June 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
June 1 – 7
The exciting news this week is Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! Lunar and solar eclipses always come in pairs, with one following the other in a period of two weeks. So, this week’s Lunar Eclipse will be followed by a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st.
Eclipses set the tone for the next six months, so these lunations will usher in a time of focusing on our perceptions of home, family, security and emotional issues. Over the next two weeks, watch for new insights and clarity that emerge from honoring our emotions and tending to our hearts.
Monday’s Libra Moon will cast a centering energy over us all. The Moon will travel through Scorpio on Tuesday and Wednesday, evoking our spiritual and intuitive sides to the surface. The lunar eclipse occurs under a Sagittarius Full Moon (also known as a Strawberry Moon) and asks us to release inhibitions and restrictions that are holding us back.
If we’ve got anything important to accomplish on the home front, Sunday’s Capricorn Moon will give us the energy to tackle and complete unfinished tasks.
June 8 – 14
A nice quiet week awaits, as we move through the two current eclipses occurring in June. Monday’s Capricorn Moon will make this the most productive day of the week, moving us through our tasks and obligations at record speed.
Under Tuesday and Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon, our inventive and social sides will emerge. Focusing on friendships and solutions to current problems, we should be mindful of our emotions and intuitive urgings.
May 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
May 4 – 10
The Scorpio Full Moon takes center stage this week and could shake things up for a few days, as it waxes full on Thursday. Scorpio is the most karmic sign of the zodiac, making this Full Moon famous for the spiritual and the unusual. We’re likely to reconnect with people we haven’t seen in ages, or quite possibly, even in this lifetime! Because a Full Moon promotes release, this week can herald a time of reconciliation, forgiveness, and letting go of the past. This Moon opposes the Taurus Sun, which can also affect finances, health and comfort.
The Moon will travel through Libra on Monday and Tuesday, allowing us time to get things in order and restore balance on all levels: emotional, physical and spiritual. Once the Moon waxes full, we’ll begin to feel much lighter and joyful. Friday and Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon will add to the sense of hope and optimism in the air, and insists we focus on sharing and unconditional love with all those around us.
Saturn will turn retrograde on Sunday and continue to travel backward until the end of September. A Saturn retrograde allows us to take down walls, move more freely and in tandem with the Scorpio full Moon, release anything that stands in the way our dreams.
April 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
April 6 – 12
The Libra Full Moon occurs on Tuesday, followed by Mercury’s entry into Aries on Friday. Anything we need to accomplish that involves details or planning is best done on Monday, as the Virgo Moon brings out our organizational skills.
Tuesday’s Libra Full Moon is famous for bringing people from the past into our minds, whether just a fleeting thought or an actual encounter. So, if someone crosses your mind, see if you can find them on social media or give them a call! They might need your friendship, love or emotional support.
We can expect a major burst of energy when Mercury moves into Aries on Good Friday. For the next few weeks, this placement will inspire our hearts and minds, bring out creative talents to the surface and have us seeking out new ways to reach our goals. Easter weekend unfolds under a Sagittarius Moon, as it reminds us that rebirth is upon us and opening the door to new beginnings and renewed life!
April 13 – 19
Monday and Tuesday’s Capricorn Moon will bring out our diligent sides, allowing us to catch up on work, tend to our finances and improve our overall health. Let’s be prepared to change gears on Wednesday though, as the Moon will move into Aquarius and spend the next two days inspiring us to be more social, more globally conscious and more inventive in how we approach life.
The Myths Of Mercury Retrograde
As a practicing psychic, I have on many occasions spoken to clients who were concerned about the planet Mercury going retrograde. They typically fear that this recurring planetary event might wreak havoc in their lives. While astrologers agree that it can at times be a more challenging time, many of the fears about retrogrades are often unfounded, and based on myth and misinformation. Its potential effect on our daily lives can actually be highly positive and beneficial.
Reputable astrologers quite rightly point out that by truly understanding Mercury Retrograde and how to manage its influence in our life, we can actually turn it into a positive experience, rather than a negative one. For my part, should you have been worried about the Mercury Retrograde in the past, I hope to ease at least some of your concerns here, as to what role this phenomenon can, and cannot play in your daily life.
The Spinning Backwards Myth
The most prevalent myth about Mercury Retrograde is that the planet is ‘spinning backwards’ at this time. The truth of the matter, as any astronomer would tell you, is that Mercury is not actually moving backwards during a retrograde. It only appears to be receding.
