Traits Of Your Pisces Child
A child born February 19th to March 20th is a Pisces. They are daydreamers. This helps them become the actors, writers, poets and innovators of the world. It is good to help your child balance this by helping them to stay in reality and remain grounded.
Pisces children are extremely intuitive, often psychic. Teach your Piscean to trust their intuition, but also to filter what they tell others. Not all visions should be shared.
They also tend to be empaths. Like most empaths, they may feel tired, sad or overwhelmed and may not know why. They may have been picking up others emotions. Teaching coping methods for these times is essential. We don’t want our Pisces children not to be empathic, as that is all of our natural state, but we don’t want them to be energy sponges, carrying around other people’s trauma. For this reason, they should be watched for depression and encouraged to talk about their feelings frequently, and in great detail. Continue reading
Psychic Raymond at PsychicAccess.com
He was raised a Christian and grew up in a very “interesting” house in Columbus, Ohio. At an early age, it became apparent that his home was occupied by more than his immediate family members. When things went bump in the night, Raymond convinced himself that his mind was merely playing tricks. But when the nightly visitors continued to make their presence known, he had to face the reality that ghosts did in fact exist and had taken up residence in his house. Continue reading