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Daily Archives: September 22, 2024

How To Use A Wand In Your Energy Work

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!It is not widely known that a magic wand is so much more than a mere fantasy accessory in popular stories like the Harry Potter series andThe Chronicles of Narnia.

While popular culture has certainly cast wands in a fun, magical light, their true potential as metaphysical tools in real-world spiritual and energy work is less known and mostly underestimated.

Far from being a fictional artifact, a wand has traditionally served as a conduit for directing intention and channeling energy. When used with respect and purpose, a “magic” wand can be a vital tool in one’s metaphysical practice.

I view my wand as an energy tool to harness and direct intention as a means to bring about change in myself, another person, a pet, or a situation. Whether I’m working directly with someone in a healing session or using it remotely with a photo or personal object, my wand helps me focus healing energy to address blocks, wounds, or even negativity.

In a healing session, I use the wand to direct energy to where it’s needed most. This may mean helping someone release emotional blocks, alleviate physical pain, or transform negative energy.

Wands have a rich history in various cultures and have been used in many ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, for example, staffs and wands were used by priests and deities as symbols of authority and power. These objects were decorated with mystical symbols and believed to have protective and healing properties. Similarly, in Mesopotamia, priests and shamans used wands in religious rituals and ceremonies.

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