new moon
Astrology Forecast August 14 – 20, 2023
The week begins with a confident Leo Moon this morning that will boost our self-esteem, assertiveness, and creative expression. It will culminate in a Leo New Moon on Wednesday morning, causing our emotions to dominate in a positive, uplifting way the first three days of the week and ensuring that our interactions with others will be kind and harmonious.
However, the gentle, sentimental mood of tomorrow night’s Leo Moon conjunction with Venus could later turn into an irritable mood, irresponsible actions, or hypersensitivity under the Leo Sun square with Uranus in Taurus tomorrow night. What may start out as a lovely romantic evening with someone special could morph into an impulsive, emotional whirlwind, so try to avoid spiraling into unnecessary emotional drama.
The best time to get anything of a detailed or organized nature done this week is Thursday and Friday, when the Moon moves through intellectual Virgo. Whether you’re clearing out clutter at home, creating a new organizational system at work, restructuring your finances, or dealing with personal health issues, the Virgo Moon will ensure a more successful effort. A Virgo Moon conjunction with Mercury also ensures that Friday will be a great day for business success and sound judgment in professional matters.
The weekend is all about balance, as a Libra Moon reminds us to look closely at any areas of our lives that have become unbalanced or out of order. Relationships are also highlighted this weekend, inviting us to spend more time with our loved ones and give thanks for the special people in our lives. The Libra Moon sextile Venus in Leo makes Sunday the perfect opportunity for a romantic outing with your partner, or a blind date with a new love interest.
Astrology Forecast July 17 – 23, 2023
The week begins with a gentle Cancer New Moon today, which will instill us with the desire to nurture ourselves and others. Under a Cancer New Moon our emotions take center stage and our sense of compassion, kindness and tolerance becomes elevated. This evening’s Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces will add to our heightened empathy and understanding.
Make the most of these energies by reaching out to someone you care about, or step up to make the peace with someone you have been at odds with.
Tonight will also be a great time to catch up on your spiritual practice with some meditation, prayer for others, oracle card or rune reading, or journaling.
Our love-and-belonging mindset will escalate even further tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon glides through big-hearted Leo and inspires us to lean in and reconnect with those closest to us.
We’ll also have to do some productive work this week, of course, and the Virgo Moon will make Thursday and Friday’s the ideal days to take care of responsibilities and tasks we cannot postpone until next week.
The Sun enters Leo on Saturday, heralding a four-week cycle of self-love, generosity, and strength of heart. A few hours later, Venus will turn retrograde, kicking off a six-week cycle of romance and relationship energies that we’ll need to pay close attention to. This aspect can bring lovers back from the past (not necessarily for a reconnection) or create the opportunity to magically connect with your soulmate.
If you’re in a relationship that has run its course, this will become more apparent in the weeks ahead, and if you have been neglecting a valued relationship in your life, this will become equally apparent. Expect changes in your relationships over the next month and a half. Being more mindful with your partner, loved ones and friends will work in your favor during this time.
Astrology Forecast June 12 – 18, 2023
Our creativity soars this week, as we thrive under the inspirational energies of the Gemini Sun to revamp our outlook and surroundings.
Today and tomorrow we’ll also be brainstorming for new ideas under the Aries Moon, and by Wednesday, when the Moon moves into Taurus, we’ll be able to take action on the things we want to change on a physical level.
The week starts off strongly this morning with the Aries Moon trine Mars in Leo. This aspect is known for determination, courage, resourcefulness, and lots of practical action. If you are not working today, this morning is also great for some quality ‘me’ time doing the things you love most.
Whether you are ready to take on a home remodeling project, bring your wardrobe up to date or go for a completely new look, or launch a new spiritual practice to enhance your soul growth, this is the time to bring those to life!
Tuesday afternoon a Aries Moon square with Pluto in Capricorn may however cause some trouble. This transit is notorious for causing irritablity, emotional outbursts, and agressive behavior. Disagreements regarding business or family finances are more likely and we may be more prone to lashing out. Find and keep your inner peace, as the unnecessary drama will not be worth it.
The Gemini New Moon on Saturday heralds a two-week cycle of new beginnings, so the preparations we make this week will quickly move us forward into enhanced levels of being. We can pause for a moment on Sunday as the Moon moves into Cancer, focusing on family, home, and the things that bring us comfort.
Astrology Forecast May 15 – 21, 2023
Get ready to rock and roll this week, as several important astrological shifts take place and reset the tone for the next few months.
Today’s Aries Moon offers a perfect start to a successful work week by boosting our energy levels and assertiveness. We feel mentally sharp and confident today to take on even the most difficult challenges. The Aries Moon sextile with Pluto in Aquarius this morning will add fuel to the fire with a heightened sense of adventure and fearless risk-taking!
