mercury retrograde
Astrology Forecast May 8 – 14, 2023
The main astrological event to look forward to this week is Mercury turning direct on Sunday! However, keep in mind that the effects of Mercury retrograde energy can become more profound as the planet prepares to change direction, so electronic glitches, miscommunication and travel issues could be more distinct through this week.
Today’s Sagittarius Moon casts a happy-go-lucky vibe, and though we may not get much done, we can make up for lost time tomorrow and Wednesday, when the Moon marches through Capricorn.
In fact, tomorrow promises to be an exceptional day for professional success, business prowess and getting important things done. A Capricorn Moon sextile with Saturn in Pisces, as well as a trine with Mercury in Taurus will imbue us Tuesday morning with an increased sense of responsiblity, goal-setting, organization and even effective communication, despite the retrograde return. It will therefore be a good time to schedule that important staff meeting or group zoom call.
Beware however Tuesday afternoon’s Taurus Sun conjunction with Uranus, as it may cause us to be highly individualistic, self-absorbed and rebellious. As tempting as it may feel in the moment, this will not be the best time to pick a fight with your employer, or challenge the authority of your team leader.
Thursday and Friday’s Aquarius Moon will prematurely get us in the mood for a fun, social weekend, so it may take some effort to stay focused on work responsibilities, instead of cutting loose and doing something crazy. The energy over these two days will however benefit creatives, as this lunar aspect inspires imagination and our flair for design.
The weekend unfolds under an easygoing, cheerful Pisces Moon. Remember however that desite Mercury turning direct Sunday night, retrograde energy tends to linger for another week or two during the aftermath known as the retrograde ‘shadow.’
Astrology Forecast April 17 – 23, 2023
An interesting astrological week lies ahead as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, followed by an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. If you have placements in any of the cardinal signs, namely in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, this first solar eclipse of the year will affect you more.
Tomorrow afternoon the Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune may cause us to be distracted and immersed in daydreams, as well as overly sensitive, emotional and even anxious. Keep calm and try to stay focused until the Moon transits into Aries tonight to restore our mental clarity, energy levels and confidence to take on life’s challenges.
Leading up to the Solar Eclipse and Sun sign transition on Thursday, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Aries Moon will cast excitement in the air. We’ll feel a signigicant change is coming, even if we don’t know what it is yet.
Thursday’s hybrid solar eclipse in Aries is a rare and beautiful phenomenon, as it is both a total and an annular eclipse. During an annular eclipse the edge of the Sun remains visible, creating a lovely bright ring of light around the shadow of the Moon.
This solar eclipse is a powerful time to review our dreams and goals, set clear intentions, and embrace new possibilities. If you need a significant breakthrough in your career, business or romance, then make the most of this potentially life-changing energy with a prayer, meditation, affirmations, or visualization. This is also the second Aries New Moon in just three weeks, so it reaffirms the energy of the previous, encouraging us to put ourselves out there and create new magic and miracles!
Control Is The Opposite of Love
I have learned that communication glitches and other side-effects of a Mercury retrograde can actually offer us valuable life lessons if we choose to pay attention.
For example, during the recent retrograde my daughter suffered a migraine on a day she was supposed to visit me. I decided not to pick her up, because she said she was not feeling strong enough. She is prediabetic and I pray and light candles for her daily.
So, I texted her a get-well soon message along with an animated chicken soup meme. Feeling worried about her, I checked in periodically throughout the day see if she had received her ‘virtual chicken soup.’ But the message read receipt only showed ‘delivered.’ No read receipt.
The next day, the text message suddenly showed it had been ‘read,’ but it had the previous afternoon’s timestamp? I noticed a similar phenomenon when co-parenting communication with my daughter’s father also suddenly failed repeatedly and produced delayed read receipts.
Instead of becoming frustrated about it, I contemplated the matter and came to an enlightening conclusion. Spirit clearly said to me, “The need for control is the opposite of love’s vibration.”
This is so very true. Controlling energy is toxic energy. It was a gentle reminder that I need to keep working on releasing my desire to try and be in perfect control of everything in my life at all times.
When we constantly feel the need to control every aspect of our day, rather than letting the energies of universal love, joy and abundance flow freely in our life, we block our blessings and personal growth.
Astrology Forecast January 16 – 22, 2023
This week there is a cosmic ‘musical chairs’ occuring with various planets shifting as the heavens align for the beginning of the Chinese New Year this weekend.
Today, the Scorpio Moon will carry an intense vibration, enabling us to get a lot of things taken care of that have been on the back burner since last year.
A lighter energy prevails tomorrow and Wednesday, as the Moon dances through Sagittarius, but we’ll have to watch out for overly sensitive people and potential emotional outbursts. This may partly be due also to Mercury turning direct in Capricorn on Wednesday. This return can cause miscommunication and technical glitches that are sure to try some folks’ last nerve!
The Sun will move into Aquarius on Friday and meet up with Pluto, giving us a sense of destiny and karma to guide our way forward.