The planet Mercury is closer to the Sun than any other planet and therefore circles around it in as little 88 days. The Earth, on the other hand, takes much longer, i.e. a whole year to complete this trip. During a retrograde, Mercury appears to slow down, while Earth seems to move at a faster rate. This creates an optical illusion in the heavens which makes it seem that Mercury is spinning backwards in its orbit. However, Mercury is merely moving more slowly around the Sun, compared to planet Earth.
One can liken this to Mercury being a race car on the inside track, while Earth is on the outside of the track and overtaking Mercury. While doing so, as Earth appears to go faster, it would seem that the Mercury is slowing down or, in fact, going backwards, even though this is not the case.
In The Grace Of Divine Time
Several bald eagles flew in above me this morning, as I drove along a peaceful country road, which I travel several times a week. For the past month or so, I’ve been seeing these eagles roost in one particular area along my route.
I usually see them poised in stillness upon the bare branches of the winter trees. But today, most of my sightings were of them circling in flight overhead, crossing back and forth over the road.
Sometimes they appeared to be pursuing their prey, other times leading their young, or simply enjoying the freedom of gliding through the sky beneath the beautiful morning sun. This occurred in several places along my journey, spanning a range of miles beyond the one roost and eagle family I’ve been witnessing.
Before, during, and after my way was bedazzled with this abundance of bald eagle beauty, my thoughts had been steeped in the topic of time. I sensed the eagles crossed my path to affirm and guide me in my contemplation of eternal time.
I also sensed they came as signs of a shift in my life. They were reminding me that what has been waiting in my life – energy that has been paused, stuck or still, resting, gathering, or incubating – is beginning to move on the horizon of visibility, and gradually gaining momentum.
When I arrived home, waiting in my mailbox was a pamphlet with the printed words: The Times Are Racing. Well, message received loud and clear! It’s time to express my appreciation of time.
March 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
March 2 – 8
This is a lighthearted week, filled with social interactions and self-care. So, at last we can keep the focus on ourselves for a change! Information we’re looking for, and affirming conversations, take precedence the first two days of the week as the Moon dances through Gemini. We may be more action-oriented than productive, but that’s okay, as we’ll get what we need on an intellectual level.
Venus will move into Taurus on Wednesday, and we’ll look towards how we can beautify our surroundings. In this tangible zodiac sign, Venus may encourage us to redecorate, clear out clutter or spend more time in artistic endeavors for the next six weeks. Add a Cancer Moon on Wednesday and Thursday, and our focus will be on our homes and families.
A Leo Moon takes the spotlight on Friday and Saturday, compelling us to shine our lights out into the world. This moon could also insist we set new boundaries, make ourselves the priority and integrate some of the changes we’ve been making since the start of the year.
Sunday might be the only day we’ll feel genuinely productive, as the Moon moves into Virgo, and inspires us to organize or throw ourselves into a project that requires detailed precision or extreme focus. How about those taxes..? All in all, this should be a quiet and easy flowing week.
February 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
February 3 – 9
The week starts out with Mercury moving into ethereal and spiritually-based Pisces on Monday, where it will stay for the next two months. Logic and critical thinking will go out the window, replaced by internal processing and spiritual advancement.
Mercury will also retrograde in this sign from February 16th to March 9th, calling for us to go deep within our souls to reclaim, refocus and restore our true selves. Quite apropos, as we move through the final phases of the astrological year, before starting anew at the end of March.
Venus will also change signs this week, moving into fast-paced Aries on Friday, and creating a bit of a push and pull, as one part of us wants to go internal and another wants to get things moving externally! We’ll have to pace ourselves and listen closely to our intuition, to know how to move from one day to the next.
The week culminates with a Full Moon in Leo on Sunday, again calling for us to release everything that is not truly serving us, so our brightest lights can shine for all the world to see!
February 10 – 16
Friday the 14th is Valentine’s Day, but with Mercury preparing to go retrograde on Sunday we’ll have to tone down our expectations and embrace unconditional love over romantic love.
The entire week could have an ethereal tone to it, starting with Monday and Tuesday’s Virgo Moon, which could throw our emotions off balance, as our idealistic side emerges. Luckily Wednesday and Thursday’s Libra Moon will help us to reclaim our equilibrium, and remind us that relationships of all kinds should be nurtured and celebrated this week.