Breaking Free From A Toxic Family Curse
Over the past year and a half, I have been working with a client who grew up in one of the most toxic families I have ever encountered in my work. It has been a long time since I have been so moved by a client’s tragic story and ancestral legacy. With her permission, I thought it might be helpful to share some of her experiences.
She was raised by an extremely narcissistic mother who manipulated and emotionally abused her for most of her life with belittling scapegoating and harsh criticism, until she finally managed to break free and set healing, healthy boundaries.
But once those long overdue boundaries were in place, she suddenly discovered that her siblings had taken it upon themselves to continue their mother’s toxic behavior toward her! While she thought she had finally found some peace in her life, and could safely confide in her siblings about her healing journey, she soon found out how wrong she was.
Until recently, she had openly shared her thoughts and feelings about her mother with her siblings. They, in turn, wholeheartedly agreed and confided that they felt the same way. As her younger siblings, they claimed to have endured similar abuse from their mother. No matter what they said or did, they were also constantly verbally attacked and criticized by her.
Meanwhile, none of her siblings claims were true. As the family scapegoat she was in fact the only one who endured all their mother’s abuse. I tried to caution her every time we did a reading, but she suffered betrayal blindness when it came to her siblings, in the same way she did for many years with her mom.
To break the curse of family, we start to ask not what is wrong with ‘my’ family, but what might be wrong with ‘the’ family as a way of doing things ~ Nelisha Wickremasinghe
Spirit repeatedly warned that her siblings were up to no good, but she would have none of it. Sadly, I have learned over the years that people are not always ready to receive the full truth in a reading.
To make matters worse, her siblings also knew she would probably be disowned and cut out of their mother’s will because of what she had told them in confidence. This suited their agenda very well. You see, unbeknownst to her, they had been gathering information to use against her. They were so calculating that one of them even took notes and screenshots of everything she said. And as soon as they had the chance, they took everything she had told them and turned against her.
Te entire sibling plot was very ominous, because she had also learned that her mother’s health has been failing and that her siblings seemed to be prematurely preparing for their mother’s death and their inheritance.
Blood doesn’t make you family. Some of the most demonic and demeaning people in your life share your DNA ~ Temi Ade
Once she was ready to face the truth, spirit made it very clear in a reading that it was in her best interest to end all contact with her family. They will destroy her soul should this abuse and complex trauma continue. Her ancestors advised her to forgive them and wish them well, but to have no further connection with them. No amount of tears, guilt, or worldly inheritance could ever justify so much abuse and betrayal, spirit said. Her trusted therapist agreed and advised her the same.
It is now up to her to cut those binding energy cords and break the evil curse of narcissism, treachery and greed that has poisoned her family for many generations. Meanwhile, spirit advises she pray for the souls of her siblings, for they will someday have to face their karma. No amount of money or material possessions they stand to inherit can safeguard them from their inevitable karmic debt.
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