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Extraordinary Evidence Of Reincarnation And Past Lives

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever felt an irresistible desire to visit a certain foreign country? Are you obsessed with a certain culture or have you always been fascinated by a certain period of history? Do you collect certain objects or paraphernalia that represent some kind of ancient spiritual tradition or esoteric practice?

Our inexplicable interests and unusual hobbies often reveal much about our past lives.

Reincarnation is a topic that has captured the imagination of people since ancient times as a thought-provoking perspective on life, death, and the soul’s journey through many incarnations. Physical life is not a singular experience, but a cycle of rebirth, learning, and evolution.

The concept of reincarnation is the belief that our soul, or non-physical essence, is reborn into a new life after we die.

Central to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, this spiritual concept is also found in certain streams of Judaism, among indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australian Aborigines, and in neo-pagan religions such as Wicca.

Various esoteric and mystical religious traditions, such as the Druze, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and Anthroposophy, also incorporate ideas of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.

In Kabbalah, the mystical branch of Judaism, reincarnation is also an important belief, referred to as gilgul neshamot, or the “cycle of souls.” Kabbalists teach that souls reincarnate to achieve spiritual redemption or tikkun, allowing individuals to correct mistakes from previous lives and fulfill their unique spiritual missions.

One’s entire life – his mental state, his health, his relationships, the material gains that he may or may not make – are all effects which have been set in motion by causes to be found somewhere in one’s background, in this life or previous ones ~ Brad Steiger

However, reincarnation is not just a belief or a philosophical concept; there is also much evidence for the existence of past lives from a variety of fascinating and often verified sources.


One of the most notable areas of research in this field comes from cases of young children remembering details of past lives, and is considered by experts to be the most compelling evidence for reincarnation. These memories often occur spontaneously and include verifiable information about people, places, and events from the lives they have lived.

Young children who remember past lives sometimes even lead their families to places they’ve never been or recognize people from their supposed past. These cases, when investigated and confirmed, provide strong support for reincarnation, especially when the memories are consistent with historical facts and the child’s behavior or physical characteristics resemble those of the deceased. Many such cases have been verified by historical research, such as that conducted by Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia.


One of the most famous cases of past life memory involves a young boy named James Leininger. When James was about two years old, he began to have intense nightmares about a plane crash. Over time, he began to share vivid details about a life as a fighter pilot in World War II, including his name, “James,” the type of plane he flew (a Corsair), the name of the aircraft carrier on which he served (“Natoma”), and specific details about his death in a crash during a battle near Iwo Jima that took place from February 19 to March 26, 1945.

James’ parents, initially skeptical, researched the information and were amazed to find that it all matched the real-life story of James Huston Jr, a WWII pilot who had died in combat. The Leiningers even contacted Huston’s surviving family to further verify the accuracy of young James’ memories. This case has since been studied extensively and is often considered one of the most compelling examples of past-life memory, especially given the specific and verifiable historical details James was able to recall.


Pre-birth dreams, birthmarks, and the behavior of newborns also offer significant clues to past lives. Souls sometimes communicate their intent to reincarnate through vivid dreams experienced by the mother or other family members during pregnancy. These premonitory dreams often reveal details of the soul’s former identity, such as the person’s name, appearance, or key aspects of their life, thus confirming the continuity between past and present.

In addition, behaviors, talents, or unusual characteristics exhibited by the newborn child, such as particular tastes, fears, or traits, often reflect the personality or experiences of the past self; similarly, birthmarks can be physical markers carried over from a past life, often corresponding to injuries or significant events from that incarnation.


One of the most famous cases linking moles to past lives is that of Ravi Shankar, born in 1951 in Kanauj, India. This is one of the cases documented by Dr. Ian Stevenson. This case is often cited as compelling evidence of reincarnation, with the birthmark seen as a physical marker of past life trauma.

