Astrology Forecast June 21 – 27, 2021
The planets are playing musical chairs with abandon this week as we experience an significant astrological event almost every day!
The annual summer solstice for the Northern Hemisphere occurred yesterday, marking the start of summer this week (winter in the southern hemisphere) as the Sun moves into Cancer.
Mercury will resume forward motion tomorrow, setting the tone for a new cycle and focus for the next three months.
We also have a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday. This Full Moon in particular will bring out our need for security and stability, encouraging us to find new ways to limit unnecessary financial expenditures and to set a more financially grounded budget for the future.
Neptune turns retrograde on Friday and will inspire us over the next five months to pay more attention to our true passions and deepest desires. Neptune retrograde is a subtle influence of self-reflection and increased self-awareness, as well as greater introspection and turning our dreams and ideals into reality.
And if that isn’t enough planetary action for the week, Venus will move into the sign of Leo on Sunday, encouraging us to express ourselves more freely as it dances through this dramatic fire sign for the next three and a half weeks.
By the way, beware the Aquarius Moon opposition Mars in Leo on Sunday, as it can cause us to act impulsively and overspend. Disagreements with your partner may also be more likely with this aspect, so keep your cool and act responsibly.
Do You Follow Your Head, Or Your Heart?
As a practicing astrologer, I often assist clients who are facing the head versus heart dilemma. Should they go with what their head is telling them, or should they follow their heart?
“My head tells me he’s so perfect for me. He is my dream guy on paper, ticks every box. He has a successful career, earns a solid income. He is someone my kids would love, the male role-model they so desperately need,” a client recently explained.
“But my heart feels so hesitant, like its beating for someone else I haven’t met yet. He is a great guy, but there no butterflies. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand why my heart is yearning for someone different?” she lamented.
“I can’t afford to be picky and my friends and family tell me I’m crazy to even question this incredible guy who seems to tick all the right boxes, but doesn’t put a flutter in my heart!”
The question is indeed, why would one trust an illogical feeling that can’t be quantified and measured using the neat little pros and cons list of the mind? In my Astrology practice, I have see this conundrum play out many times.
Interestingly, I find this vexing situation is often related to a Mercury Square Moon aspect in someone’s chart. Such a person will often take one side over the other, usually the head over the heart, and this habitual battle can result in a lifelong pattern of bad choices.
Culturally we’ve also been conditioned to always choose reason over feelings. And what others think often also factors too highly in a personal choice that’s best made selfishly. In my opinion, relationships are one of the few areas in life where we get to be selfish, because if we choose someone who will not make us happy, everyone will suffer in the end.
We are often told ‘trust our gut’ for good reason. Your intuition or inner guidance system knows far more than you do! But like a muscle, we must build it up, we must work it, flex it, to clearly register the signals it’s sending us.
Astrology Forecast June 14 – 20, 2021
Things unfold pretty calmly as the Sun spends its last days in Gemini this week, encouraging us to integrate all the new ideas and information we’ve learned over the past three weeks.
A Leo Moon hangs in the heavens today and tomorrow, bringing out our generous and heart-based sides. But beware the Leo Moon opposing Saturn in Aquarius today that can cause us to feel disenchanted or even depressed, and may also lead to a sense of emotional distance or feeling abandoned and lonely in our relationships.
Stay calms and be patient, because tomorrow Gemini Sun sextile the Moon in Leo will improve communication and social harmony and briefly reduce the need for power struggles. Tomorrow may therefore be a great time to ask your friend or relatives for help, or your employer for that well-deserved raise or promotion.
Details and organization will be the themes on Wednesday and Thursday under a Virgo Moon, so save those sorts of tasks for mid-week. However, the Virgo Moon opposition to Jupiter in Pisces may cause relationship conflicts from earlier in the week to resurface, so avoid unnecessary disagreement and drama, and try to keep the peace at home until the weekend.
A loving Libra Moon will fortunately accompany us into the weekend on Friday and Saturday, highlighting relationships and a return to fairness and balance. The Gemini Sun trine the Libra Moon will further contribute happiness and harmony to our relationships and family life over the weekend.
On Sunday Jupiter will turn retrograde, but we may not even notice, as we’ll be drifting through the spiritual and intuitive tones of the Scorpio Moon. After a month of information overload and two eclipses, this weekend is best spent regrouping before we move into a new season and all the wonders that await us.
The annual summer solstice also occurs Sunday, marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere (and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).
Astrology Forecast June 7 – 13, 2021
The second of two eclipses occurs this week. On Thursday the Gemini New Moon will manifest as a solar eclipse. For the next two weeks, we’ll be focused on our emotional well-being and inner peace, as we using the New Moon energy to create new ways of expressing ourselves and processing our feelings.
Be careful not to give in to unnecessary moodiness and irritability this week. It is recommended we stay grounded and centered today, as the constellation of the Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus, also in Taurus, can lead to a lack of inner harmony and emotional balance and even cause us to act unreasonably, or behave in a peculiar way that is out of character from our normal habits.
By the time the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st, our ability to move with our intuition and inner knowings will be at an all time high. Before this transition occurs, we can use today and tomorrow’s Taurus Moon to get our most important projects off the ground and set a course for greater achievements over the coming months, enhanced by Mars’ move into power-filled Leo on Friday. Mars will spend the next two months encouraging us to quit hiding our lights under a barrel and express our dreams and true selves for all the world to see.
