paranormal phenomena
A Family Of Little Orbs Return
When I was very young I remember seeing this white orb. It was small and at times it got bigger. I would always smell perfume when this happened. My mother was a “clean freak” so I knew it was not dust. At times I could also see traces of orbs of the same color and they would follow each other, or hit the floor and bounce. The pattern was like a family of orbs.
As time went on, I could hear singing like a choir of women. I would look out the window, thinking it was the neighbor lady, but her car was not in her driveway, so I knew she was not home. Continue reading
Shoes For The Wedding
After my mother passed away, my father eventually remarried. My stepmother gave me some stuff one day that my dad didn’t like. It was a pair of formal shoes and a tie. My dad thought it was ugly, but I did not mind.
So, I put the shoes and the tie in my closet. After my dad’s passing they gained sentimental value for me. Once in a while I would take out the shoes and tie, when I had to dress up for a special occasion, but in time I completely forgot about them. Then my brother asked me if I would I be his best man. He was getting married to a lady name Janice, who I predicted he would marry a year earlier during a psychic reading. At the time he said I was nuts! He was done with women. So, when this wedding came up I reminded him of the reading the previous year, and he said: “I hate to admit it, but you were right.” Continue reading
Afterlife Signs From The Dearly Departed
When someone close to us passes on they often give us signs to let us know that they are still around. Our loved ones are very eager to let us know that everything is fine with them when they cross over.
Those who have passed on still know what goes on in our daily lives and they still love us. They want us to know that. Not all of us can always sense them around us, that doesn’t mean they will not give us a sign.
These signs from the other side come in different ways, shapes and forms:
Animals & Insects
Loved ones often come to us in the form of an animal or other creature, from a butterflies and puppies to birds and wild animals. These animals might show up from nowhere, cross our path, call to us from outside, fly into a room, or even land on us! The Monarch butterfly is a well-known symbol of loved ones visiting us from the spiritual realm. Continue reading
Growing Up Psychic – Part 2
After my mom sat me down to talk to me about my inherited psychic abilities, she wanted me to have a better understanding of my gifts. Although I am one of the third-generation of psychics in my family, I still didn’t know how to deal with this new found awareness until my junior year at high school.
When my parents decided to buy another house we thought our troubles with the hauntings would finally be over, but it was only a new beginning and things started to get worse. Not only did the paranormal activity become more intense, but more things were disappearing at the new house.
My parents had the house blessed before we moved in, but a few months after that the paranormal activity started up again. It was not only affecting my family, but my friends also. It was difficult for me to get anyone to spend the night at my house. Continue reading