I Am Soaring Free
When I do readings for clients to help guide them through the struggles or confusion they face in their lives, I understand what they are going through. I can relate on a deeply personal level, because I have been there myself, and I have experienced more than most.
Back in 2004, I had reached a devastating point in my life where my confidence, happiness, courage and self-worth were essentially non-existent. Fortunately, I was able to overcome those challenges with the guidance of spirit, and I now know from hard-earned experience that we can overcome much adversity.
As part of this journey of growth and healing, one of my guides gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free.
Everyone has at least three guides in their lives. There are other guides and guardians that come and go in our lives, but the primary three stay with us throughout our lives to support and guide us.
It was my main guide who gave me my spirit name in a dream. I was to be known as “Soaring Free.” When I asked what this meant, I was shown that my life was to change direction significantly and that I was to live it as if I were soaring free like an eagle every day. I received several profound messages to awaken me at that time. It brought me to a higher level of understanding (and much confusion at first) than ever before.
What was the meaning of all this, I wondered? Why did I need a new name? Were these guides coming into my life real or just my imagination? Was I losing my mind? Was I really hearing and seeing these things, or was it just my own subconscious playing tricks on me? I had many questions at the time, and so began my journey of awakening and transformation.
Earth’s tribulations diminish in proportion to the elevation of our souls ~ James Lendall Basford
Soon after this initial experience, I had a strange vision one day of birds attacking and pecking at an eagle in the air. But the eagle was able to soar higher than all those birds to get away from them. Isn’t that running away, I remember asking? No, my guides said, it is simply letting go of what is insignificant in your journey. Rising above it all allows you to drop the little things and let go of the burdens, letting them vanish into thin air as you soar higher and higher on your journey, spirit explained.
But my progress was slow and painful. I had many obstacles to overcome – most of them self-created. I carried a lot of pain, suffering, loss and abuse trauma. It was suffocating me. I could not speak my truth, I felt unable to take back my power, and I often hid from the world.
My guides finally had enough of my self-pity and self-sabotaging victim mentality and sent me the next message during a profound spiritual encounter. The voice came with such supernatural power and grace that I finally had to listen and take note.
You are now free from all burdens. You alone are responsible for the life you create. You are the only one who has the choice to move forward in life and live your best life, or to remain stagnant in the past and live no life. You are to begin to use your gifts to help others. You are to move forward one step at a time. Not in leaps, just in steps. You are to begin your new life today. From this moment on you are to be known as Soaring Free. You are loved, little one, you are loved.
This message was profound and life-changing. From that moment on, I took many steps to change my self-limiting narrative, to release all that was holding me back, and to allow spirit’s guidance to flow to me and through me.
As my journey progressed, I began talking to my guides almost daily and waited for the answers. I kept a journal of what I was given, in their words, without analyzing any of it as I wrote. So many of the messages turned out to be truly profound and I received many enlightening answers to the questions I asked. When I asked for something that was for my highest good, it was always given. When I asked for something outside of my highest good, it was not given. I learned how to ask, what words to use, and how to listen.
And from Humming-Bird to Eagle, the daily existence of every bird is a remote and bewitching mystery ~ Thomas Wentworth Higginson
As I became comfortable with this process, I began to feel the sense of calling that my guides had been nudging me toward. Eventually, I asked spirit to connect with me on an even higher level so that I could begin to be of service to others, whether it was through psychic reading, Reiki healing, or spiritual counseling.
But there was more to overcome. In 2008, I was at another low point in my life. After being at the funeral home every Friday night for seven weeks in a row, I finally asked for a powerful sign that everything was going to be okay. I had lost two very close friends, one to a heart attack and one to a freak accident. Close friends lost their daughter-in-law and grandson in a car crash. Then my mother-in-law died, as did my stepson. He committed suicide, leaving behind my two young grandchildren and his beautiful wife. The last straw was the death of my father.
I could take no more.
Of course, I understood then that death simply means that the soul leaves the physical body and that the spirit is always alive. I knew that my loved ones on the other side could all be contacted at any time if needed. However, during the process of settling my mother-in-law’s and father’s estates, I finally broke down. I was tired, devastated, and falling apart.
The day came when I had to start the process of taking care of my father’s property and settle his affairs. On the way to his house, I felt frustrated, anxious, drained, in tears, overwhelmed. I asked my guides to give me a sign that everything would be okay.
“Please, please send me another big strong bird like the eagle,” I remember whispering.
As I was driving down the highway, a black helicopter suddenly rose from an adjacent field and flew right over my head, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. I was so startled that it literally took my breath away! It also got my attention. I nervously thanked my guides and continued on to my father’s house, where I worked for the rest of the day.
I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much ~ Mother Teresa
On my way home, at the exact spot where the helicopter had come out of the field that morning, I looked over to the lake side of the road and there were two beautiful eagles sitting in a tree overlooking the lake. I knew immediately that my guides had sent me those two eagles as a symbol of my parents watching over me, letting me know every day that I was doing the right thing, and giving me strength to rise above the pain, doubt and fear. I understood.
When the work at my parents’ house was finally done, the eagles (whom I had meanwhile named after my parents) vanished, returning only occasionally at times when I needed reassurance, strength, or courage. Each time I received the same message, “You are soaring free.” I now fully understood why I had been given that name.
In the following years Eagle was joined by Red Tail Hawk and Owl to become my constant totems, my three animal spirit guides. To connect with them, I simply sit in mindful silence for a few minutes each day and pray, “Thank you for guiding me today. I appreciate all the answers you are giving me, the opportunities you are providing, and the new doors you are opening.”
I have also learned that when you ask your guides for help, you are not really asking a question. You are manifesting what you need or desire through affirmation, gratitude, and the knowledge that all is being done for your highest good.
Have you made contact with your three guides? Have you given them permission to assist you in all that you do? Are you moving forward and living according to your highest good? Do you know who your spirit totems are and what each one means? I can help you follow this path. I can also help you identify the names of your prominent spirit guides and the purpose each has in your life.
Remember, when you are in crisis, your guides are there. When you are happy, they are there. When you are gifted, they are there to help you increase your blessings. Your guides are there to enhance your life and help you through the rough patches. They will not prevent the rough patches of karmic life lessons, but they will not leave you alone during your greatest times of growth and healing.
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