The Moon will saunter through Cancer Friday and Saturday, focusing our attention on home, family, security, and comfort. If your plans include being a couch-potato after a trying two weeks, you’ll have the full support of the planets. Take advantage though, as Sunday’s Aries Moon will have us back up and running, though the paths we choose will be filled with social fun or athletic pursuits.
Astrology Forecast May 31 – June 6, 2021
There’s not a lot of astrological movement this week as we enter the month of June, so take some time to reflect and regenerate as the energies of the next few days unfold.
Today’s Aquarius Moon will have us continuing the social chatter we started yesterday, encouraging us to connect with people we’ve lost track of or follow up on a recent conversation.
The Aquarius Moon trine Mercury in Gemini today also heightens our ability to learn new things and exercise good judgment. Today is a great time to take on that daunting project that you have been putting off. You may just be amazed how easily you can figure it out!
The Moon travels through Pisces tomorrow through Thursday, slowing outer movement and calling for internal focus and simplified days.
Venus will move into Cancer on Wednesday, another event that will turn our attention to our emotions and home lives. Loving ourselves more is a theme of Venus as she travels through Cancer, so take some time out for a spa day or to catch up on movies or books that have been waiting for your attention.
We’ll come back to life Friday and Saturday as the Moon marches into assertive Aries, where we can attend unfinished business and restore balance to our worlds.
Sunday’s Taurus Moon adds power to our physical movements, inspiring a clearing out of closets, reviewing finances, or digging in the garden. Whatever we decide to spend Sunday doing, a hands-on approach will serve us well. If you need a little extra help with your finances, the Taurus Moon sextile with Jupiter in Pisces creates the perfect opportunity on Sunday to generate new ideas to increase your income. Use this lunar energy on Sunday to set intentions for manifesting success and prosperity.
Fun Facts You Never Knew About Your Zodiac Sign
The zodiac signs we are born under afford us certain personality traits, talents and gifts in our lifetime. Over the course of one’s life you can typically see these traits in an individual’s personality and life choices.
Astrology has been around for centuries and offer us a special insight into our life path. The Zodiac signs can be a lot of fun to investigate, even for the lay person. If you look closely at the traits of your own sign you will most likely discover many accurate descriptions of your personality in your sign that may be hard to deny.
You may also come across certain traits and fun nuggets of information that may surprise you. For example, it has been noted by astrologers that some of the zodiac signs tend to lean more towards having stronger psychic ability. These are known as the so-called ‘psychic signs,’ namely Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra.
If you were born under one of these signs, but do not consider yourself psychic, then you may want to take another look. It could be that you are more gifted than you realize, but you are not making proper use of your psychic talents.
Another fun principal of astrology centers on those who are born on the cusp between two signs, meaning they have trails of both signs. For example, those born on April 19 or 20 on the Aries-Taurus Cusp are literally ‘born leaders’ because they have the natural leadership traits of Aries combined with the inner strength and bullish perseverance of Taurus.
Another interesting ‘born leader’ is the Pisces-Aries Cusp born March 19 to 26. They strike the perfect balance between being a dreamer and idealist, while also being a determined, tough, and sometimes highly opinionated ‘go-getter.’ They bring the best of both worlds to innovative leadership positions that require imagination and an unconventional approach.
Weight Loss Astrology Using The Moon Phases
The past winter has been especially tough on all of us. Many of us are experiencing some form of pandemic fatigue or cabin fever. We’ve baked all our cookies, ordered junk food deliveries, and did the experimental microwave recipes during lockdown. And many of us have put on a pound or two, or more, for sheer comfort’s sake!
But now we’re finally beginning to look ahead again. Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate is warming up. We wanna wear less and it’s time to get serious about figuring out how to achieve our best Summer ‘beach body.’
In my own search for weight loss inspiration, I discovered a great formula for women devised by sports nutritionist, astrologer and weight loss guru, Kira Sutherland.
She recommends a diet lasting 12-14 days, starting with your menstrual period. This is apparently the absolute best time to lose weight. Then you stop and return to normal eating, even allowing yourself some well-earned treats. Even I can do that!
If you don’t experience a monthly flow, a bit of astrological research will be needed to follow this diet. If you don’t have your natal birth chart available, or don’t know how to interpret it, you may need to consult a professional astrologer.
What you’re looking for is your Natal Moon Phase Cycle, from New Moon to Balsamic (no, not the salad dressing). At birth, we fall into one of eight cycles of Moon-to-Sun connections that define our Natal Moon Phase.
Once your phase has been determined, it’s time to check out the Ephemeris to note when the transits in the sky mirror the same Moon Cycle that is in your natal blueprint. And when that blessed event occurs every month, it’s time to punch the stop watch and begin your two week Kira Sutherland diet!
After 14 days, stop. You’re done for now. Relax the diet and stop weighing yourself for the next two weeks. You deserve a reward for all that hard work and sacrifice, so feel free to live your best couch potato life! Once the lazy two weeks are at an end, you can begin again on the next moon phase cycle, or at the start of your next period.