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astrological conjunction

Astrology Forecast March 7 – 13, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury joins the Sun in Pisces this week, adding to the spiritual, somewhat ethereal energy of this week.

Today will prove our most productive day under the Taurus Moon, so get as much out of the way as you can. The Moon will dance through Gemini Tuesday through Thursday, making us more prone to socializing and chatting mid-week.

The Taurus Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will bring us both social and financial success and have us feeling upbeat and confident, so this morning will be a good time to drum up some new business prospects.

The Pisces Sun sextile Moon in Taurus today will add to our sense of popularity and our ability to see eye-to-eye and successfully meet others halfway. This constellation lasts only a few hours, so strike the iron today while it is still hot, as the mood will shift towards insincerity, disharmony and even depression by the end of the day under the Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius.

As Mercury moves into Pisces on Wednesday, most of our discussions will be centered on spirituality, the occult, and the supernatural.

Once the Moon exits Gemini and wades into Cancer, we’ll have two more days of watery energy on Friday and Saturday.

The fog will finally begin to lift on Sunday when the Moon moves into Aries and restores our energy and drive, though we may decide to channel that into restoring balance rather than charging out to run a marathon or paint the house!

Astrology Forecast February 28 – March 6, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comExpect the unexpected today and tomorrow, as the Moon travels through Aquarius and shifts our focus with new information or last minute changes in plans. Don’t fight the obstacles or revisions, as they are designed to serve our best interest.

Being patient and calm may be a tough call this morning under the Aquarius Moon square Uranus in Taurus, which may tempt us to be stubborn, irritable, and unpredictable. Take care not to give in to a capricious mindset or melodramatic mood.

Thankfully, the atmosphere will improve markedly with the Moon conjunction Mercury in Aquarius towards the end of the day, which will see us more mentally alert, focused and acting sensibly.

The Pisces New Moon and two planetary transits add an interesting tone to the week that highlights the spiritual and innovative aspects of our personality.

Wednesday’s Pisces New Moon heralds in a cycle of spiritual renewal over the next two weeks, revealing the reason for past delays, disappointments, or reversals. Think of this as an ‘aha’ phase, where everything will finally begin to make sense!

Getting things done is always easier under a fire sign Moon, so capitalize on Friday and Saturday’s Aries Moon to make things happen.

You may want to take things easy on Sunday as the Moon moves into Taurus and Venus and Mars enter the electric sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius will inspire us to think outside the box over the next six weeks, while Mars in the same sign could create some unpredictable movement or inspire new paths to follow. Either way, with both these planets in the sign of friendship, we’ll have more than enough support and backing to move us forward into a brighter future.

Astrology Forecast January 31 – February 6, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy New Year! This will be a week of fresh beginnings, forward motion and renewed motivation. Don’t be fooled by the Aquarius New Moon setting a contrasting, feminine, yin tone before the masculine yang of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger beginning tomorrow. The Tiger year will be giving us a second chance to make some resolutions and embrace a new energy for the year ahead.

The Tiger represents prowess, stealth and achievement, marking this year as one with the potential to bring success in all we do. It will also cast a stronger and more confident tone over us, inspiring us to move forward with passion and fortitude.

The year 2020 (Year of the Rat) was about survival and the need for adaptability and flexibility. The year 2021 (Year of the Ox) was about caution, keeping faith and staying centered and grounded in a challenging new world. But the Year of the Tiger will be about renewed vigor, futuristic ambition, revitalized enthusiasm, and the courage to make major changes and achieve new goals. We can expect things to  change very rapidly this year.

The Year of the Tiger may however not start on a high note for those of us who are prone to melancholy, depression, or negative thinking. The Aquarius Moon conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius early on Tuesday could create a sense of dissatisfaction, loneliness or self-pity. Tap into the daring, self-empowered energy of the powerful tiger. Time to get fired up!

On Thursday Mercury will thankfully resume forward motion from its current retrograde, offering us yet another cycle of forward movement and progress. Fortunately, once Mercury resumes forward motion, no planets will be retrograde for the next three months. So, the sky is not even the limit of what we can achieve and attain the first half of this year.

The assertive and confident Aries Moon will grace the skies Friday through Sunday, making this the ultimate week to make fresh starts and embrace new beginnings.

Boldly Into The Future With Jupiter In Pisces 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s a new year and I feel the need to exhale and wipe the sweat off my forehead. We all made it through a very intense 2021. I know I’m not the only one to feel the sense of relief.

Astrologically speaking, Saturn square Uranus was no laughing matter in 2021. I personally know many people whose lives were shaken. We’ve all taken a hit from the pandemic, losing loved ones, jobs, and our emotional sense of security (Uranus in Taurus).

And then for a brief time, from May until July, Jupiter, the planet of hope, freedom, and happiness, dipped its big toes into the ocean of Pisces with many public health precautions lifted and optimism returning.

We nervously stepped out, albeit a bit ‘grungy’ looking. Fashion became comfy loungewear, the beards were left bushy, and women owned their greys. But we ventured out of our caves and life began to stir as the sun’s rays nourished our now socially awkward selves.

