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Astrology Forecast January 29 – February 4, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week begins with great energy to get your show on the road with three determined Virgo Moon trines this morning.

The first trine with Mars in Capricorn will kick off the day with decisive action, willpower and resourcefulness, followed by a trine with Uranus in Taurus to promote creativity, originality and an innovative mindset. The third trine with Mercury in Capricorn will seal the deal with some quick-witted intelligence, sound judgment and practical thinking.

Get as much done today as you can to set the stage for the week ahead, for when the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, our work ethic will take a backseat to our social and emotional lives. You may find yourself more interested in social activities, spending time with friends and nurturing your relationships.

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Thursday afternoon, bringing a more intense energy through Saturday. Some of us will be drawn to spiritual and esoteric pursuits, while others will take on projects that require intense focus and attention, like taxes, haha!

Watch out for the Scorpio Moon square Pluto in Aquarius on Thursday afternoon, as this transit is known to cause drama and conflict. Think twice before you lash out and avoid fights over taxes, joint finances, debt or alimony!

Fortunately, the week will end on a fun note with the Moon entering Sagittarius on Sunday. You may feel a heightened sense of wanderlust and a desire for new experiences. It’s a good time to engage in activities that broaden your horizons, such as traveling, learning, or trying something new. You may also feel more open to unexpected opportunities and enjoy the sense of freedom that comes with spontaneity. Make plans with loved ones to get out of the house and have some fun. You deserve it!

About The Author: Susyn

Susyn lives in New Mexico, and offers Psychic Guidance, Astrological Insights and Channeled Messages that will change your life! Her credentials are top-notch and include a doctorate in metaphysical studies and certifications from The American Association of Professional Psychics and The American Tarot Guild. She's also a published author, with two metaphysical books under her belt, and has authored numerous articles and horoscope columns. In addition to her readings, Susyn is also a mentoring practitioner who teaches others how to master their own gifts, raise their vibrations, and empower themselves. A sought after guest on numerous radio programs, she has also hosted her own radio show. If you're looking for one of the truly bright shining stars who can also read them with an accuracy that will astound, look no further. You can find Susyn at

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