Our Haunted House
Anyone who grew up in a haunted house knows the things that can happen to a family in such a place.
I can remember the time when my brother John had a paper route, for which he had to get up early in the morning to deliver the newspaper. How my brother talked me into helping him on this particular Saturday I can no longer remember. But what happened that day will remain engraved in my memory.
It was a spring day and my brother went onto our front porch to get the papers. The milkman was also making his way up the steps, to bring my family’s daily delivery of fresh dairy. I figured, since I was up anyway, why not hit Mr. Milkman up for some chocolate milk… and put it on my mom and dad’s tab. Continue reading
How Do Psychics Connect Long Distance?
Ever wondered how a psychic connects with you over a long distance?
Or maybe you have wondered how psychics do remote readings via a phone call or internet chat room?
I have been asked these questions many times, because I do psychic readings for clients all over the world.
First of all, let me debunk the myth that psychics actually connect with you directly via a phone line or electrical wires, or computer hardware for that matter! This is simply not the case. Psychics do not make a connection with you on this earthly plane or realm (or what is referred to as the reality of space and time). Instead, the connection is made in the spiritual realm. Some call it ‘The Other Side’; others call it the ‘Astral Plane’ or the ‘Fifth Dimension’ or even ‘The Divine Matrix’. Continue reading