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Transform Your Life With Akashic Healing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Exploring my own Akashic record was a profoundly healing and enlightening experience. By accessing this information, I was able to uncover deep-rooted karmic patterns that spanned across lifetimes. Discovering the origins of these patterns helped me understand why certain fears and emotional blockages existed in my present life.

For example, one major discovery I made was the origin of a lingering fear of abandonment and persecution that I could not attribute to anything that had happened in my current lifetime.

By delving into my Akashic record, I uncovered past life memories of being persecuted as a witch and burned alive at the stake, which had left an indelible imprint on my soul memory. Although this discovery was painful, it gave me the clarity I needed to heal those karmic wounds.

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical “library” or energetic “database” that contains all the information about our soul’s journey across lifetimes. The Akasha holds records of every thought, action, emotion and experience our soul has ever had. It is part of the collective consciousness or universal memory that transcends time and space, and by tapping into this archived metaphysical information, one can gain insight into one’s past lives, current life situations, and potential future paths.

The term “Akasha” comes from the Sanskrit word for “ether” or “sky” and refers to the source energy or creative life force that permeates the entire universe. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Akasha is traditionally seen as the primary substance from which all things are formed and is considered the fifth element, along with earth, water, fire, and air.

The concept of the Akashic Records as a cosmic archive is most closely associated with Theosophy. This spiritual movement, founded by Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century, introduced Western audiences to a synthesis of Eastern spirituality and Western esotericism. Blavatsky and later theosophists describe the Akashic Records as a spiritual dimension where the history of the universe, individual souls, and all events are stored and accessible through spiritual practice.

Edgar Cayce, the famous American psychic, further popularized the concept in the early 20th century. In his readings, Cayce accessed the Akashic Records to provide information about people’s past lives, health issues, and spiritual development.

It is often believed that only certain people, such as psychic mediums or energy healers, can access the Akashic Records. I also used to think that I needed an experienced professional to guide me through the process. However, through my own exploration, I have come to realize that this is not necessarily true.

Accessing the Akashic Records is a spiritual practice like any other that can be mastered by anyone with some dedication, trust and patience. The records are accessible to anyone with the intention of personal and spiritual growth, and serve as a guide for navigating life challenges, relationships, life lessons, and karmic healing.

The more I studied the records, the clearer and more intuitively resonant the information became. It was like learning to read a new language – challenging at first, but gradually becoming more familiar.

The Akashic Records are not only about exploring the past, but also about receiving guidance for the present and the future. In my own healing journey, the records gave me wisdom on how to release these ancient fears and reconnect with my sense of empowerment. By understanding that these fears were not a result of anything I had done wrong in this life, I was able to forgive myself and begin to let go.

This insight also reminded me of the power I had in that past life, the power of intuition and connection to nature. By embracing these gifts with renewed vigor, I was able to heal not only emotionally but also spiritually, leading to a more fulfilling life today.

Akashic Healing has helped me transform my life, and I believe that this wisdom is a tool that anyone can use for their own personal growth and healing. Accessing the records can illuminate areas of your life that you may not have considered, offering deep understanding and the potential for profound change.

The Practice Of Akashic Healing

Akashic Healing is rooted in various spiritual beliefs, diverse cultures and ancient traditions worldwide. It is a spiritual healing practice that involves accessing and working with the Akashic Records to identify, release, and heal energetic blockages, unresolved traumas, karmic patterns, and limiting beliefs that are affecting your current life. It allows you to explore past lives, ancestral influences, and other energetic imprints that may be affecting your current emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual well-being.

Through this process, you can understand and heal the root causes of negative patterns such as fear, self-limitation, relationship challenges, anxiety, and even physical health problems. It is a deeply transformative process designed to foster personal growth, release karmic debt, and align you more fully with your Soul Plan. It can lead to profound personal shifts in consciousness, emotional healing, and greater spiritual clarity by helping you release what is no longer serving you and embrace new possibilities for your soul’s evolution.

Many spiritual traditions and energy healing practices incorporate aspects of Akashic Healing as they tap into universal consciousness, the collective soul, or higher spiritual dimensions to restore balance and wholeness. These practices transcend time and space and address deep-seated energetic patterns or trauma. Some key examples include Past-Life Regression Therapy, Reiki, Theta Healing, and Astrological Soul Healing.

These practices all involve accessing higher spiritual realms or the collective consciousness in some way to address and heal deep-seated patterns, traumas, or imbalances with the intention of helping people live more empowered and spiritually aligned lives.

The Tradition Of Soul Retrieval

A good example of traditional Akashic Healing is the practice of Soul Retrieval in ancient shamanic traditions that date back thousands of years and are found in indigenous cultures around the world, particularly in Siberian, Native American, and Central Asian shamanism. In these traditions, the health of the soul is seen as integral to a person’s overall well-being, and illness or emotional imbalance is often attributed to a loss or fragmentation of the soul.

In shamanism, soul loss is believed to occur when a person experiences trauma, extreme fear, grief, or shock, causing a part of the soul to “escape” as a survival mechanism to protect itself. This loss can lead to feelings of disconnection, emptiness, or a lack of vitality in life. Soul Retrieval focuses on recovering those lost fragments of the soul that have been separated by trauma or hardship.

