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Daily Archives: April 8, 2024

Astrology Forecast April 8 -14, 2024

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The week begins with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries today, marking the beginning of a six-month cycle of renewed focus.

The second of two eclipses this year (the first occurred on March 25th with the full moon), it promises potential breakthroughs and advanced movement.

This eclipse also occurs closely conjunct Chiron and the Moon’s North Node, creating a profound opportunity for healing, introspection, and focusing on emotional wounds in order to move forward toward our soul purpose without repeating the past.

Chiron’s influence offers us a unique opportunity to confront and work through personal and collective pain, potentially leading to profound healing and a renewed sense of purpose.

Chiron, also known as the Wounded Healer, embodies the archetype of healing through overcoming personal traumas and challenges. This aspect encourages us to embark on a healing journey and take bold steps toward manifesting our true self and purpose.

The energy of today’s eclipse is also an opportunity for reevaluation of both personal and professional goals, especially as they relate to the Aries-ruled areas of your chart. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries carries the energy of new beginnings, leadership, and pioneering action. We’ll feel renewed sense of innovation and determination.

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