Ravi began talking at the age of two about having been killed in a past life by having his throat slit. He claimed to be the reincarnation of Ashok “Munna” Kumar, a boy murdered in January 1951 in a neighboring district by two men who hoped to inherit his father’s property. Ravi provided detailed recollections of Munna’s life, accurately identifying the killers, describing the scene of the crime, and recalling Munna’s personal belongings.

When Munna’s father, Sri Jageshwar Prasad, met Ravi, the boy recognized him and recounted details of the murder that closely matched the facts of the case, including information from a confession by one of the killers. Remarkably, Ravi had a birthmark on his neck that resembled the scar of a long knife wound, corresponding to the injury that had caused Munna’s death.


Child prodigies who demonstrate extraordinary abilities or talents at an exceptionally young age are another fascinating source of past life and reincarnation evidence. Many gifted children exhibit abilities – such as advanced mathematical reasoning, exceptional musical talent, or remarkable artistic ability – that are typically only seen in adults. These children often possess incredible knowledge or skills that they could not realistically have acquired through normal learning processes in their current young lives.

This phenomenon raises intriguing questions about the nature of intelligence and creativity, suggesting that some children carry experiences and abilities from their past lives that allow them to excel in certain areas from an early age. As such, prodigies are potential manifestations of reincarnation, highlighting the continuity of the soul’s journey across lifetimes and the idea that our abilities may be shaped by our past experiences.


A famous case of a child prodigy often associated with past lives is that of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. By the age of five, Mozart was composing music and performing for European royalty, demonstrating an extraordinary talent far beyond his years. He could spontaneously play several instruments with mastery and had an innate understanding of complex musical structures. His abilities were so advanced that he may have carried musical knowledge from a previous life, offering a metaphysical explanation for his innate genius.


Another compelling case of a child prodigy is that of Michael Kearney, born in 1984, who showed extraordinary intellectual ability from a very young age. He spoke his first word at four months of age and was reading at ten months! By the time he was six, he had graduated from high school, and at the age of ten, he graduated from the University of South Alabama with a degree in anthropology, making him the youngest person ever to graduate from the university.

Michael’s intellectual journey didn’t stop there. He went on to earn several graduate degrees, including two master’s degrees and a doctorate. While Kearney himself does not attribute his remarkable achievements to reincarnation, his rare intellectual abilities and early mastery of complex subjects may be due to reincarnation.


Past life regression is another intriguing way to access past life memories through a guided process using hypnosis. In a session, a trained therapist helps the person enter a relaxed state in which they can bypass the conscious mind and tap into the subconscious to access memories of past incarnations.

During a regression, the person may experience vivid visual, mental, and emotional impressions describing specific events, environments, or people from past lives. These memories often shed light on current emotional patterns, fears, or recurring life challenges, allowing the individual to understand how past experiences may be influencing their current reality.

Regression therapy therefore offers a transformative opportunity for healing and personal growth by revisiting unresolved traumas, patterns or relationships from past incarnations to gain a clearer understanding of karmic cycles or soul lessons they are meant to learn. The process often provides emotional release and helps individuals address deep-rooted issues or phobias that have no clear origin in their current life. With the insights gained from past life regression, individuals can move forward with greater clarity, aligning themselves more fully with their spiritual purpose and creating positive change in their present lives.


The case of Robert Snow’s past life regression is one of the most well-known and fascinating examples of past life memory verification through regression. Snow, a skeptical Indianapolis police detective, underwent a past life regression as part of an experiment and unexpectedly recalled vivid details of a past life as a 19th century artist.

During the session, he described specific memories, including painting a portrait of a woman, a distinctive studio setting, and details of his personal life. Determined to prove it was false, Snow decided to conduct extensive research and, to his surprise, found a painting in a New Orleans art gallery that matched the one from his regression session. Although some of the names he gave during the regression were incorrect, the accuracy of many specific details about the painting and the life of the artist led Snow to believe in the authenticity of his past-life memories. His case continues to be cited as compelling evidence for reincarnation.


