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Astrology Forecast February 28 – March 6, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comExpect the unexpected today and tomorrow, as the Moon travels through Aquarius and shifts our focus with new information or last minute changes in plans. Don’t fight the obstacles or revisions, as they are designed to serve our best interest.

Being patient and calm may be a tough call this morning under the Aquarius Moon square Uranus in Taurus, which may tempt us to be stubborn, irritable, and unpredictable. Take care not to give in to a capricious mindset or melodramatic mood.

Thankfully, the atmosphere will improve markedly with the Moon conjunction Mercury in Aquarius towards the end of the day, which will see us more mentally alert, focused and acting sensibly.

The Pisces New Moon and two planetary transits add an interesting tone to the week that highlights the spiritual and innovative aspects of our personality.

Wednesday’s Pisces New Moon heralds in a cycle of spiritual renewal over the next two weeks, revealing the reason for past delays, disappointments, or reversals. Think of this as an ‘aha’ phase, where everything will finally begin to make sense!

Getting things done is always easier under a fire sign Moon, so capitalize on Friday and Saturday’s Aries Moon to make things happen.

You may want to take things easy on Sunday as the Moon moves into Taurus and Venus and Mars enter the electric sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius will inspire us to think outside the box over the next six weeks, while Mars in the same sign could create some unpredictable movement or inspire new paths to follow. Either way, with both these planets in the sign of friendship, we’ll have more than enough support and backing to move us forward into a brighter future.

Astrology Forecast November 29 – December 5, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRestoring order and balance are on the cards today and tomorrow as the Moon travels through harmony and equilibrium seeking Libra. It is a much-needed blessing for starting this week on a high note, as the rest of the week may prove scattered and chaotic at best!

Neptune turns direct on Wednesday and may ‘burst some bubbles’ in its wake, taking the wind out of our sails and tossing a dose of reality our way. Take heart though, as the truth will always set us free, and moving forward under false illusions will only keep you from your goals.

Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon will douse us with its intense, passionate energy. Take special care to remain self aware, as this lunar energy could bring out the best and worst of our innate Scorpio traits and tendencies, ranging from loyalty, authenticity, passion and charisma to moodiness, brooding, vindictiveness or being a control freak.

Mercury will enter Aquarius on Thursday, which will  continue the ‘facing facts’ trend by shifting our thinking where fantasy and reality may be clashing. These aspects are set to prepare us for the effects of a second of two lunar eclipses we are currently experiencing. The second eclipse is happening this Saturday under a Sagittarius New Moon. This will inspire us to set a new course for the next six months, one that is grounded in reality, but based in the heart!

Take Sunday off to regroup under the Capricorn Moon, as we will probably need some ‘down time’ to process all we’ve learned and experienced over the last few weeks.

Astrology Forecast November 1 – 7, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday is going to be our most productive day of the week thanks to the Virgo Moon, so dive right in and get all your paperwork and important tasks out of the way. This may however prove more challenging to accomplish than usual, as the Virgo Moon opposing Neptune in Pisces this afternoon may cause us to be passive, lazy and inconsistent.

Tomorrow and Wednesday we’ll be prone to daydreaming under the Libra Moon, so it could be difficult to make any headway under this influence. Just remember, daydreams awaken the creative spirit within us, so give yourself permission to while away the hours doing whatever strikes your fancy!

A Scorpio New Moon will greet us on Thursday and as always will herald new beginnings and fresh starts. To add power to these new beginnings, Venus will move into the action sign of Capricorn, and Mercury will join the Sun in the manifesting sign of Scorpio on Friday. There’s a lot of passion and power in these aspects, so consider it a green light to move forward.

Venus entering Capricorn on Friday morning may however start the weekend off on a more serious, gloomy note, combined with the sentimental mood of a Scorpio Moon sextile Pluto in Capricorn, that may even have us yearning for an impromptu road-trip back to a our hometown or a favorite destination from the good old days.

The weekend is the perfect time to put some things into motion as the Moon travels through Sagittarius and surrounds us with creative energy. Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn will further inspire our imagination and creative energies.

Astrology Forecast October 4 – 10, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe could feel a bit skittish or anxious this week as four astrological events unfold.

Today’s Virgo Moon has us running on all cylinders, and we could find it difficult to keep up with all that’s on our plates! But beware the Moon’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces later today, because it has a tendency to deflate our drive and motivation, and can also cause some of us to be anxious and overly sensitive.

Luckily the Moon will move into Libra tomorrow to restore some balance, cheer us up and stimulate our desire for harmony.  The Libra Moon may also have us feeling romantic today. It is a great time to meet that someone new to sweep you off your feet!

The Libra New Moon on Wednesday gives us the opportunity for a fresh start or a ‘do-over’ if something we’re working on has hit a block. But be patient, as moodiness, restlessness and irritability may be a possibility today for those of us with a fragile temperament.

Pluto will also turn direct on Wednesday, after five months of backward motion. Pluto generates karmic shifts and is more generational than personal, so we may not even notice its influence for a month or more, but it promises to reverse and right some global problems we’ve been dealing with.

