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The Perils Of Mercury Square Neptune

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs an astrologer, it is my job to get information across to my clients in a clear and concise way, that won’t leave them perplexed or confused.

But on occasion there is a clear and present danger. There are astrological aspects that can challenge astrologers, muddle our minds, drape us in a fog of uncertainty and confusion. Such a dreaded hazard is when Mercury square Neptune comes along and clouds our normal channels of communication.

When this mentally perilous aspect rolls around, it is time to switch channels and watch another station. If there is ever a time we must trust in our inner wisdom and knowledge, yet speak the messages that come through from higher places, then it would be when this square rides into town!

We endured a triple whammy of this the past three months, with Mercury squaring Neptune in May, June and July, on the back of one of the most chaotic Mercury Retrogrades in a very long time.

Yes, when the dreaded Mercury square Neptune arrives it howls like Johnny in The Shining, “I’m here…!” Under this astrological influence we’re on shaky ground when it comes communication and getting your message across. It’s usually really difficult to talk sense, let alone think in any sort of rational, logical, coherent, organized way.

Mercury is all about the mind, our thoughts, our reason. Mercury is all about ‘just give me the facts,’ while Neptune wants to infiltrate our thoughts, sink into the murky depths of the subconscious ocean, and expand outward with absolutely no borders to stop its movement from spilling out all over the place.

This Neptune intrusion is way too messy for the fussy Mercury, who likes its contents in small, neat, digestible, bite-sized files it can dissect and differentiate. But being a curious guy, Mercury ventures out anyway, despite the warning buoys signaling chaotic doom.

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Astrology Forecast June 21 – 27, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe planets are playing musical chairs with abandon this week as we experience an significant astrological event almost every day!

The annual summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere occurred yesterday, marking the start of summer this week (winter in the southern hemisphere) as the Sun moves into Cancer.

Mercury will resume forward motion tomorrow, setting the tone for a new cycle and focus for the next three months.

We also have a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday. This Full Moon in particular will bring out our need for security and stability, encouraging us to find new ways to limit unnecessary financial expenditures and to set a more financially grounded budget for the future.

Neptune turns retrograde on Friday and will inspire us over the next five months to pay more attention to our true passions and deepest desires. Neptune retrograde is a subtle influence of self-reflection and increased self-awareness, as well as greater introspection and turning our dreams and ideals into reality.

And if that isn’t enough planetary action for the week, Venus will move into the sign of Leo on Sunday, encouraging us to express ourselves more freely as it dances through this dramatic fire sign for the next three and a half weeks.

By the way, beware the Aquarius Moon opposition Mars in Leo on Sunday, as it can cause us to act impulsively and overspend. Disagreements with your partner may also be more likely with this aspect, so keep your cool and act responsibly.

Astrology Forecast May 24 – 30, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological highlight this week is Wednesday’s Sagittarius Full Moon, as well as a significant Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses typically come in pairs: lunar and solar. They generally happen twice a year, and when they do, their goal is to shift our focus for the next six months. Once we complete the process the eclipses have generated, we become more ready to move forward into new enterprises and goals.

This week’s Lunar Eclipse is a Super Flower Blood Moon, as it will take place just a few hours after the Moon reaches its closest point to Earth on its orbit. It is the biggest Super Moon this year and marks the beginning of a series of four major lunar eclipses over the next two years. Three of these eclipses will be total, while the one in November this year will be a partial eclipse that will be so deep that ti can almost be also be considered a total eclipse.

A Super Moon is bigger and brighter than a normal Full Moon, because it occurs when the Moon is closer in distance to Earth. Super Moons tend to amplify the astrological traits of the zodiac signs. This week’s Super Full Moon may therefore highlight the shadow side of Sagittarius, such as the tendency towards impulsive restlessness and boredom; being more easily taken advantage if you are a highly compassionate person; being too direct or even tactless in social interactions; as well as the possibility of being a little too independent in your thoughts and actions.

This week’s lunar eclipse will call for us to pull back our emotions and look at things from a more rational and pragmatic perspective. For the next two weeks, our focus should be on our external circumstances. We should be seeking justice and balance in our lives, and aim to create more security and stability. Once the next Solar Eclipse happens on June 10th, we’ll need to reverse this external, objective focus to an inner perspective focusing on our emotional well-being.

In the meantime, make every effort to stay grounded and centered on Wednesday, as the Full Moon in Sagittarius can also cause one to feel moody and restless. Avoid making rash decisions, try not to overreact, avoid potential family conflicts and hold on to your inner calm and peace.

Mercury will also be turning retrograde again on Saturday, so it may be wise to backup all your electronics and prepare for possible electronic malfunctions, digital glitches and miscommunication of all kinds for the next three weeks. Postpone the closing of deals and signing contracts. Also, look out for a rare conjunction that will result in a ‘planetary kiss’ between a super bright Venus and a receding Mercury on Friday 28th. Such a brief coming together of the two planets that rule communication and love makes this a perfect moment to tell that someone special how much you love them.

Our most productive days of the week will be Friday and Saturday as the Moon travels through diligent Capricorn. Sunday is all about socializing and connecting with friends and loved ones under the Aquarius Moon.