The Bridey Murphy case is another famous case of past-life recall that occurred in the 1950s and captured public interest. In a series of hypnosis sessions, a woman named Virginia Tighe recalled a life as Bridey Murphy, an Irish woman who lived in the 19th century.

During her regressions, Tighe vividly described Bridey’s experiences, including her childhood, marriage, and life in Ireland, detailing specific names, places, and cultural practices. Intrigued by her revelations, journalists and researchers sought to verify her claims, eventually uncovering several elements that appeared to match historical records of a Bridey Murphy in County Antrim, Ireland.

The case sparked widespread interest in past life regression and reincarnation, fueled discussions about the nature of memory and the possibility of reincarnation, and left a lasting impact on both popular culture and the field of hypnosis.


Dr. Michael Newton’s popular books cite several thought-provoking cases of past life regression. Newton, who passed away in 2016, is credited with developing the Life Between Lives (LBL) spiritual regression process, which he detailed in his books and practiced for several decades. Before retiring, he founded the Newton Institute to train and certify hypnotherapists in his techniques.

Dr. Newton had a busy hypnotherapy practice, helping patients break free from addictions and other psychological disorders. He developed this technique to help patients explore their soul’s journey between incarnations. Under hypnosis, they recounted experiences and memories from a time between lives.
Many of his patients who did not know each other described similar experiences. They often spoke of being in a circle of souls, recognizing some as family or friends from their present lives, and understanding their relationships on a soul level. Newton’s regression sessions were not done out of curiosity; they had therapeutic benefits. Patients gained a deeper understanding of their life challenges and relationships, which helped them work through personal issues.

Newton’s work also touched on how past-life memories could explain unexplained fears and anxieties in the present. This was particularly relevant to people who had fears that seemed to have no basis in their current life experiences. His contributions have had a significant impact on the field of spiritual regression, providing many with a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey. If you’re interested in learning more about his work, his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls are excellent resources.


Past life psychic readings can provide profound insight into someone’s past lives by tapping into non-physical sources of information such as the Akashic Records, ancestral karma, and their energy field. Some psychics and mediums are able to access certain past life memories or channel impressions from past incarnations that may still be influencing a person’s present life.

In a past life reading, the psychic may describe experiences, emotions, or significant events from past lives that resonate with the person’s current experiences, challenges, or relationships. These details can provide context for recurring patterns, talents, or unresolved issues that seem inexplicable in the context of the present life alone.

Through this type of reading, psychics and mediums can obtain valuable guidance to help people understand their current path and heal karmic lessons carried over from one life to the next. In addition, past life psychic readings can provide clients with a deeper sense of their soul’s journey and spiritual evolution across multiple lifetimes.

By revealing key past life experiences, a past life psychic can help you unlock hidden memories and soul-level lessons that are important to your personal and spiritual growth. This can include understanding soul connections with others, such as family members or partners, who were part of your past life. By understanding these connections and unresolved karmic patterns, clients may gain a sense of closure or insight that allows them to make more conscious choices and progress on their spiritual path in this lifetime.


I once worked with a client who, when he felt anxious or physically threatened, would instinctively make a reflexive gesture as if to grab a sword or weapon from his side for self-defense and protection. When we explored this during a reading, I was shown that his most recent past life was during medieval times in England. I saw that he was a soldier on horseback during a battle. He tried to pull his sword out of its sheath to defend himself, but fell off the horse and died before he could retrieve it. He carried that final physical reflex with him into his present life.

I do not know much about medieval history, so I could not identify a specific time or place in what I perceived, except that it was in medieval Britain and that he was fighting as a soldier for a famous warrior king from the time of the mythical King Arthur. One key thing I did see was a “white dragon” which later helped him find some helpful historical information.

He did some further research after the reading and now believes that the king I saw in his reading may have been Cynric, King of Wessex, a famous historical figure from the early Anglo-Saxon period. This is due to the fact that the flag of the King of Wessex apparently had a white dragon on it. It is likely that this flag was flying over the battlefield on the day of his death.

