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astrology constellation

Saturn Squaring Nodes Of Fate

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSaturn is currently in the sign of Aquarius until March 7th, 2023. To honor this placement, let us consider what’s important for the collective and the world. We are in challenging times. A time weighed down by the Nodes of Fate, signalling that important decisions are to be made for humanity as a whole.

And we are all being asked to step-up and take responsibility (Saturn), to plan for the future (Saturn in Aquarius), and firm up our foundations with dogged determination (Saturn in Aquarius).

The time has come to fill in the gaps, and set up new rules and boundaries (Saturn), if we are to evolve on earth in a manner built on integrity (Saturn).

Weighty words indeed, but this is Saturn (Cronus) we’re talking about: a fellow in Greek mythology you don’t want to mess around with. A severe Titan he was the Lord of the Universe, but he feared he’d be overthrown by one of his children, in the same way he forced his own father, the sky god, Uranus, to flee Dodge.

Why would Cronus/Saturn do such a thing to his father? It was a choice he made to stand up for his family; for his mother who was grieving over the monstrous injustices done to her children who were imprisoned by their father, Uranus, in the pits of Tartarus.

Cronus was the strongest of the Titans and took up the challenge to do the right thing. When one is fearless and faces the future (Aquarius) with an eye toward humanity, instead of the selfish needs of the self (low side of Saturn), one can achieve great works that will be rewarded.

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Make Your Own Magical Moon Water

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon, our closest celestial body, is strongly associated with the element of water. One way we can harness its powerful energy is by making moon water. Moon water is a powerful tool for energy cleansing and balance, and for strengthening spiritual connection.

The energy charging of moon water can be done at any time, but it is most ideal with the Full Moon. All you need is distilled or fresh water, a container, and a strong sense of intent.

Choosing the right container for your moon water is key. Think about what you plan to do with it: bathing, drinking, watering plants. If you are going to leave the container outside and overnight, consider a mesh or other permeable covering or lid so nothing except moonlight can get inside.

You can also include lunar affinity crystals, such as moonstone, clear quartz, or opal in the making of moon water. You can leave it in the container where it will receive an optimal amount of moonlight, then retrieve it in the morning.

Also, consider the astrological placement of the moon when making your moon water. For example, if you are setting an intention for extra insight and focus in your business or career, then a Full Moon in hardworking Capricorn is an ideal time to make some moon drinking water for the office.

As with any spiritual practice or manifesting ritual, stating your intentions clearly and firmly beforehand is vital. Remember to also extend gratitude to the Moon for her power and positive energies.

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