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Astrology Forecast December 19 – 25, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChristmas week is upon us, but before we get to the weekend festivities the Sun will move into Capricorn on Wednesday and a Capricorn New Moon on Friday. Both these aspects will set the stage for a shift in focus and direction.

Today and tomorrow could prove quite ethereal under the Scorpio Moon, as we’ll be inspired to turn inward to process things on a deeper soul level. Whether we’re excited or anxious for the fast approaching holidays, or feeling a bit blue, these two days will be about restoring inner harmony and balance before proceeding.

Wednesday’s transition of the Sun into Capricorn sets off a four-week cycle of review, reflection, and revision, as we close out one year and prepare to move into the next.

Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon will lift our spirits and move us forward with hope and joy.

Friday’s Capricorn New Moon promises new ideas and opportunities are coming our way, so we should write down any ideas or thoughts we have about changing the future for implementation after the first of the year.

Christmas Eve unfolds under a Capricorn Moon as well, emphasizing family and friends, along with a call to embrace the true spirit of the holidays. An Aquarius Moon hangs overhead on Christmas Day, promoting unity, friendship, as well as some surprising insights to emerge over the next few days! Happy Holidays and joyful wishes for a blessed week.

About The Author: Susyn

Susyn lives in New Mexico, and offers Psychic Guidance, Astrological Insights and Channeled Messages that will change your life! Her credentials are top-notch and include a doctorate in metaphysical studies and certifications from The American Association of Professional Psychics and The American Tarot Guild. She's also a published author, with two metaphysical books under her belt, and has authored numerous articles and horoscope columns. In addition to her readings, Susyn is also a mentoring practitioner who teaches others how to master their own gifts, raise their vibrations, and empower themselves. A sought after guest on numerous radio programs, she has also hosted her own radio show. If you're looking for one of the truly bright shining stars who can also read them with an accuracy that will astound, look no further. You can find Susyn at

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