Karmic Healing Inspired By Our Ancestors
I recently completed a pharmacy volunteer assignment at the American Red Cross. On my final shift, one of the phlebotomists gave me a T-shirt as a parting gift. It is printed with the slogan: Be Cool. Give Blood.
That T-shirt turned out to be a sign from spirit! It synchronistically brought up memories of one of my favorite mentors, and prompted a thought process regarding the role of our ancestors in karmic healing, and our soul family contracts, at a moment in time that I most needed it and found deeply meaningful.
In pharmacy school, I had an eccentric professor who used unconventional teaching methods and famously wore Snoopy™ and Joe Cool™ apparel to class. To us he was much like the character John Keating or “Captain” in the popular film Dead Poets Society (1989). As pharmacy students we usually attended mostly stodgy scientific lectures, therefore we simply loved his unconventional, fun approach!
I distinctly remember one of the topics we discussed in his curriculum was ‘empathy in healthcare.’ Little did I realize at the time how his teachings would someday inspire me in my work as psychic advisor.
In 1994, on the first day of our social and administrative classes, our beloved professor was tragically diagnosed with colon cancer. He passed away seven years later in 2001.
Two years before his passing, I was filling out my wedding invitations and noticed that he had the same surname as some of my fiancé’s wedding guests. I emailed him to ask if this was merely a coincidence, or whether he might be related to the groom’s family? It turned out he was!
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands ~ Linda Hogan
He was a third cousin to my former father-in-law. My ex-husband’s grandma and the professor’s father knew one another, but had lost contact over the years. Due to my intuitive discovery their family connection was rekindled.
In time, things did not turn out well with my marriage, but this event shows how there are always meaningful, redemptive aspects to any failed relationship. Instead of dwelling on the hurt, pain, or anger from the past, it makes more sense to focus on the good things that did come from it. I mean, thanks to that marriage my kids are related to a very cool, empathic pharmacy professor!
One of the professor’s last written works was a journal publication in which he chronicled the healing journeys of various cancer patients. He was a compassionate, wise man and a genius before his time. Professor “Joe Cool” who wore the Snoopy ties may have hidden behind an upbeat facade to camouflage his physical illness at the time, but in truth he was a healing lightworker who courageously served as an inspiration to his students.
Years later, these memories of him remind me that we always need some help from each other and our ancestors, as well as a little humbling from spirit, to complete our karmic healing and forgiveness work. If we elevate our spiritual awareness and keep our cool, we can find the solace and inspiration to review our karmic contracts and find those silver linings.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires ~ William Arthur Ward
The human lifetime often goes through the valley of the shadow of death before venturing over the rainbow. It is in this journey of transcendence that we find eternal meaning.
Find the inspirational people today in your family tree. Ask the elders in your family if there is anyone remarkable they can remember. Get a mediumship reading to channel the wisdom of your ancestors. You never know what hidden gems may be found among your family of origin. Have the courage to find out. It can potentially heal and transform your life.
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