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The Divine Spirit Beings Who Guide Our Life Journey

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We are all here for two important spiritual reasons – to serve and to learn. Each of us has a unique calling to fulfill and lessons to learn for karmic growth and soul evolution.

The contributions we are meant to make and the lessons we are meant to learn are unique to each of us, and it’s up to us to uncover these aspects of our soul plan as we move through life.

Our guides and angels are a powerful resource in this process, yet they often go unnoticed or even unrecognized. These spirit beings work quietly behind the scenes to provide guidance, support, and protection as we navigate our life journey.

Their primary role is to guide us in fulfilling our mission to be of service, learn our karmic lessons, and to grow. If we don’t fulfill our purpose or learn our lessons, it will keep reappearing in our lives in different ways until we recognize, resolve, accept or own it.

Our guides and angels are always behind the scenes – patiently waiting for us to seek their wisdom and allow them to assist us in fulfilling our soul plan. By connecting with our spirit team, we open ourselves to personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Our spirit and angel guides are benevolent, non-physical beings who serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. Each of us has guides who are assigned to help us, whether we acknowledge their presence or not.

Spirit guides are souls who have lived human lives before and have chosen to remain in the spirit realm to help others on their earthly journeys. They understand the challenges of human existence because they have lived it, which makes them particularly attuned to our struggles and growth.

I believe we all have our own soul team aligned to our own personal soul signature to help guide and support us to achieving our own greatness. Once I realised that, I felt so much better and not so alone ~ Jen Thomas 

Spirit guides can come in the form of ancestral guides, loved ones who have passed on, the spirits of wise shamans and sages from different cultures, or ascended masters. Their guidance is tailored to help us grow, learn life lessons, and evolve.

Angel guides are divine beings of light who have never experienced a human incarnation. Angels, especially guardian angels, are charged with providing protection, love, and encouragement. They are direct messengers from the Divine, guiding us toward our highest good and helping us connect with higher frequencies of love, peace, and harmony.

Unfortunately, many spiritually aware people often disregard their guides, usually out of ego, fear, or misunderstanding. I’ve seen this many times in readings. People get excited when they feel a nudge or sense direction from their guides, but then they overthink it until they talk themselves out of it.

Fear, especially fear of the unknown, or the ego’s desire to always try to be in complete control is often at the root of this hesitation. What if they fail? What if it doesn’t work? What if they misunderstand the guidance? These fears and hesitations keep many stuck, choosing the comfort of the familiar over the uncertainty of change.

When Spirit shows them the wonderful possibilities on the other side in a reading, fear can still hold them back. Even the promise of success isn’t enough to overcome their tendency to self-sabotage.

When you get stuck in a fear-based thought or pattern, you can turn to your guides to help lead you back to love. When you want to receive their guidance, all you have to do is be willing to surrender your fear and see with spiritual sight ~ Gabrielle Bernstein

But for those of us who are willing to take a risk, listening to our guides can lead to incredible achievement and growth. All we have to do is follow the subtle nudges and directions of our guides, even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain. Change, while often difficult, ultimately leads to positive results if we trust the process.

Hard times are often part of our growth and fulfillment journey. Adversity tests our limits, shows us what we’re capable of, encourages self-reflection, and helps us gain knowledge and experience. Difficult experiences can teach us how to deal with challenges and pass those lessons on to others.

Our guides are always there to help us along the way. By tuning into their presence and asking for their help, we can deepen our spiritual awareness, receive insights, and feel more supported as we move through life’s challenges. The answers are often right in front of us – we just have to be willing to look and listen.

About The Author: Venus

Venus lives in Arizona and has helped clients with her arsenal of psychic gifts for over twenty years. She was blessed with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Empathic gifts, and she is also a certified Life Coach and a Reiki practitioner. Departed loved ones will often enter a reading, either invited or they simply show up to pass along their messages. Messages also flow in from her direct communication to Spirit and Angels, providing the client with the answers they need to get them moving forward toward happiness, rewards, and success in their lives. In addition to being a psychic, life coach, and reiki practitioner, over the last ten years, she has also been a teacher and has led seminars to help others embrace their higher knowledge. If you’d like a compassionate psychic who can tune-in immediately and channel without tools, You’ll want a reading with Venus at:

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