one of my firm favorites. I am all for personal and spiritual growth, the completion of cycles, and new beginnings. The World represents exactly that: the ending of a cycle and pause in life, before the next major cycle begins with the fool.
The journey from the new beginnings of The Fool to the fulfilling endings of The World is a constant evolutionary process in our everyday lives that is represented by the sequence of the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. The World is the 22nd trump and therefore final card of the Major Arcana.
I have reflected on the imagery of the Rider-Waite version of this Tarot card in great detail. Rider-Waite is probably the most popular and universally recognized Tarot deck. The illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith at first glance appear simple, but the details and backgrounds feature abundant mystical symbolism.
The World pictures an empowered figure within a wreath – traditionally a symbol of victory, success, achievement, and eternal life. The figure holds a wand in each hand, which is reminiscent of the Magician card and the Two of Wands. However, while The Magician holds only one wand, the two wands in the The World card represents fulfillment, wholeness, balance and coming full circle.
The card is framed by four animals on the diagonal. The depiction of these four creatures parallels the four animal symbols used in Christian art to represent the four Evangelists, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four animals also represent the zodiac signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, the four fixed signs in Western Astrology, which in turn represent the classical four elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.