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Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge! – Part One

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy clients are always asking me how it is I’m always so positive and upbeat every time they call for a psychic reading. They always tell me how it has a way of rubbing off on them. I love hearing this! I know I have the gift to heal energetically.

Do you experience a sense of lack in your life, or the presence of negative energy, or maybe you recently experienced the loss of a loved one? If there is anything that you may be dealing with that is causing dis-ease in your life, then this series of blogs are just what you need. I invite you to take my Heaven On Earth Solitude Challenge. Try it for the next week or so, or until my next blog in this series, about the benefits of solitude, gets posted. You can then, at that time, compare some of the benefits you gained in your own life with those that I have experienced in mine. Continue reading

Turn The Mutterflies Into Butterflies!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe so often forget to use our imagination for good things and good thoughts. Instead we bog ourselves down with those constant negative what-if’s. We get a case of the ‘mutterflies’ because our tummies, our core, is in literal crisis with all the stress we load upon our minds, our bodies and our spirit.

This is my call to you, dear reader, to turn those mutterflies into butterflies!

Do you even remember what it is like to have a feeling of excitement, of anticipation, of hope? When I was a kid we described it as having “butterflies in the tummy”. We knew something good was going to happen and we were just so excited. So hopeful. So enthusiastic. Continue reading

Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part One

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is so important to keep a dream journal! Some people truly believe that our dreams are nothing more than things we have experienced throughout are day, or just mental wanderings. But dreams are much more than all of that.

In my professional experience dreams are an in-between state between the material realm and the spiritual realm – be it heaven or the other side. It is a place where we can get connected with truth and the light to keep our souls in alignment.

I believe we would all go insane to one degree or another if we didn’t dream or astral travel for a long period of time. That could be why people who don’t get enough sleep sometimes seem so disconnected from that divine spark inside of them. They also get depressed, stressed and their health suffers. Continue reading

Enhance Prosperity And Happiness With Citrine

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCitrine, meaning “Lemon” in French, is a quartz crystal. Natural Citrine is pale yellow, to golden, to orange-brown, and often referred to as the “Merchant Stone”. Citrine is associated with the Sun, success and abundance. I call it my “prosperity enhancing aid”.

Citrine can be found in Brazil, Argentina, Burma, Madagascar, Scotland, Spain, Russia and Namibia, and long ago amongst certain cultures, Citrine was carried for protection against evil thoughts, and even snake venom.

You can wear Citrine as jewelry, to assist with psychic awareness and psychic protection. This quartz is also said to expand our spirit of generosity. Citrine, along with Topaz is a birthstone for those born November month. Continue reading

My Mother, My Self

Get e free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy mother is a wonderful woman. Kind-hearted, giving, a great cook and a good listener. In short she is all the things a good mother should be.

My mother is also the most mean-spirited and callous woman you could ever not want to meet. She will cause a scene just to do it, just to get a rise out of someone, because she is bored and isn’t getting paid any attention. Which, to her, is all the time.

My mother is bipolar, with severe manic-depressive mood swings that leave you gasping for breath in the wake of an episode, the same way you gasp for breath after being sucked under by a huge wave of water. My mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There, but for the Grace of God, go I, as the saying goes. Continue reading

Why We Feel Drained

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPeople who are ‘old souls’ or, if you prefer, ‘highly enlightened beings’, become drained very quickly when around others of lower energetic vibrations. Why does this happen, a dear client of mine asked me recently. I meditated on this and asked God, the Source of all Love and Light, and what came to me was the following.

We become drained, because when our heart is open and we are connected to the Divine we unfortunately encounter souls who have not progressed enough, so there is negative inside of them, which causes the sensitive or empathic person to become drained very quickly.

These negative souls are also known to us humans here on Earth as energy vampires. These people drain our energy, because they do not know how to silence the mind and recharge their own batteries without someone else’s help. So, with their negative emotions they can get to us. Continue reading

Destination: Self-Realization

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat can really make a person happy in life? In my work as professional psychic I talk to all kinds of people, including some very wealthy and financially secure folks. There often seems to be a void in their life and they are generally not happy. In fact, some of them are truly depressed and miserable.

I also talk to many folks who are married, have loving and caring partners and even a great sex life. The have the whole package, but they too are unhappy and depressed at times and not entirely content.

While no one is completely happy all of the time, you would think we could all get to the point where we would live a content, happy life, like the enlightened beings of the world. But sadly, many of us can’t afford to go far away to India or live in a cave to find out what this is that we need to get in touch with to be truly happy. Continue reading

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