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Daily Archives: May 18, 2024

Release Your Attachment To Attract ‘Zen Love’

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have talked to so many people over the years who desperately want someone special to come into their lives, but it never seems to happen for them. They wonder why they can’t connect with anyone, why they never seem to find true and lasting love.

When I do readings for them, Spirit often reveals that the root of the problem is that they either want it too much, or they turn themselves and the other person they are trying to attract into “polar magnets,” pushing each other away instead of being attracted to each other.

In order to attract what you want into your life, you have to let go of any attachment to the outcome, stay clear of any negative emotions, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs, and essentially allow it to come to you without any obsession or force. I call this attracting “Zen love.

Zen love is finding someone when you are not really looking. It’s when you want it, but you don’t want it so desperately that it just doesn’t happen. I equate it to thinking about someone and then letting go of the thought. It is usually when you let go that they suddenly call you on the phone.

You put out the intention to meet someone special and then you let it go. That is being “in Zen. Not forcing it. Going on with your life and staying positive and just having that inner knowing that everything is going to be okay. That inner knowing without any added force allows good things to come to you.

Meanwhile, if you really want someone special to come into your life, instead of constantly dwelling on it or stressing about it, be proactive and put that wasted energy to better use. Get out more, live wholeheartedly, go places and do things.

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