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Daily Archives: May 10, 2024

Just Let The Universe Work Its Magic

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As spirit beings in human form, we tend to be subject to our willful ego. Many of us can be particularly stubborn when there is something (or someone) that we desperately want, causing us to lazily focus on that thing or person and nothing else.

Even when Spirit gently nudges us in another direction and the Universe patiently whispers, “No, that is not what is meant for you,” we stubbornly cling to our obsessions.

God, Source, Spirit, the Divine wants only the best for us and the Universe will never deny us those things that serve our highest good. In the readings, the messages from our guides, angels and ancestors always come from a place of love and never from a place of withholding, exclusion, punishment, revenge, fear or neglect. Spirit wants us to live our best lives, to experience lots of love, and to grow both personally and spiritually.

Psychic advisors like myself are sometimes “the messengers who get shot.” We sometimes read for people who get very upset with us when the guidance we receive from Spirit is not what they had hoped to hear. Continue reading

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