On Saturday the Aquarius New Moon will announce the dawn of the Chinese New Year. To add to the drama, Uranus will also turn direct this weekend, after four months of backward motion. This aspect will cement the fact that new beginnings are upon us! With the rare trio of the Sun moving into Aquarius, as well as the New Moon in Aquarius, and Aquarius as the ruling planet of Uranus going direct (as well as Mercury), plus the Chinese New Year all happening within a matter of days, the writing is certainly on the wall: major change for the better is on the horizon.
Astrology Forecast December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023
Mercury turning retrograde on Thursday, this week should unfold easily and smoothly.
Today’s Aquarius Moon could cause some electronic or communication glitches as it joins forces with a receding Mercury, but keep in mind this is designed to get our attention and alert us to where change might be needed. For example, if you received a new iPhone for Christmas and it’s not working as it should, it might be a good idea to return it to the store for an exchange.
In fact, if you do have any gifts you are looking to exchange, this is the week to take care of that, as Mercury prepares to go backward. This should ideally be done this Thursday or Friday under the Aries Moon.
Also, beware the Aquarius Moon conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon, as it has a penchant for invoking feelings of unease, melancholy and even depression. Do not give in to self-pity or negative thinking the day after Christmas. Instead, make that phone call to a lonely relative or friend, or visit that struggling neigbor with a small gift or sweet treat to brighten their day! Many folks will feel lonely and abandoned under this lunar aspect today.
New Year’s Eve on Saturday and the first day of 2023 on Sunday unfold under a Taurus Moon, offering us a grounded and loving position from which to kick start a prosperous and peaceful New Year. Setting sensible new year’s resolutions should be a snap under this very determined aspect, as we prepare to greet 2023 with better health, more financial security, and tangible progress towards our goals and dreams for the coming year.
Blessed Are The Kind And Helpful
September is Virgo season! What better time to consider becoming a better person by being more compassionate and supportive to others in need? Virgos are known for being helpful, kind, sympathetic, and someone others can lean on.
Virgo happens to be my Sun sign, so I have a bias here. But seriously, nothing is more rewarding than to be of service. Nothing blesses us more than helping to make the world a better place.
We owe it to ourselves and others to be of service. Because once we are truly there for others, we soon begin to notice undeserved joys and blessings filling our wellspring of abundance every day.
When we are kind, helpful and of service to others we begin to draw more beneficial energy to us, and lose track of the need to count money at the table as it comes in. Work is simply fun! Others see our joy and inspire towards similar goals in their own lives.
Those who are unkind or disregard the needs of others, even treating others as their emotional punching bags, eventually have a heavy karmic duty to repay. Being selfish, narcissistic, and cruel are the sources of much misery, anxiety and self-destructive, addictive behaviors in many people’s lives. It simply does not pay to be callous and uncharitable.
Of course, we all have our self-absorbed ‘bad days,’ because none of us are perfect. But we do an inventory at the end of the day, reflecting on how our conduct may have made others feel.
Create a sacred space in your home where you may atone for your missteps; peaceful area where you may recite a daily intention for grace. Equip this space with an essential oil diffuser or incense burner, candles, crystals and gemstones, oracle cards or runes, prayer beads, singing bowls, personal mementos, photos of loved ones, artwork, and other symbolic items.
Astrology Forecast September 12 – 18, 2022
This should be a fairly calm and quiet week – not counting any annoyances Mercury retrograde might cause. But if we remain aware of this possiblity, it will be easier to sidestep any disruptions or glitches that do arise.
The week starts out on a highly productive note thanks to today’s Aries Moon. If you have a lot to get done with your team this week, then the Aries Moon sextile Saturn in Aquarius around midday will be the ideal time for a working lunch, as this transit is perfect for getting people together to discuss goals and important issues. It also heightens our organizational abilities and sense of responsibility, so tap into this energy opportunity to get off to a great start this week.
Wednesday’s Taurus Moon features a series of transits that can be useful in terms of love and romance. The Taurus Moon trine Venus in Virgo early on Wednesday morning will be a good time to ask that someone special out on a date. Don’t be shy – send that text while you have your morning coffee!
If you are married or in a relationship, then the lunar conjunction with Uranus in Taurus early Wednesday evening will be ideal for a surprise date night, but keep an eye on your budget as this transit can be precarious when it comes to financial loss and overspending. Also, if you choose to take your beloved out to dinner, remember to be cautious about what you eat and drink, as Wednesday evening’s Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius is known to disrupt our metabolism and glucose levels, as well as increase indigestion. Avoid rich, heavy foods and overly sweet deserts, and most of all take it easy with the alcohol consumption! A light, healthy meal, followed by a romantic evening walk or some window shopping, is recommended instead.
Once the Moon moves into Gemini on Thursday, we’ll have three days to let our inner child come out to play, as this lunar transit promotes curiosity, exploration, and social interaction. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith if an opportunity to fully express yourself or let your hair down presents itself, for as they say, once you leap, you’ll either learn how to fly, or to swim!
Sunday is all about home and family as the Moon drifts through Cancer and gives us the opportunity to connect and engage with those dearest to us, as well as to restore order to our surroundings before another busy week unfolds.