It was nice while it lasted.

Then Jupiter went back into Aquarius, once again cohabiting with the Scrooge of the planets, Saturn, and we went back into our cocoons, experiencing increasing shell shocks as Saturn and Uranus completed their final square dance right before Christmas. Polarizing politics, flights canceled, families torn asunder.

And many celebrity deaths in the news this past two years, including our beloved Betty White to close out 2021.

But, the first four months of this year we will once again feel the benevolent optimism, miracles and good fortune of Jupiter returning to Pisces shining its light in the world! Jupiter will do the same again at the end of October to finish out the year.

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Astrology Forecast January 10 – 16, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury goes retrograde in Aquarius this week, on Friday, but we can expect to see evidence of it as early as today. Miscommunication, lost items and internet glitches could litter the week, so stay on alert. Also remember that if obstacles or setbacks arise there is always a different path to get to where you’re going.

The Moon marches through grounded Taurus today through Wednesday, which should add a lot of stability to our movements the first half of the week. The Taurus Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces constellation this afternoon will also have us feeling upbeat and positive and bodes well for business meetings, financial success and getting a good deal.

Tomorrow the constellation of Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces may give rise to fake news, extremism, and misinformation, while the Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus will help to fan the flames! It may therefore be best to not engage too much with your social media feed tomorrow, and to avoid relatives and coworkers who have disturbing, marginalized views on important matters.

If there’s anything important you definitely have to get done this week, try to get it off your plate before Thursday – especially if it requires clear communication, travel or digital technology. The Moon will hang out in Gemini Thursday and Friday, and with Gemini’s ruler Mercury changing direction, this could be the time when miscommunication is at it’s highest. So, if your phone or laptop isn’t working quite right, don’t be surprised! Avoid making any major ‘set in stone’ decisions for the next three weeks, as changing your mind at the last minute will be a scene.

It might be wise to lay low and stay close to home over the weekend, as the Moon travels through Cancer. Stoke the home fires and rather attend to our closest relationships. it will be good for your soul.

Astrology Forecast January 3 – 9, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe new year opens up with a pretty smooth transition, with no major astrological events or surprises.

Waking up to a Capricorn Moon conjunction with Venus in Capricorn might have some of us feeling a little tender and emotional early in the day. Also, beware the Capricorn Moon conjunction Pluto in Capricorn later this morning, as this constellation can cause emotional outbursts that negatively affect our relationships. If you feel the need, reach out to a motherly figure in your life for some support and virtual hug.

It’s back to work for many of us today under the Capricorn Moon, and even if you’ve managed a few extra days before a return to the office, the energy of the day is all about enterprise, organization and getting back into the swing of things.

This evening’s Aquarius Moon conjunction Mercury in Aquarius will have us mentally alert and still geared up to get our work and business affairs in order. If you still have a lot of catching up to do on after the holidays, tonight will be a good time to get it done. Business preparations for the week ahead will yield positive results and ensure success.

Expect the unexpected on tomorrow and Wednesday under an Aquarius Moon, as new information, ideas and alternate ways of approaching matters will seem to come at us left and right. Flexibility to alter our plans and being open to change will help us adjust to what transpires and will work in our favor. So, whatever you do try not to dig in your heels too much and do not allow your stubborn side to limit you!

The erratic energies will even out later in the week as the Moon dances through spiritual Pisces on Thursday and Friday, where we can integrate the experiences we’ve had over the holidays. Insights will abound and we will have the opportunity to shift our perspective and trust in all that’s happening around us.

The weekend will most likely be action-packed under the Aries Moon, so this is the time to ramp up on those new year resolutions and start putting healthier and more tangible activities into action. Whether you’ve committed to losing weight, exercise more, or finally get rid of the clutter in your home, this weekend will be the time to get going.

Astrology Forecast August 23 – 29, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s Pisces Moon will make it easier to see the spiritual side and higher purpose to all we do and encounter in this life. Be careful however to not overreact or withdraw too much from the world today, as the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces can make us more hypersensitive than usual.

Once the Moon moves into Aries tomorrow, we’ll have more drive and energy to get things done! This will be a great time to start new projects and take in very challenging tasks.

Thanks to the newly ensconced Virgo Sun today, all we essentially have to do is simply think something, and we can manifest it. Since Virgo rules health and technology, it is good idea to take action now to schedule that overdue medical checkup, as well update apps and clear out old files on your computer or smartphone.  The time of Virgo is about taking care of business, and catching up on the procrastinated things you’ve been moving from list to list over the last two months!

The Moon will move into Taurus on Friday and continue the trend of getting things in order, especially on Saturday, when we’ll find it’s time to clear out the garage, clean up the garden, or make that household repair we’ve been putting off.  It will also be best to stay busy at home doing something constructive, as the Taurus Moon square Jupiter in Aquarius could lead to reckless spending and love relationship issues. Doing useful chores might be the wise option.

Luckily, Sunday is a relaxed energy day, as Mercury moves into Libra and the Moon dances into Gemini. It is a day made for socializing, creative pursuits, or just being a shameless couch potato! Enjoy.

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