Astrological Forecast February 15 – 21, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA new dawn arises this week with the Sun preparing to move into Pisces on Thursday and Mercury resuming forward motion on Saturday. We should start to feel as if the astrological scenery is clearing at last!

The week starts off quite productively with an Aries Moon on Monday and Tuesday, followed by a down to earth Taurus Moon on Wednesday and Thursday.

We’ll feel the shift from mental override to spiritual reflection when the Sun enters Pisces on Thursday, kicking off the month of the astrological year and calling us to go inward to prepare before we manifest our greatest dreams.

It’s quite fitting that the Moon will be traveling through Gemini Friday through Sunday, as this creates the perfect backdrop for Mercury to resume forward motion. Mercury rules Gemini, so this combination of energies will create a more peaceful and thoughtful transition as it changes direction. That’s not to say there won’t be communication or electronic troubles as it does, for Mercury rarely leaves its retrograde period without leaving a few little ‘gotchas!’ behind. Mind your words, don’t make promises you can’t keep, and take everything you hear with a grain of salt!

Astrological Forecast February 8 – 14, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at Happy Chinese New Year! The year 2021 is the Year of the Ox that now heralds in a more stable energy, as we leave behind the Year of the Rat and all the troubles it brought our way. Staying grounded, being proactive, and recreating our lives from the ground up will be the theme this year.

In 2020, many of us discovered we had built our ‘homes’ out of straw, which upended our lives during last year’s pandemic. So, we’re now ready to buckle down and create a more solid foundation. As we start laying the bricks for our future, we’ll discover new ways to improve our health, our finances, and our environment.

The Chinese New Year is officially celebrated on Thursday, so in combination with the New Moon, this week should have us ready to recommit to our resolutions and start anew into 2021

If there’s anything you simply have to get done this week, move on it Monday and Tuesday, when the Moon is in no-nonsense Capricorn. Once Wednesday hits we’ll be under the influence of the unpredictable Aquarius Moon, and when it culminates in an Aquarius new Moon on Wednesday, we’ll be off and running in all directions!

We can take a breather Friday and Saturday as the Moon drifts through spiritual Pisces, regrouping and relaxing after a fairly demanding week. Sunday’s Aries Moon will put us in the mood to play, so grab your favorite person and get out and have some fun!

Astrological Forecast February 1 – 7, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe fixed air sign energy of Aquarius will be intensely felt this month with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, as well as asteroid Pallas, all gathering to create a great stellium in the sign of Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets cluster together in a single zodiac sign to create an unusual energy blend. To further fan the flames, Mercury if currently also in retrograde.

It remains to be seen exactly how this major stellium will affect both global events and our personal lives, but whatever the impact…it will be profound, progressive, even groundbreaking. Wherever this stellium lands in your chart this month, it will invite deep thought, inspired new ideas and the urge to innovate and be experimental in those aspects of your life. However, be careful not to let the stubborn, obsessive side of Aquarius rule your mental state. If you were born under one of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, you can expect to be especially impacted by this seven planet cluster. So, fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be an interesting month!

To make things even more demanding, this week starts off with the planets taking sides, as the free-wheeling Aquarius Sun squares off with staid and steady Mars in Taurus. Avoiding the urge to stand your ground, and deciding who’s right and who’s wrong, will be essential this week, as the lines get blurred and realities shift. There’s an old saying that if you can’t beat them, join them, but before you take sides one way or the other, ask yourself this: would you rather be right, or happy?

Venus will arrive on the doorstep of Aquarius today, another no-holds-bar placement that will require us to stay patient, alert, and open to the possibilities of finding a middle ground. With all this in mind, at least lean into the calm and harmonious Libra Moon that sails through the heavens Monday and Tuesday.

With a Scorpio Moon overhead on Wednesday and Thursday, the answer to any conflicts we encounter may be to go within, turn toward spiritual guidance and allow the Universe to take the reins. Things will settle down over the weekend for a moment of respite, as the Moon skips through light-hearted Sagittarius on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Astrological Forecast January 25 – 31, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury will be turning retrograde on Saturday, but we will start to see the effects of it as early as today. If you haven’t done so already, back up your phone, computer and electronic devices, just to be safe!

Mercury’s semi-sextile with Venus this week reminds us to realign our heart and mind, instead of just following one or the other. It is also a great time to read beautifully written words, or listen to well-spoken words, so read or listen that novel you have been putting off for so long, or start writing you own!

We may lean toward more spiritual and emotional stances with the Moon traveling through Cancer today until Wednesday, so don’t worry if you can’t seem to get much done. Just go with the flow and stay alert to any intuitive messages that come your way.

Our energy will spark up again on Thursday as the Moon waxes full in fiery Leo. This is also known as the Wolf Moon, so if you feel like getting out there and howling at the Moon, now you know why!

This Moon sets off a two week period of release, allowing us to let go of any old mindsets or imagined restrictions that are holding us back. With the Sun traveling through Aquarius now, that means thinking outside the box, changing your regular routine, and embracing innovative ways to get to your dreams and goals.

We’ll spend the weekend under a Virgo Moon, and with Mercury going retrograde on Saturday, it’s best to lay low, try not to overthink things, and keep your opinions to yourself!

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