The sign of Taurus takes center stage this week, starting with Jupiter’s move into the sign of the bull on Tuesday, which will inspire us with a more grounded and ambitious focus for the next few years.
The Moon enters Taurus on Wednesday for the remainder of the work week, culminating in a Taurus New Moon on Friday. New Moons signal a two-week cycle of fresh starts and new beginnings, so this is the ideal time to take all those brilliant ideas you’ve been pondering and start putting them into action.
Mars will move into the vibrant sign of Leo on Friday and spend the next two months encouraging us to shine brightly in the world. Mars thrives in fire signs, and Leo is no exception. It’s a good time to share more of your gifts and talents with the world! And if you haven’t been tooting your own horn lately, the Sun will dance into Gemini on Sunday and encourage you to broadcast your brilliance out to the world for the next four weeks.
Astrology Forecast April 17 – 23, 2023
An interesting astrological week lies ahead as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, followed by an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. If you have placements in any of the cardinal signs, namely in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, this first solar eclipse of the year will affect you more.
Tomorrow afternoon the Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune may cause us to be distracted and immersed in daydreams, as well as overly sensitive, emotional and even anxious. Keep calm and try to stay focused until the Moon transits into Aries tonight to restore our mental clarity, energy levels and confidence to take on life’s challenges.
Leading up to the Solar Eclipse and Sun sign transition on Thursday, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Aries Moon will cast excitement in the air. We’ll feel a signigicant change is coming, even if we don’t know what it is yet.
Thursday’s hybrid solar eclipse in Aries is a rare and beautiful phenomenon, as it is both a total and an annular eclipse. During an annular eclipse the edge of the Sun remains visible, creating a lovely bright ring of light around the shadow of the Moon.
This solar eclipse is a powerful time to review our dreams and goals, set clear intentions, and embrace new possibilities. If you need a significant breakthrough in your career, business or romance, then make the most of this potentially life-changing energy with a prayer, meditation, affirmations, or visualization. This is also the second Aries New Moon in just three weeks, so it reaffirms the energy of the previous, encouraging us to put ourselves out there and create new magic and miracles!
Astrology Forecast March 20 – 26, 2023
Expect a busy week. This week will be a decisive, inspired, action-oriented time that will feel like the actual beginning of the New Year for many of us. If you have been procrastinating with your goals for 2023, or been putting off making important life decisions, this week’s planetary energies are bound to change that!
The hustle and bustle begins with today being very special date for astrologers and metaphysicians everywhere, as we are celebrating International Astrology Day! This special holiday is observed every year on the day of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). No matter where you are in the world, the length of day and night is equal today. The Spring Equinox also marks the beginning of a new astrological year, because the Sun moves into Aries today to mark the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac year.
The Aries Sun will revive us on many levels this week, as we cast off the pessimism, overthinking, indecision, and sometimes lazy vibes of Pisces, to enter a cycle of fiery creativity, passion, inspiration, and assertive action. The next four weeks can prove very fruitful and exciting for those who confidently embrace the energies of the new zodac year. Aries is high energy, upfront, and fast-paced, so make the most of this energy to propel yourself into new adventures.
To add to the excitement, tomorrow’s Aries New Moon will add further fuel to the fire to inspire fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings. This New Moon is the perfect time to set intentions for the rest of the year.
Astrology Forecast February 20 – 26, 2023
The week starts with a Pisces New Moon and Venus moving into Aries today.
New Moons herald a time of new beginnings, and in Pisces the focus ison spiritual advancement, and expanded views of the physical world and metaphysical realms as they relate to each other.
Venus loves to show off in Aries, so get ready to express yourself! And be prepared for others to act with more drama and flair than usual.
Tomorrow afternoon’s Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces can cause us to be nervous and hypersensitive. Some grounding and centering energy work is advised. On the upside the dreamy, poetic energies of this aspect is also ideal for journaling and artistic self-expression, so if you have been lacking inspiration lately this mid-day transit may be just the muse you have been waiting for.
Wednesday the Moon dashes into Aries, which will get us up and running! Creative ideas abound under this Moon, as well as accelerated energy to help us move through the mid-week with determination and ambition.
Friday and Saturday are all about the material world as the Moon cruises through Taurus. Making a real dent in home projects or implementing new self-care practices will be a theme for many of us.
Reserve Sunday for social media activities, as the Gemini Moon inspires more time online. Updating your news feed, doing zoom calls, and good old-fashioned in-person gabfests are likely to be on the agenda.