A New Year’s Message From Dana
I’ve met many people in my years of working as a psychic advisor. There are none that left a major impact on me.
However, a young lady named Dana did many years ago. Her message stands as true today as it did when I first met her.
And so off it is we go, into Dana-land. I don’t know about you, but any Dana I ever met always lived in his or her own land which was known as ‘Dana-land’.
This particular Dana lived in a land like no other. Her land was in a room at an Intensive Care Facility. It was the kind of place where you go when there is nowhere else to go, and when there is no-one else to take care of you.
You see, Dana had been hit in a head-on collision with a truck on her sixteenth birthday and was in a persistent vegetative state, with no prognosis for recovery. Continue reading →
Pennies From Heaven
They say when an angel misses you, they toss a penny down from heaven. Sadly, not everyone knows how much truth there is in this old adage.
Spirit has many interesting ways to communicate with us, and always on a very personal level. Your spiritual signs and signals can range from the truly spectacular to the very mundane. And sometimes they can be found in the most unusual places, or when they are least expected. Two of the most commonly sighted phenomena are coins or ‘pennies’, as well as feathers. Depending on your personal belief system, these items are left around for us by loved ones, angels, or animal and spirit guides.
No matter where you believe your signs may be coming from, they are most certainly meant especially for you, and they always have a sincere and personal meaning, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may appear to be. Continue reading →
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