Shamanic healers, or shamans, enter altered states of consciousness to travel to spiritual realms and retrieve these lost soul parts and bring them back to the individual for healing and reintegration. In this way, the shaman helps the individual reclaim these lost parts and restore personal power, sense of identity, and emotional well-being.

In theory, everyone can access their records — it’s about finding the right meditative frequency to connect to and channel the information through the subconscious mind into the conscious mind ~ Shabana Patker-Vahi 

Accessing Your Akashic Record

If you are curious about exploring your own Akashic record, I encourage you to approach the process with an open mind and heart. Whether it is through meditation, prayer, dream work, guided visualization, or taking a class on the subject, the ability to tap into the records is available to everyone.

Reading your own Akashic record is a sacred and transformative process that requires preparation, focus, and a respectful approach. Here are some guidelines to help you access your records with clarity and integrity:

Intention-setting: Before attempting to access the Akashic Records, clearly define your purpose. Whether you’re seeking guidance on a specific life issue, spiritual insight, or healing karmic patterns, a focused intention will guide your reading and help you connect with the relevant information.

Sacred space: Make sure you are in a quiet, undisturbed environment. Prepare the space by lighting candles, burning incense, or playing soft music if it helps you feel centered. You may also want to ground yourself through meditation or breath work to align your energy before opening the records.

Prayer or invocation: The Akashic Records are accessed through intention and vibrational alignment. A prayer or invocation helps open the energetic doorway to the records. You can use a traditional prayer or you can create your own prayer that aligns with your spiritual path. An example might be: “I ask to be connected to my Akashic Record for the highest good. I ask my guides, angels and higher self to help me access only that which is aligned with love, light and healing.

Open-ended questions: When seeking guidance from the records, phrase your questions in a way that allows for exploration and depth. Instead of asking yes/no questions, ask questions such as

What do I need to know about my current life path?

What is keeping me from moving forward in my career?

How can I heal my relationship?

What past life influences are affecting my present situation?

Be receptive and open: Information from the Akashic Records can come in many forms-intuitive feelings, visions, thoughts, or symbols. Be open to receiving it in whatever way it resonates with you. Avoid overanalyzing or immediately questioning the information; instead, let it flow naturally and take note of what emerges.

Emotional neutrality: The Akashic Records are a source of soul-level wisdom, and accessing them with emotional neutrality helps you avoid projecting your fears, desires, or prejudices onto the information you receive. Try to remain in a state of calm curiosity rather than emotional attachment to the outcome.

Journaling: Always write down the insights, impressions, and guidance you receive in your Akashic sessions. Sometimes the messages are subtle and may not make sense immediately, but journaling will allow you to reflect on them over time and uncover deeper meaning.

Discernment: Not every answer or insight will be immediately clear, and it’s important to use discernment in interpreting the information. If something doesn’t resonate, give yourself the space to explore it over time rather than forcing a particular interpretation.

Respect and gratitude: Approach the Akashic Records with humility and respect. This is a sacred practice that connects you to the soul’s journey through time and space, and honoring it with reverence will open you to greater wisdom and healing. When you’ve finished your session, it’s also important to close the records properly. This will ensure that you end the session with respect and close the energetic connection. You can do this by saying a simple prayer like this:

I thank the Akasha for the wisdom and insight I have received today. I now close my record with love and gratitude. 

Patience and consistency: It may take time to fully understand and trust the messages you receive from the Akashic Records. As with any spiritual practice, reading your records improves with patience, consistent effort, and a deepening connection with your higher self and spiritual guides.

By following these guidelines, you can begin to develop a meaningful and insightful connection with your Akashic Records that promotes personal growth, healing, and spiritual alignment.

However, there is still great value in consulting with a professional Akashic reader or channeler. These professionals bring years of experience, developed psychic abilities, and refined skills that can provide instant clarity and depth that might take a great deal of time and effort to develop on your own.

A reputable Akashic reader has the knowledge and experience to effectively navigate the complexities of the records, accurately interpret the perceived information, and offer insightful, unbiased guidance, which can be especially beneficial when dealing with emotionally charged issues or seeking deeper karmic healing. They also ensure that the process is approached with the necessary spiritual protection and alignment, making it safer and more effective if you are still honing your own skills.

About The Author: Priscila

Priscila's fascinating intuitive journey serves as a reminder that embracing one's true calling often requires courage and resilience, but the rewards are immeasurable. This bi-lingual, ex college professor turned professional psychic reader is a natural born psychic, an expert empath, twin flame, intuitive medium, career coach, and channeler, raised in Costa Rica. Making the brave decision to leave her academic career behind her, Priscila embraced the spiritual gifts that were both her calling and passion and began an entirely new second chapter of life, one that neither she nor her many devoted clients would ever regret. From her current home in New England, and with a growing online presence, Priscila dispenses psychic guidance and channeled messages from otherworldly sources that are clear, concise and as life-transformative as she is herself! It's no wonder that Priscila is viewed as an astoundingly accurate reader with a solid base of clients that continues to grow. Clients receive clear answers that relieve burdens and align their souls. Her gratification from assisting individuals in resolving their dilemmas is immeasurable. If you'd like to visit a safe, compassionate space from which to embark on your own brave new journey, You can find Priscila at

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