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How to Recognize The Presence Of Angels

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Angels are always around us, offering protection, guidance and support. Some of us can sense their presence and, in rare cases, even see them.

Although I’ve never seen an angel myself, I have had several profound experiences of their presence.

One day, while doing my usual phone reading, I felt the unmistakable presence of an angel. I knew intuitively that she was there on behalf of the person I was reading for.

The experience filled me with awe and emotion. I was moved to tears because it felt like such a sacred gift, both to the person receiving the message and to me. I shared the experience with my client and passed on the message the angel had brought.

Moments like these touch my heart deeply. The intensity of the emotions and the powerful energy I feel in my work as a psychic can be overwhelming. To be honest, it’s not uncommon for me to cry during a reading.

Being so attuned to the spiritual realm brings with it strong feelings of love and connection, and sometimes it’s hard to contain these emotions. People don’t always fully understand how emotional this work can be, but for those of us who do it, it’s just part of the job.

After the reading I noticed a change. Angels began to appear more often, their presence was stronger, and their messages were clearer. While I had always known they were helping me, to feel their presence so directly was a profound gift. I wanted my clients to understand how special these moments were, that these divine beings were sending them something truly extraordinary.

When we open our hearts, angels appear in the form of guiding voices, helping us find our way in the darkness of life ~ Paulo Coelho

I believe that angels appear when the situation calls for it — when we need clarity, comfort, or a warning. They have abilities beyond those of our spirit guides and can draw our attention in subtle but powerful ways.

For example, they may leave signs such as feathers to let you know they’re watching over you. Other signs might be butterflies, hummingbirds, or even a bee that seems to appear out of nowhere. These are all messages from the angels. I’ve seen this many times. Sometimes they leave coins or show flashes of light, another way of saying “I’m here.

These signs can come in many forms, from subtle spiritual nudges to more mystical or emotional clues. Here are some of the more common ways angels make themselves known:

Mystical Signs

Angels often make contact through our subconscious through dreams. These dreams can be vivid, emotionally charged, or even prophetic, providing answers or reassurance in symbolic form. Seeing an angel in a dream or waking up with a sense of deep peace can be a sign that they’ve visited.

Synchronicities are another way angels show their presence — those meaningful coincidences that seem too perfect to be random. For example, you may repeatedly encounter the same message or symbol just when you need it most, as if the universe is aligning things on your behalf.

Another mystical sign is an unusual encounter with animals or insects. If an animal behaves in an unusual way, or if you feel a strong connection to an animal, it could be an angel communicating through nature. A butterfly landing on you, a bird appearing repeatedly, or an unexpected interaction with a wild animal can all be messages from angels.

Signs from angels can also manifest as heightened intuition or inner knowing. You may have a strong hunch or gut feeling about something, even without a logical explanation. This inner guidance can help you make decisions that are aligned with your highest good, even if they seem unconventional or unexpected. Sometimes it feels like a gentle but persistent thought nudging you in a certain direction, or an inner voice reassuring you that you’re on the right track.

Your guardian angel is telepathic to all your thoughts. Asking in your mind for their help is all you need to do to engage their assistance ~ Robbie Holz

Mental Signs

Angels often provide mental clarity and inspiration, especially when we’re in need of guidance or a fresh perspective. This can manifest as a sudden insight or breakthrough where the solution to a problem or a new direction becomes strikingly clear. You may be wrestling with a difficult decision or feeling stuck, and then an idea or answer seems to come out of nowhere. These moments feel divinely timed, as if you’re being gently nudged in the right direction.

In addition to problem solving, angels can inspire bursts of creativity. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, or simply going about your daily tasks, you may experience a flood of ideas or creative energy that feels like it’s flowing from a higher source. This feeling of being “in the flow” is often associated with an angelic presence guiding you toward innovation or a new way of looking at things.

Emotional signs

On an emotional level, angelic presence can bring sudden and profound peace or calm, even in the midst of chaos. You may feel an overwhelming sense of calm and inner peace that reassures you that everything will be all right. There’s sometimes also a feeling of being watched over. It’s a comforting sense of protection, as if you’re being shielded from harm or gently guided in the right direction.

Similarly, angels can fill your heart with a strong sense of love and compassion, either for yourself or for others. This feeling often transcends ordinary emotions and fills you with a sense of unconditional love. Euphoria is another emotional sign, a sudden and all-encompassing joy that lifts your spirit beyond normal happiness. This surge of bliss can leave you feeling deeply connected to the Divine.

Sensory Signs

Physical sensations are a common way that angels announce their presence. You may feel a sudden warmth or coolness, especially around your heart or crown chakra. This change in temperature, often accompanied by a tingling sensation, can be a clear indication of angelic energy.

Another common sign is the smell of pleasant scents, such as sweet, floral, or even earthy scents, with no identifiable source. These scents can be a direct message from the angels. Hearing unusual sounds, such as soft whispers, bells, or ethereal music, is another sensory sign. Angels may be communicating through these soft sounds, offering guidance or reassurance.

Angels don’t use one single “language” or method to communicate with us. Their language is diverse and deep. And they’ll tap into whatever channel they need to make sure their message is heard ~ Hope Lux

Finally, visual clues such as seeing flashes of light, shimmering orbs, or feathers appearing out of nowhere are often associated with an angelic presence. These visual signs can be comforting reminders that you’re being cared for by divine beings.

By paying attention to these signs, you can become more attuned to the subtle ways angels communicate and remind you that you are never alone. These are just some of the ways people have reported feeling the presence of angels. It’s important to trust your own intuition and experience. If you’re ever unsure of their message, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Angels often say that if you pay attention to your situation, the answer will reveal itself.

We can call on the angels whenever we need help, as they are always available to provide guidance, protection, and support. While many people often turn to their spirit guides for help, angels have even greater powers, acting as direct messengers from God, the Creator, the Great Spirit, the Divine. They not only offer comfort, but also bring divine solutions to difficult situations, working on behalf of the Higher Power of all creation.

Angels serve as intermediaries between the spirit realm and the human world, assisting with both personal challenges and larger spiritual matters. For example, Archangel Michael, often called upon for protection, has the power to cut energetic cords and release individuals from harmful attachments. Similarly, Archangel Raphael is known for his healing abilities, helping with both physical and emotional ailments.

While spirit guides are our personal helpers, angels are more universally accessible and have broader authority, acting as powerful agents of divine intervention. Their connection to the Creator allows them to tap into higher spiritual energy and make profound changes in our lives.

For example, if you feel stuck in a toxic relationship, you might call upon an angel to guide you toward healing and freedom. Likewise, when faced with a difficult decision, angels can offer clarity and wisdom, often through subtle signs, dreams, or intuitive nudges. Their divine nature makes them uniquely capable of influencing circumstances and opening doors to new possibilities, always working with your best interests at heart and in alignment with the greater good.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out to the angels. Talk to them, ask for their help, and pay attention to the signs they send you. They will always respond, just as your guides do — you just need to be open to their messages.

About The Author: Venus

Venus lives in Arizona and has helped clients with her arsenal of psychic gifts for over twenty years. She was blessed with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Empathic gifts, and she is also a certified Life Coach and a Reiki practitioner. Departed loved ones will often enter a reading, either invited or they simply show up to pass along their messages. Messages also flow in from her direct communication to Spirit and Angels, providing the client with the answers they need to get them moving forward toward happiness, rewards, and success in their lives. In addition to being a psychic, life coach, and reiki practitioner, over the last ten years, she has also been a teacher and has led seminars to help others embrace their higher knowledge. If you’d like a compassionate psychic who can tune-in immediately and channel without tools, You’ll want a reading with Venus at:

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