Know More About Your Zodiac Sign
Here are some fun facts about the different astrological signs of the zodiac. Find your sign and learn more!
Aries – The Ram (March 21 – April 19)
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars. Impetuous, hardworking and action-oriented, Aries are the first ones on the scene when it comes to adventure, daring to go where angels fear to tread. They are creative and love new endeavors, often having two or three projects going at the same time. However, because they bore easily, they don’t always finish what they start. Aries are loyal, confident, determined and forthright. They can also be rash, stubborn and impatient.
With an Aries, what you see is what you get. They are unpretentious and open. They are generally athletic and love to walk, run and hike. Like their symbol the ram, they are not afraid to hurdle steep mountains on their climb to success. They exude radiance, vitality and generally enjoy good health. Because Aries rules the head, this sign needs to watch for stress headaches, fevers, ear or eye troubles.
ELEMENT: Fire, Masculine
THEMES: Business, enterprise, spiritual awakenings
PASSIONS: Fast cars, travel, exploring
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Gemini, Libra
FLOWER: Honeysuckle
Digging Deeper Into The Signs Of The Zodiac
Astrology fans are often familiar with the general traits of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. For example, we may know our best friend is headstrong because she is Aries, or we might have a moody Cancer parent, or a wisecracking Sagittarius coworker. But how well do we really know the deeper characteristics of each sign?
Each sign has, for example, a hidden side – and it is not just signs such as Gemini or Pisces, which we often associate with duality. Plus, each person’s natal or birth chart is unique! No two charts are alike, just as no two people are exactly alike.
The Fire signs are stereotyped as confident go-getters, who know exactly what they want from life and are born leaders. However, Aries, as the first sign of the Zodiac, seems confrontational to some, but can be sensitive and even childlike. Think of the charging ram versus the meeker sheep. Leo the lion comes across as egotistical and uncaring, putting everyone else below her, but she is also the protector of her pride and makes an excellent parent and confidante. And Sagittarius is literally of two worlds: the horse (animal) side symbolizing wild abandon and humor, and the human, philosophical part which is serious-minded and appreciates deeper meaning.
Has Your Astrological Sign Changed?
Reports have been circulating in the media that scientists discovered that everyone’s zodiac sign has changed, due to a permanent shift in the constellations. The truth is this theory has actually been around since the mid-90’s, and has been causing quite a stir in metaphysical circles ever since.
A scientific study that measured the shift in the Earth’s axis (called the wobble) cites that the constellations are no longer moving in sync with the ancient dates and astrological positions originally assigned to signs of the zodiac in early times. This cast a lot of doubt and has been confusing people as to just what their actual sign might be. Of course, it also gave eager skeptics one more reason to point out why astrological practices aren’t valid.
Unfortunately, the scientists and skeptics who promote these claims base their entire theory on a misconception about how the signs of the zodiac came into being, and what they are really based on. In truth, the signs, degrees and divisions of the zodiac have no connection to the heavenly constellations that bear their same names.
The zodiac signs were originally assigned to an ‘elliptical belt’ that surrounds the earth based on the seasons of the year, rather than the stars above. An easier way to understand this is to remember that our seasons start on the first day the Sun enters a particular sign. The first day of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) corresponds to the onset of Aries; Summer to the first day of Cancer; Autumn to the first day of Libra; and Winter to the first day of Capricorn. Continue reading
Choosing Your Own Tarot Deck
Purchasing your own Tarot deck may seem overwhelming for the newcomer, but can actually be a very magical experience. Back in the ‘dark ages,’ when I decided to purchase my first Tarot deck, I remember getting a plethora of recommendations from others to buy certain decks. I was overloaded with opinions, none of which I listened to in the end.
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel, so I chose a deck that I felt most drawn to. I remember the day well, I visited a little metaphysical shop in Michigan and was immediately drawn to the back of the store, where there were some revolving racks with Tarot decks on display. I felt almost mesmerized by one deck. It’s theme was angelic, and although the images, design, and roman numerals were not really suited for a beginner, it didn’t matter to me, I bought the deck anyway.
When I got it home, I took it into my herbal room, laid it out on some black silk, to anoint it with consecration oils of rosemary, basil, star anise, frankincense, myrrh, and patchouli. I held a pendulum over the cards to program it with my intentions, and to activate it.
After that, I fanned the cards out on my herbal table and slowly waved my palm over the deck, sending my energies into it to align and connect with it as my sacred tool. Lastly, I asked Spirit to oversee the deck by placing it into the right hands once they left mine. Continue reading
Traits Of Your Gemini Child
A child born 21st to June 20th is a Gemini. They are the sign of the twins and they are often duplicitous. They can love strawberries one day and hate them the next.
If you just think of them as two children living in the body of one, you will understand their changing interests and personalities. You will also understand why they have so much energy – because they have the energy of two people!
Gemini finds it difficult to make choices, because each side of them wants something different. This can make pinning them down very challenging.
They are thinkers. They run everything through their heads. They are articulate, eloquent and very smart, and they love the written word. They love to read and write. They may have a hard time staying focused on one thing, because their minds are so active, so encouraging them sit still and focus on one thing will help them in school. Keeping them mentally and physically stimulated will help them direct their energy into positive things. Continue reading
Mixed Birth Patterns And Multiple Influences
Most people know their Astrological sign, or Sun sign. Most also know their birth order in the family: oldest, middle child, or youngest. And a few people may even know their Numerological life number, which is the sum of the digits in one’s birth date and determines the major themes of an individual’s life. But what many people don’t know is that these influences must be taken into account as a whole!
Each of these aspects tell a unique story, since no two individuals are alike. We’ll use the example of Amy, a Gemini Sun sign born on June 15, 1978, to demonstrate this concept of mixed birth patterns. Gemini, the Twins, are usually outgoing types who excel at communication and strive to make many friends. The Sun sign, the foremost influence in one’s chart, forms the basis of our personality. What really gets interesting is what lies beyond the basic, ‘garden-variety’ Astrological readings found on a typical horoscopes website or newspaper column. Continue reading
Gemini – Two For The Price Of One!
The glyph for those born under a Gemini Sun, between May 21 and June 21, is the Roman numeral for the number 2. The Twins. Like their symbol, Gemini tends to have more than one side to their personality. They may have a public persona, and an entirely different private side seen only by their closest friends and confidantes.
Many Geminis are excellent communicators and love to talk. This comes as no surprise, since their planetary ruler is Mercury, the messenger. Talk to a Gemini, and you’ll be talking to someone who is witty, intelligent, and a quick thinker. Sometimes they may forget to put on a filter, so be prepared for anything that comes out. They’re likely to be found in the middle of any lively conversation or party, and chances are, if you’ve ever met a persuasive salesman, he had Gemini somewhere in his natal chart. Continue reading