psychic predict future
Astrology Forecast September 23 – 29, 2024
The Gemini Moon brings a burst of mental energy and a desire for variety today, but the square to Saturn this morning can add a layer of tension, making it difficult to concentrate, feeling overwhelmed by tasks and even restricted in expressing our thoughts and opinions.
The Moon’s sesquiquadrate to Venus can also bring subtle tension to relationships today, leading to miscommunication or minor disagreements. Emotionally, we may feel disconnected or frustrated by the lack of harmony, so it is important to remain patient and grounded today.
Tonight the lunar energy will feel lighter, more adventurous and full of possibilities, offering a sense of relief from earlier tensions as the Gemini Moon’s conjunction with Jupiter increases curiosity, optimism and the desire for expansion. Conversations and ideas will flow more freely, making it a good time for brainstorming and socializing.
As the Moon moves into Cancer tomorrow, emotions may deepen and we may feel more sensitive and introspective. We may feel a stronger pull toward home, family, and comfort, and may seek out familiar routines or environments that provide a sense of security. This lunar transit may also stir up old memories and emotional attachments, prompting reflection or healing. Mid-week will therefore be a time to prioritize self-care, be gentle with your feelings, and focus on emotional connections.
Mercury entering Libra on Thursday will encourage us to focus on harmony, balance and diplomacy in our interactions with others. Social interactions will feel more refined, and there’s a heightened sensitivity to the words we use, aimed at keeping the peace and fostering cooperation. We are likely to seek out conversations that promote fairness and understanding, with an emphasis on considering different perspectives.
Astrology Forecast September 16 – 22, 2024
This week begins with an opportunity for deep release and heightened intuitive awareness. Expect some powerful emotional and spiritual shifts as the Full Moon transits Pisces today and culminates in a partial Lunar Eclipse tomorrow.
The energy of a full moon is one of culmination and closure, and with the partial eclipse amplifying its energy, we may experience intense feelings surfacing. Pisces, a water sign known for empathy, dreams, and spiritual connection, will heighten our emotional and metaphysical sensitivity and push us to confront unresolved feelings, patterns, and relationships.
Take some time over the next two days to let go of whatever is holding you back – be it emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, or unhealthy attachments – so that healing and closure can take place.
The Piscean energy of this partial eclipse will also enhancs creativity, compassion, and intuition, making it a powerful time for artistic inspiration, divination and spiritual practice. You may feel more drawn to solitude, meditation, or other reflective practices. Trust your inner guidance as the eclipse brings hidden truths to light, and be open to embracing change with compassion and flexibility.
Ultimately, this full moon eclipse is an opportunity to clear emotional clutter and reset your energy to flow more freely with the rhythm of the universe. However, heightened sensitivity can lead to confusion or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, so it’s important to ground yourself as you move into the week ahead.
The Principles Of Ethical Psychic Reading
When I first began working as a professional psychic, both my guides and human mentors impressed upon me the importance of remaining ethical in my practice.
Ethical psychic reading is crucial because it not only maintains the integrity of our field of work, but it is also builds trust with the people who need our support and guidance the most.
People don’t contact a psychic when life is good. Our clients only seek psychic guidance when they are struggling, confused, or facing important life decisions, making them vulnerable and susceptible to influence and manipulation.
Ethical psychic readers respect the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their clients and provide honest, compassionate, and sincere guidance. Ethical psychic practices also ensure that the psychic reader does not make false claims, guarantees, or predictions that could mislead or cause harm.
Adherence to ethical standards and spiritual values protects both clients and readers by fostering a positive and supportive environment in which people can explore their concerns and seek clarity without fear of deception or harm.
I vividly remember a young woman who came to me many years ago desperate to become a mother. She had no children at the time, and she especially wanted a daughter. She told me that if I could see a baby girl in her future, she would be more than happy to pay me extra money for my services.
Astrology Forecast September 9 – 15, 2024
As Mercury enters Virgo, you may find yourself craving order and clarity more than usual. This shift is likely to inspire a detail-oriented mindset, making it an excellent time to tackle tasks that require precision and careful analysis.
You may feel a strong urge to reorganize your environment, eliminate clutter and streamline your routine. Communication could become more pragmatic and concise as Mercury in Virgo emphasizes logic over emotion. Use this energy to express your ideas clearly and thoughtfully so that every word counts.
