astrological conjunction
Astrology Forecast August 22 – 28, 2022
Brace yourself. This week is so packed with astrological shifts that we’ll have to pay close attention to the daily changes it will bring.
The Sun moves into Virgo today, setting us up for a month of inspired thoughts and the desire to create more order and organization in our lives. However, keep your emotions in check as the Cancer Moon
Moon square Jupiter in Aries may inspire risky behavor and bad investments.
We’ll have a quick breather tomorrow, as the Moon moves through Cancer, but on Wednesday, Uranus will turn retrograde and have us questioning everything and everyone. Sudden changes and reversals are a hallmark of this aspect, so be prepared to change direction at a moment’s notice.
On Thursday, Mercury will move into Libra and thankfully restore some balance to our thinking. What we thought was a great idea on Wednesday may prove otherwise on Thursday. So, the trick is to not take action on things too quickly, but to let the dust settle before you proceed. Thursday evening’s Leo Moon conjunction with Venus in Leo will be a lovely opportunity to spend some quality time with your mom or the motherly figure in your life. It will also be the ideal evening for a ladies night or hanging out with girlfriends.
Take advantage of Friday’s Leo Moon to stop and attend to personal needs, making sure you aren’t letting anything fall through the cracks, as you continue through the maze of this weeks’ astrological influences.
Saturday we will have a New Moon in Virgo and yes, you guessed it, even more brilliant ideas rising to the surface. The fun continues on Sunday as we sort through all we’ve discovered this week, as well as what we are imagining for the future.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign on our website.
Astrology Forecast August 1 – 7, 2022
Communication, research, and innovation are the themes of the week as the Moon travels through thought-provoking signs and Mercury moves into the idealistic sign of Virgo on Thursday.
With a Virgo Moon overhead today, we’ll start the week out by organizing and refining our thoughts, goals, and plans for the future.
The Mars and Uranus conjunction in Taurus this morning will further boost our energy levels and will keep us focused on our goals for the week ahead. However, don’t allow your determination and focus to turn into an impulsive and stubborn mindset. Rules are there for a reason, so don’t foolishly break them because you feel somewhat unstoppable this morning!
Tomorrow and Wednesday we’ll be striving for balance under the Libra Moon, double-checking facts, and making sure our ideas are sound and attainable.
The Venus in Cancer sextile with Uranus in Taurus tomorrow morning will be the ideal time to ask that special someone out on a date. Venus and Uranus in this constellation tends to make people more open and receptive to to romance, love and new connections, so strike while the iron is hot!
Mercury will move into Virgo, one of the signs it rules, on Thursday, speeding up our thoughts and inspiring our visions for the next three weeks. Combined with a Scorpio Moon, we’ll move beyond the tangible and consider alternate ways to bring our dreams into reality.
The pace will slow a bit over the weekend, as the Sagittarius Moon encourages us to lighten the pace and spend more time interacting with others in social and fun-loving ways. Just be sure to write down those flashes of brilliance when they pop up this week, for further investigation next week.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.
Astrology Forecast July 18 – 24, 2022
Two planets will cruise into Leo this week, beginning with Mercury tomorrow, followed by the Sun on Friday. With these two aspects in play, we’ll start to see the lazy days of summer in our spiritual rear-view mirror and turn our attention to all we want to get done before the season is completed next month.
Leo embodies the heart-warming connections we embrace and encourages generosity, authenticity, and passion. As a sign of the zodiac that promotes the self and ego, we’ll focus on building our confidence and presence in the world in the month ahead, while remembering how our actions and choices will affect others.
The lunar energies of this week are also highly productive as the Moon travels through Aries today through Wednesday and then charges into Taurus to move us forward in deliberate and tangible ways. Guard against stubbornness, but don’t let anything get in your way.
Avoid becoming emotional in your dealings with others early this morning, as an Aries Moon square Venus in Cancer is known for triggering irritability, anger and arguments. Matters should improve by mid-morning with the conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter in Aries, which bodes well for both social success and financial gains. Use this opportunity to also schedule follow-up calls and meetings for tomorrow morning first thing, when you will be able to continue riding this self-confident energy wave with the organizational talents of Mercury in Leo.
A Gemini Moon hangs overhead this weekend, encouraging us to connect with loved ones and share our thoughts, ideas, and hopes for the future with anyone who will listen, either on the internet or in person.
Moon Transits In Your Daily Spiritual Practice
There are many additional ways to apply Astrology in a spiritual lifestyle beyond the customary horoscopes and birth charts. For example, following the lunar transits is one of my favorite methods for working on my personal growth and spiritual development.
The Moon is the fastest transiting planet of the Zodiac, as it moves into a different sign every two and a half days. The Moon’s monthly journey through the constellations, enables us to reflect on the qualities and pertinence in our charts of each of the twelve zodiac signs.
