A Time For Mindful Reflection
As the leaves begin to fall and the weather changes, I am reminded that change is a natural part of life. As the seasons change, it is natural for us to also shift and adapt, as our ancestors did for millennia.
Many years ago, a martial artist reminded me that when facing a difficult challenge in life that we are not able to avoid or change, we can still alter our view of the situation and find new meaning and resolution. What seems like the harshest challenges in our lives are often blessings in disguise. It often gifts us the opportunity to move forward and grow by changing that which no longer serves our true purpose and highest good.
We are living in an extraordinary time where natural forces are increasingly reminding us to become more responsible custodians of the environment that hosts our species. We must also become better stewards of the glorious physical temples that house our souls. The key to this is mindfulness. By adopting a mindful lifestyle, greater planetary care and self-care becomes second nature to us, and both our own lives and the world we live in will benefit exponentially.
Mindfulness allows us to be present in each moment, appreciating the beauty of constant change and the natural cycles of life even as it happens. When we become still and centered, we connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us.
An endless array of spiritual practices and self-care endeavours, such as prayer, meditation, gratitude journaling and charitable volunteering can help us find peace despite any great change or challenge that may be confronting us. Make the effort to find your own desired outlet for connecting to your inner peace, as this undertaking will lead to a lasting fulfilment and joy that you can hold on to at any time throughout your lifetime.
Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and those who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night; and thus would never know the rhythms that are at the heart of life ~ Hal Borland
So, as the seasons change once again, remember to be mindful of the present moment. Be aware about what is happening around you in this very moment. Note the sights, scents, and sounds of your environment. Take in the reality of your life, to assess where you are and where you want to go, and gratefully embrace what is already good in your life, despite that which may still be lacking.
As nature evolves and grows, so must we. Fall and winter are a time for personal renewal and rejuvenation to go within and become more reflective. As the season changes, take note of the changes that you desire in your own life and create a roadmap to help you navigate through the hills and valleys of your life as you move towards fulfilling your most treasured goals. Be not afraid to think bold, life-altering thoughts, as any vision held in consciousness will manifest in your life with faith, hard work, courage, consistency, and perseverance.
Remember always that you have a direct link to Divine Mind, and the Divine directly expresses itself through the miracle that is you. By connecting with our higher self more profoundly, we can emerge from the cold months feeling refreshed and invigorated, ready to take on the endless array of sacred gifts that life has in store.
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