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astrological aspects

September 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comSeptember 2 – 8

Although there are no obvious celestial events in the heavens this week, many of the planets will be interacting with each other, making it essential that we stay alert and practice a lot of patience and flexibility.

Monday’s Libra Moon will do its best to keep things in balance, even when life throws us a couple of curve balls. However, Tuesday and Wednesday we will be under the influence of a Scorpio Moon, so it will be important to look beyond the obvious and take all we hear with a grain of salt. Scorpio can evoke unwarranted fears, so if something looks scary or uncertain, your best bet is not to react, but to ride it out until the facts rise to the surface.

Things lighten up under Thursday and Friday’s Sagittarius Moon, and the answers to our questions or concerns will finally appear, assuring us that all is right in our world. Because the week is fraught with ups and downs, we’ll welcome the Capricorn Moon with open arms this weekend, where we can regroup, get grounded and actually be productive!

September 9 – 15

Let’s get ready to rumble! Things are fairly grounded under Monday’s Capricorn Moon (our most productive day of the week), but once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next.

The main event this week is the Pisces Full Moon, and we’ll need to watch for illusion and ethereal messages, as Pisces loves to blur the line between reality and the supernatural. By the way, this is a great time for ghost hunting and paranormal investigation.
The very next day, on Saturday, Mercury and Venus will hold hands as they both saunter into Libra, another aspect where our thinking can be clouded by ideals and romance. So, with all the smoke and mirrors that will come our way this week, it’s best to refrain from making any hard and fast decisions, or assuming anything until clarity returns next week. In the meantime, enjoy the show.

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Changing Your Future

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWorking with my clients to co-create a  future outcome is one of the aspects of doing psychic readings which I enjoy the most. Setting the right intention for a future manifestation not only helps them with the issue they initially consulted me about, but also tends to improve every area of their life.

It is likely if someone carries an imbalance in one area of life, it’s bound to show up in other areas too. For example, if you know someone who struggles in their love life, because they’re always hopping from one relationship to the next, it’s more than likely that person displays the same behavior at work and with many other decisions and choices in their life.

These habitual behavior patterns take hold in our lives for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, our childhood upbringing, society, genetics, and our astrological birth chart. However, I don’t believe these patterns fully define us, or that we are permanently bound by them. Whether one is born a saint or a sinner, rich or poor, privileged or not, when a person awakens from the myth of who they thought they were, and stops running away from their fears, they can decide to change their future and allow success into their life.

This is where the magic comes in. The simple act of ‘deciding’ something, even in the face of discouragement, is when we align with the powerful forces of the Universe to co-create the life we really want! I’ve seen this in Astrology, with even the most difficult astrological chart aspects. When someone wakes up, or realizes that they are an unlimited being, their entire world shifts. I’m a firm believer that we come here to transcend our astrological chart, not be imprisoned by it.

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How To Use Your Astrological Natal Chart

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIn simple terms, your natal chart is the astrological positions of the planets at the exact time you were born. No two are exactly alike, even for identical twins, because each person’s time and place of birth are different. Free chart makers are widely available online, and all you’ll need is your time and place of birth.

So, once you find yours, what do you do with it? Your birth chart is a kind of road map for life. It will spell out your strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden dangers, behavioral patterns and potential opportunities.

Each of the planets, including the Sun and Moon, are placed in one of twelve houses (segments) of your chart, representing hours of the day. The movements of the larger planets like Jupiter and Saturn point to larger trends like work habits and societal change.

The ascendant, or sign which was on the horizon at the time of birth, is a powerful insight into one’s personality as well, so it’s helpful to know precise times. An over- or under-abundance of elements or particular Zodiac signs will also provide a mirror to the owner of the chart.

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Going Beyond Your Sun Sign

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I began studying Astrology, I only focused on the Sun signs, or birth signs, without acknowledging all the other planetary influences that are equally important in person’s chart. An astrological natal chart reflects the planetary alignment at the exact time we are born into the world, which makes us all incredibly unique.

If you want to understand a relationship dynamic or yourself in-depth, a professional astrologer can break down the strengths and challenges of the situation using astrological data. There are also free resources online that can generate a basic astrology report which summarizes each planetary aspect for you.

The planets that fall within each astrological chart and their meaning are as follows:

1. The sun is who you show to the world.

2. The moon is your heart and emotions.

3. Your rising or ascendant sign is how you look.

4. Mercury is your communication and how you think.

5. Venus is how you love and show affection.

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Traits Of Your Leo Child

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA child born between July 23rd and August 22nd is a Leo. Leos are the sign of the actor. Yes, they are very dramatic! They can make you laugh with their animated expressions and dramatic response to your every word.

But Leo children also have tempers. They can be very explosive, crying, even screaming, when they don’t get what they want. Fortunately, they can then turn around in a second and begin laughing and playing again. They tend to get over things quickly. Leo children are generally happy. They smile all of the time, except for when they are having those explosive tantrums.

Leo kids are very physical and athletic. They are often found outside climbing trees, playing ball, or running around. Leos are also one of the hardest signs to get to sleep. They are fire balls of energy and they are so excited about life, they don’t want to sleep and miss out on any fun. Keeping them in sports and performing arts will help them burn off their tremendous amount of excess energy and stay focused in school.

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The Moon Cycles And How They Affect You

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery month, the Moon waxes and wanes creating different changes and cycles in the world, as well as in our personal lives.

Many people are familiar with the monthly full moon as a time of elevated emotions, but there are other phases to be mindful of, since they also affect our energy levels and feelings.

During a full moon, for example, you may realize that you have an abundance, or lack of energy.

The new moon occurs when it is invisible to the human eye. It is a wonderful time for new beginnings in relationships, business, making positive changes and setting goals. The new moon would be when you add something new, or remove the existing problem to strengthen yourself.

The waxing moon is the cycle when it begins to grow in size. Learning, creative projects, healing and transformation are all powerful themes during this time. Continue reading

When The Moon Goes Into ‘Void Of Course’

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery now and then a pause occurs with the Moon. It literally takes a brief nap, as it sits in-between astrological transits. These momentary gear shifts encourage us to fall back on new adventures, or focus on important endeavors.

The concept is known as the Void of Course (VOC) and dates back to the Hellenistic Astrology of the First Century CE. It refers to that period of time when the Moon is no longer aspecting any planets in the most recent sign it was in, but has also not yet aspected any planets in the next sign it will enter.

I try not to let Astrology dictate my life, but important aspects should be taken into consideration to produce the best results, especially when the Moon is involved!

Each month, I write down on my calendar the times of the VOC and avoid certain activities, so I can save myself energy and time. This information is easily accessible via the Internet these days, but the times given should be adjusted according to your time zone.

Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow when the Moon is in the VOC. Continue reading

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