How does one use the energies of lunar transits as a guide for personal and spiritual growth? In my work as a professional astrologer and psychic reader, I have found the following aspects useful:
Natal Chart
Do you have a strong natal Moon? How is it aspected? Have you struggled with any emotional issues in your lifetime? A Natal Moon with a lot of squares and oppositions can predict issues such as emotional lability and impulse control. Gaining insight into one’s struggles through astrological interpretation can help a person find spiritual healing.
Also, consider the transiting Moon’s current aspects with your natal chart. Is the Moon, for example, in a conjunction with your natal Mars? This aspect may create an emotional need to connect with your inner warrior on that particular day. Or perhaps the Moon is transiting your midheaven sign today, which is the highest point at the top of your chart that says, “I’m here!” to the world.
Astrology Forecast April 25 – May 1, 2022
The major event in the heavens this week occurs on Saturday when the Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse sets the stage for a shift in focus, energy and direction over the next six months. This is the first of two eclipses in as many weeks, the next one occurring on May 16th. As we examine our lives for the next two weeks, we’ll be better prepared to make changes once the second eclipse occurs in May.
With an ethereal Pisces Moon overhead today and tomorrow, we should avoid making any hard and fast decisions, as information is cloudy and doubts tend to hold us back. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just the Universe protecting us from moving in the wrong direction!
This evening the Pisces Moon conjunction Mars in Pisces may cause us to be irritable and egotistic. Relationship tension and conflict is also more likely.
Clarity returns on Wednesday as the Moon charges into Aries and doubts fade away. We’ll be inspired to take action and more action, especially when Mercury moves into Gemini and Pluto turns retrograde on Friday.
Gemini is one of two signs Mercury rules (Virgo being the other one) and so our thoughts and mental prowess will pick up full power under this influence. Our thoughts may pop up faster than we can speak them as new ideas and inspirations bubble to the surface for the next few weeks.
Pluto’s shift to retrograde motion may be almost indiscernible, as it’s more a generational influencer than a personal planet. However, as it retrogrades for the next five months, we may see improvements in global concerns, such as climate change.
Astrology Forecast March 7 – 13, 2022
Mercury joins the Sun in Pisces this week, adding to the spiritual, somewhat ethereal energy of this week.
Today will prove our most productive day under the Taurus Moon, so get as much out of the way as you can. The Moon will dance through Gemini Tuesday through Thursday, making us more prone to socializing and chatting mid-week.
The Taurus Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will bring us both social and financial success and have us feeling upbeat and confident, so this morning will be a good time to drum up some new business prospects.
The Pisces Sun sextile Moon in Taurus today will add to our sense of popularity and our ability to see eye-to-eye and successfully meet others halfway. This constellation lasts only a few hours, so strike the iron today while it is still hot, as the mood will shift towards insincerity, disharmony and even depression by the end of the day under the Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius.
As Mercury moves into Pisces on Wednesday, most of our discussions will be centered on spirituality, the occult, and the supernatural.
Once the Moon exits Gemini and wades into Cancer, we’ll have two more days of watery energy on Friday and Saturday.
The fog will finally begin to lift on Sunday when the Moon moves into Aries and restores our energy and drive, though we may decide to channel that into restoring balance rather than charging out to run a marathon or paint the house!
Astrology Forecast February 28 – March 6, 2022
Expect the unexpected today and tomorrow, as the Moon travels through Aquarius and shifts our focus with new information or last minute changes in plans. Don’t fight the obstacles or revisions, as they are designed to serve our best interest.
Being patient and calm may be a tough call this morning under the Aquarius Moon square Uranus in Taurus, which may tempt us to be stubborn, irritable, and unpredictable. Take care not to give in to a capricious mindset or melodramatic mood.
Thankfully, the atmosphere will improve markedly with the Moon conjunction Mercury in Aquarius towards the end of the day, which will see us more mentally alert, focused and acting sensibly.
The Pisces New Moon and two planetary transits add an interesting tone to the week that highlights the spiritual and innovative aspects of our personality.
Wednesday’s Pisces New Moon heralds in a cycle of spiritual renewal over the next two weeks, revealing the reason for past delays, disappointments, or reversals. Think of this as an ‘aha’ phase, where everything will finally begin to make sense!
Getting things done is always easier under a fire sign Moon, so capitalize on Friday and Saturday’s Aries Moon to make things happen.
You may want to take things easy on Sunday as the Moon moves into Taurus and Venus and Mars enter the electric sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius will inspire us to think outside the box over the next six weeks, while Mars in the same sign could create some unpredictable movement or inspire new paths to follow. Either way, with both these planets in the sign of friendship, we’ll have more than enough support and backing to move us forward into a brighter future.