However, this transit can also bring a heightened sense of perfectionism. While it’s beneficial to strive for excellence, be careful not to become overly critical of yourself or others. There’s a danger of getting bogged down in the details, which can lead to stress or anxiety. Balance is key.
Use the energy of Virgo to increase productivity and improve your skills, but remember to make room for flexibility and compassion. It’s a great time to pay attention to detail, but don’t let the pursuit of perfection hinder your progress.
Today’s astrological aspects of the Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, followed by a trine to Neptune in Pisces, and finally a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn will add layers of emotional intensity and depth to the influence of Mercury entering Virgo.
The opposition between the Moon and Uranus can create unexpected disruptions and emotional turbulence, potentially upsetting the desire for order and routine brought about by Mercury in Virgo. You may experience sudden mood swings or a sense of restlessness, making it difficult to stick to your plans. This aspect encourages you to embrace change and find new ways to approach your tasks, even if they seem disruptive at first.
Astrology Forecast September 2 – 8, 2024
Today’s Virgo New Moon brings a powerful blend of new beginnings and practical energy.
Virgo, an earth sign, is known for its attention to detail, organization, and focus on health and routine. When the new moon occurs in Virgo, it’s an ideal time to set intentions related to self-improvement, work habits, and wellness routines.
Today and tomorrow’s lunar energy is therfore perfect for cleaning up your life, both physically and mentally, and making plans to achieve your goals with precision and discipline.
You may feel an increased urge to get organized, refine your daily routines, and focus on improving areas of your life that need more structure and efficiency. Be careful not to be overly critical of yourself or others, however, as Virgo’s energy can sometimes tend toward perfectionism.
When Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, its fiery, assertive energy meets Cancer’s nurturing and emotional realm, creating a complex dynamic.
Mars, the planet of action and drive, becomes more sensitive and protective in Cancer, often leading to an increased focus on home, family, and personal safety. This transit can make us more motivated to defend our loved ones and emotional boundaries, but it can also cause mood swings or passive-aggressive behavior, as Cancer’s influence can temper Mars’ direct approach.
The Mystical Art Of Pendulum Divination
Divination, the ancient spiritual practice of seeking knowledge of the future and the unknown through supernatural means, has been an integral part of human history for millennia.
From the casting of lots practiced in various forms by indigenous and aboriginal cultures around the world using bones, stones, shells, and other natural objects, to the Tarot of 15th century Europe, to today’s cyber-divination and AI-powered fortune-telling, various tools have been used to connect with the spirit realm and uncover one’s destiny.
Among these tools, one of the most accessible and easy-to-use traditional methods of divination is the pendulum. The best part is that this simple yet powerful tool is already within reach, tucked away in your jewelry box or craft kit.
A pendulum is simply a weighted object attached to a chain, string, or cord. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you like – a crystal dangling from a silver chain, a beloved piece of jewelry, or even a simple stone tied to a piece of string. The key is to choose an object with some weight to it so that it will swing freely when held aloft.
Pendulum divination is a form of dowsing, a practice that dates back thousands of years and has been used to locate water, minerals, and even lost objects. Dowsing works by tapping into the subconscious mind, which is connected to universal consciousness and the spirit realm. When using a pendulum for divination, you are essentially asking your subconscious to communicate with you through the movements of the pendulum.
What You Should Know About Psychic Ability
Psychic ability is a complex phenomenon and can vary greatly from person to person.
Most psychics are born with their gifts, but these abilities often become stronger and more refined over time. This gradual development helps to ensure that psychics aren’t overwhelmed by the energy and information they receive.
Sometimes these gifts may also take a break or become less active for a while, only to come back when needed.
Psychic gifts come in many forms, just like the people who have them. No two psychics are exactly alike, and their abilities manifest in different ways. Some psychics may have visions or images of future events – this is called clairvoyance.
Others may be clairsentient, which means they can feel the emotions and energies of people, places, or objects. Some psychics are mediums who communicate with the spirit realm, connecting with deceased loved ones or other spirit beings.
No matter what type of ability a psychic has, these gifts are considered a blessing. But with these gifts also come a responsibility to use them wisely. Many psychics feel a strong desire to help others by offering guidance, insight and healing through their abilities.
However, it is important to remember that psychics don’t know everything. Their insights are often limited to what is revealed to them by spirit and the divine. Mostly a psychic will only receive the information most needed and appropriate for a specific person or situation at that moment in time. Continue reading