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Daily Archives: April 5, 2024

The Wonderful Ways We Receive Messages From Spirit

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As spiritual beings on a human journey, we are constantly guided in our daily lives by the spirit realm and the divine to assist us with life decisions, karmic choices, spiritual growth, fulfillment of our purpose, and prophetic insights into the future.

Our deceased loved ones, ancestors, spirit guides, angels and the divine communicate with us constantly to provide comfort and reassurance during difficult times, to remind us that we are never alone, and that we are loved and watched over.

Spirit also imparts wisdom and knowledge to help us find closure, forgiveness, and healing. However, in order to clearly receive, interpret, and apply the wisdom of these messages, we must be mindful and cultivate a heightened spiritual awareness.

Messages from the other side also serve as a reminder of the continuity of existence beyond physical life. Our deceased loved ones want to assure us that we will be reunited with them in the afterlife and that there is an ongoing connection between that spirit realm and the physical world.

Sometimes spirit simply communicates with us to remind us that the spirit realm is all around us and easily accessible, and to encourage an open and spiritually aware life. Our ancestors and guides also aim to assist us in our spiritual journey and soul evolution. In some circumstances, spirit will also communicate with us as an act of divine intervention or intercession, to warn us of impending dangers or negative influences, and to help protect us from harm.

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