Venus will move into the light-hearted and fun-loving sign of Sagittarius on Thursday, bringing six weeks of joyful movement as we move closer to the holiday season next month. Speaking of Sagittarius, the Moon will travel through this fair-minded sign over the weekend, lightening the mood considerably. Saturn will turn direct on Sunday, calling for a restructuring of boundaries and schedules as we move into a cycle of busyness and high activity for the remainder of the year.

Astrology Forecast September 6 – 12, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday’s New Moon in Virgo inspires our organizational and idealistic sensibilities as we embrace the new energy in the air. The first two days of the week will prove quite productive under this influence. Use this time to clear a path and start setting up new ventures and schedules. Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius today and tomorrow adds to the idealistic and positive atmosphere. But be careful, as a Virgo New Moon can also cause us to be moody and irritable.

Balance will be the theme as the Moon cruises through Libra on Wednesday and Thursday, so we’ll be able to take a breather from the persistent pace of the previous two days. This will also be a good time to review our relationships and make sure we are connecting on a heart level with loved ones, rather than being superficial and insincere.

Wednesday’s Libra Moon conjunction Mercury in Libra will be a good day for business success and making lucrative deals. This aspect inspires us to be more focused, mentally clear and capable of making good decisions.

Venus will move into Scorpio on Friday, bringing our deeper desires and longings into focus. The spiritual aspect of Scorpio will infiltrate all we do, especially with the Moon in this sign on Friday and Saturday. Speak from the heart, follow your intuition, and trust the process. A lot of memories could surface under these influences. A walk down memory lane may fill us with gratitude and appreciation for the journey our path has taken us on.

Sunday’s Sagittarius Moon is all about having fun, so cast off the scattered vibes of this week and make this a ‘me day’ with lots of self-love and self-care. Take a day at the spa, a trip to your favorite spot, or spend the whole day catching up on all the shows you’ve missed. Whatever you choose to do, the main aim must be to feed your soul and nurture your spirit on your own terms.

August 2021 Astrology Forecast

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAugust 2021 will be easier to navigate compared to June and July. Fire energy embodies the first half of this month, giving us the motivation and desire to make things happen.

We start the month off with an energetic New Moon in Leo next week on August 8th. New moons represent fresh beginnings and offer wonderful opportunity for manifesting, letting go of bad habits, or starting a new routine.

Leo is associated with the heart and the inner child and gives us the courage to rise above challenging circumstances. If you have been feeling down, or a victim of injustice, this new moon will help you reclaim your power and take a stand, if necessary.

On August 11th the planet of communication, Mercury, will move into Virgo for about 20 days. Our conversations with others will be practical, down to earth, and focused. This will be an optimal time to schedule that appointment with your health, wellness, or energy healing provider to address any concerns you may have.

Venus the planet of love, enters into Libra on August 16th and will assist us in creating a sense of balance in our relationships. If you have been giving too much of yourself, this transit will encourage you to pay attention to your own needs and cultivate a stronger sense self-love.

A Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 22nd and brings situations to a culmination. This moon cycle is favorable for removing and releasing anything that doesn’t serve your highest good. Since it’s in the sign of Aquarius, think about your purpose, what makes you unique and how you can help to create a better world.

The Sun transits into Virgo on the same day as the full moon. This earthly energy will help us get grounded, adopt a more logical approach, and set healthier boundaries. Getting organized, tidying up our homes, and paying attention to the details is the best way to work with Virgo.

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Astrology Forecast July 5 – 11, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur best bet for getting anything productive done this week will be under today’s Taurus Moon moving into Gemini this evening. The rest of the week will however unfold under a veil of emotional confusion and the tendency to go hide in our Cancer shells. The Moon in Taurus has been making us more success-driven, while the Moon in the Gemini tends to sharpen our mental faculties. We are more awake this afternoon and looking for new experiences and impressions. This is a good time for all kinds of communication, contacts, training, and learning.

We’ll need to watch for gossip or misinformation on Tuesday and Wednesday, as the Gemini Moon inspires people to share without the facts or make comments that could be taken the wrong way. Our best bet during this phase is to watch and listen, rather than advising or sharing our opinions.

Beware the Gemini Moon square Jupiter in Pisces tomorrow, as it can get us into trouble with the authorities or invite legal problems. Be sure to follow the rules and comply with regulations. Conflict and drama could also surface in romantic relationships, so mind your P’s and Q’s when interacting with your partner or that new love interest.

The Moon will dive into emotional Cancer on Thursday, culminating in a Cancer New Moon on Friday. If you feel the urge to hide out under the covers or draw the drapes and take the phone off the hook, it’s not a bad idea, as feelings are easily hurt and self-doubt or confusion can make it difficult to interact with the rest of the world. On an up note, this time of isolation will give us a chance to go deep within and revisit our spiritual centers, clearing out whatever messages or ideas aren’t working while encouraging us to trust our intuition more readily.

Sunday’s Leo Moon will have us feeling more like ourselves, ready to face the world again, and thanks to Mercury’s entry into Cancer, encouraging us to share from the heart and soul.

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