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The True Meaning Of Holiday Gifts

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhile wrapping Christmas gifts for family and friends today, I thought about whether it is better to be on the giving or receiving end of presents during the holiday season?

In my childhood, receiving presents was undoubtedly the best! But my parents also taught me the importance of giving. They gave my sister and me a small allowance during the holidays to buy gifts for others. It was fun to shop for small items to give to our loved ones. With much anticipation, wetried to pick things that people would actually like and appreciate.

I therefore learned early on that while receiving gifts can be exciting and fun, giving them can be even more rewarding.

My parents were certainly on to something, because the value of giving has been scientifically proven to be more than just a sweet sentiment. For example, according to a study by the American Psychological Association, giving to others increases life expectancy by at least five years! Another study found that people who give to others experience lower blood pressure, less depression, and lower stress levels. In addition, giving to others can increase happiness and well-being. A Harvard Business School study found that giving money to someone else increased participants’ happiness more than spending it on themselves.

Recently, a good friend of mine celebrated her birthday. She is also a psychic medium who specializes in animal communication. I took her out for a birthday lunch and some shopping at our local metaphysical store.

The act of giving is a powerful spiritual practice that can open up channels of love and connection between people ~ Deepak Chopra

I told her that I had purposely not bought her a birthday present because I wanted her to go to the store and pick out something that she really wanted. She chose a beautiful deck of Tarot cards. This made me very happy, because I believe that when buying a Tarot deck, it is important to get one that speaks to you.

We then talked about the fact that we both like tarot cards, but that neither of us uses cards for a reading. In fact, I collect them. I use mine as part of my spiritual routine, drawing a card to set my intention for each day.

The experience turned out to be the best gift for both of us yesterday. After all, what is the best gift you can give someone? It is your time and attention. It is about spending time with the people you care about. You will never have exactly the same experience or opportunity in your life again.

When I got home, I was so thankful for such a great day with my friend. We always have so much fun and laughter when we are together. That is the best gift of all, to give and receive time in each other’s lives.

This is also the true spiritual meaning of giving gifts during the holidays, a fact that is often forgotten these days. Giving gifts during the holidays is a way of expressing love and appreciation for others. It is a symbolic act of love that has the power to lift spirits, inspire others, and create a more compassionate and connected world. Giving is a spiritual practice.

When you give from the heart, it is a gift of love and it doesn’t matter the monetary value of the gift you are giving. Simple acts of love are priceless ~ Dustin Vaughn

Different religions and spiritual traditions have their own unique teachings on giving and generosity. In Christianity, for example, giving is considered an act of worship and a way of expressing gratitude for the blessings one has received. In Islam, giving to charity is one of the five pillars of Islam and is considered a way to purify one’s wealth and soul. In Buddhism, giving is one of the Ten Perfections and is considered a way to cultivate generosity, compassion, and wisdom. And in Hinduism, giving is seen as a way of fulfilling one’s dharma, or moral duty, and is believed to bring good karma.

Giving is a transformative act that nourishes the soul and cultivates compassion, selflessness, and connection with others. Giving is also considered a moral and ethical duty in many religious and spiritual traditions, reflecting the divine attributes of compassion, love, and stewardship.

By giving selflessly, we align ourselves with higher principles and contribute to the well-being of others and the world around us. Giving is not just a transaction, but a powerful act that shapes our character and spiritual growth.

So, let us remember it is far better to give than to receive during the holiday season. However, it is also important to remember that the true meaning of the holiday season is not about the gifts we give or receive, but about spending time with loved ones, friends, and even strangers, and cherishing the magical memories we create together.

About The Author: Elizabeth

Elizabeth's talents go back several generations. She found her own gifts and embraced them at an early age, recognizing the difference between herself and most others around her. She's since honed and mastered many metaphysical practices, providing hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship, Mysticism, and Hypno-Reiki to her clients in Maine, and in areas around the US and in Canada, where she travels. A lover of pets, they are her greatest teachers and these unconditionally loving creatures often chime in on a reading in addition to the Angels, Guides and loved ones who provide resolution and answers for each of her clients. Elizabeth is also an author with much spiritual wisdom to impart and is currently working on a book. If you'd like to be a recipient of her unique Psychic Wisdom, find peace and receive answers that will also benefit your highest good, you can reach Elizabeth at Psychic Access.

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