My client also discovered that during Cynric’s reign, the Anglo-Saxons were engaged in various battles with the native Britons, which explains his possible involvement. Through the reading, he had a much better sense of closure and was able to better understand, process and resolve the energy imprint of this ancient trauma.


One of the most famous cases of a past life reading is that of Edgar Cayce, also known as the “Sleeping Prophet”. Cayce is considered the most documented psychic in history, with over 14,000 documented readings during his lifetime.

One of Cayce’s most compelling past life readings involved a man named Arthur Lammers. Lammers was a wealthy printer and student of metaphysics who sought Cayce’s help in the 1920s. During the reading, Cayce described Lammers’ past life as a monk in 11th century France. The reading included specific details about the monastery, the monk’s duties, and the historical context of the time.

Many of the details channeled by Cayce were later verified when his descriptions of the layout of the monastery, the daily activities of the monk, and the historical events of the time corresponded well with known historical records. This case, among several others, helped establish Cayce’s reputation for accessing past life information through the Akashic Records. The work with Lammers also marked the beginning of Cayce’s exploration of reincarnation and the karmic journey of souls, which influenced his later teachings.


Déjà vu, the uncanny feeling of having experienced a situation before, is often a fleeting glimpse into a past life. This phenomenon occurs when we encounter a place, person, or event that triggers soul memories from previous incarnations. We experience a sense of familiarity that is both profound and inexplicable.

These moments of déjà vu serve as a bridge to the soul’s history, providing access to memories that reside beyond the conscious mind. It often serves as a reminder of unresolved lessons or connections from past lives that are still influencing our present existence. By exploring these experiences further, we can potentially gain a deeper understanding of our soul’s journey and the patterns that shape our current life experiences.


A famous case of deja vu and past life memory is that of Jenny Cockell in England. She experienced vivid déjà vu and past life dreams related to a previous life as an Irish woman named Mary Sutton. These experiences began in her childhood and continued into her adulthood. She remembered specific details about Mary’s life, including her home, her family, and the village in which she lived.

Intrigued by these memories, Jenny decided to investigate. She traveled to Ireland and found the village she had seen in her dreams. Remarkably, she was able to locate Mary Sutton’s children, who confirmed many of the details Jenny had remembered. This case is often cited as one of the most compelling examples of past life recall.

We all have dreams and subconscious memories. It’s only our beliefs that can get in the way of being open to past life memories. A teacher of mine once said that the more we meditate, the more easily we can see and remember our past lives. When I meet people, I often psychically hear their name from a past life and the kind of work they did. Sometimes they say that the hair on their arms and neck stands up straight, or that they have goose bumps everywhere!

It seems that one’s soul essence or soul identity is very similar from life to life until we work through certain karmic and spiritual lessons. The metaphor “life is a school and the lesson is love” is very apt when we look closely at our past lives.

Itt can truly be a game changer when we explore and find deep resonance with past life memories. It can be very empowering to reclaim these lost parts of ourselves and help us approach life with more wisdom, compassion and even a sense of humor. If you knew from your own direct experience that you’ve lived many lifetimes in many bodies, but your soul is eternal, how would you live your life differently today?

About The Author: Isadora

Known as The Psychic's Psychic, since 1998, Isadora has read for thousands all over the world, her impressive list including clients from the Obama administration, Fortune 500 CEO's and notable names in Hollywood. Her detailed (Gemini) accuracy is nothing short of astounding, with her ability to see people at the Soul Level and clearly answer questions on a wide range of subjects, from relationship matters, business decisions, to past lives, etc.—anything that requires clear answers and pin-point insight. She has the ability to identify hidden patterns that run beneath your current situation, providing you with information to positively change your future. If you'd like a reading with this compassionate, straight forward, laser-accurate and dedicated Psychic, you can find Isadora at

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