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Astrology Forecast January 24 – 30, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMars enters Capricorn today, adding power and drive to our every move over the next two months. Mars in Capricorn is an assertive, enterprising energy that increases our sense of responsibility, ambition and courage. We’ll want to capitalize on this energy and start putting our plans for the future into action. Moving with care will be important though, as we may tend to  overestimate ourselves under this aspect. So, avoid the urge to look before you leap and first do your research. Avoid acting carelessly on a whim.

Tomorrow and Wednesday unfold under a Scorpio Moon, which could bring hidden information to the surface or alert you to where your thinking might be off. Take everything you hear and see with a grain of salt, as illusion could cloud your perception.

The Scorpio Half Moon tomorrow morning can further cause some disagreement or difficulties with family and coworkers; tension could arise with your partner or spouse; and conflict with strangers in public could also occur.

The Scorpio Moon opposition with Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday afternoon afternoon could make matters even worse, with people being irritable, moody and argumentative. Keep a calm focus and do not allow yourself to be derailed by the erratic negativity of those around you.

Thursday and Friday carry a fun and light-hearted tone under a Sagittarius Moon, where we can shake off the seriousness of the last few weeks and embrace the optimistic energy filling the air.

Venus will turns direct this weekend, after six weeks of retrograde motion, making it easier to navigate relationships and determine our true hearts’ desires. The Capricorn Moon also makes this weekend a great time to clear out clutter, do some home repairs, or simply tend to those personal needs we’ve been neglecting.

Astrology Forecast January 10 – 16, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury goes retrograde in Aquarius this week, on Friday, but we can expect to see evidence of it as early as today. Miscommunication, lost items and internet glitches could litter the week, so stay on alert. Also remember that if obstacles or setbacks arise there is always a different path to get to where you’re going.

The Moon marches through grounded Taurus today through Wednesday, which should add a lot of stability to our movements the first half of the week. The Taurus Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces constellation this afternoon will also have us feeling upbeat and positive and bodes well for business meetings, financial success and getting a good deal.

Tomorrow the constellation of Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces may give rise to fake news, extremism, and misinformation, while the Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus will help to fan the flames! It may therefore be best to not engage too much with your social media feed tomorrow, and to avoid relatives and coworkers who have disturbing, marginalized views on important matters.

If there’s anything important you definitely have to get done this week, try to get it off your plate before Thursday – especially if it requires clear communication, travel or digital technology. The Moon will hang out in Gemini Thursday and Friday, and with Gemini’s ruler Mercury changing direction, this could be the time when miscommunication is at it’s highest. So, if your phone or laptop isn’t working quite right, don’t be surprised! Avoid making any major ‘set in stone’ decisions for the next three weeks, as changing your mind at the last minute will be a scene.

It might be wise to lay low and stay close to home over the weekend, as the Moon travels through Cancer. Stoke the home fires and rather attend to our closest relationships. it will be good for your soul.

Astrology Forecast December 27, 2021- January 2, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs 2021 comes to a close, we can be grateful for completing an especially challenging year, and all the lessons and gifts that came with the struggles. Courtesy of today and tomorrow’s Libra Moon, it will be somewhat easier to review the past 12 months from a positive perspective. It will also inspire us to anticipate a much brighter future!

This morning the Libra Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius and trine Saturn in Aquarius will further serve to kick-start this final week of 2021 with an increased sense of responsibility, resourcefulness, practical action and some organizational flair, ensuring we end our year on a high note.

Jupiter will move into Pisces tomorrow, ending the year on a promising, more spiritual note. In the sign of Pisces, this planet is all about generating karmic blessings and restoring our life to a better state than it was when this year started. We can certainly count on Jupiter to bring things back into balance and raise the bar in 2022.

Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon makes these days ideal for mapping out a plan of action for next year or making a New Year’s resolution list. Striving for a better way of living by setting out your intentions is always a wonderful way to start a new year!

Early on Saturday the Capricorn Sun trine Uranus in Taurus will boost our sense of initiative, innovation, ambition and self-confidence to set an inspired tone on the first day of 2022 for the year that lies ahead. The Capricorn Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will further rouse our spirit with a positive, optimistic outlook on life. Here’s to a fabulous 2022 and having life restored to even better form than it was prior to the current pandemic. Happy New Year!

Astrology Forecast December 13 – 19, 2021

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt will be a free-for-all today as Mercury moves into Capricorn and Mars dances into Sagittarius! With both of these personal planets changing into different signs at the same time, we may feel a bit conflicted, as Mars in Sagittarius wants to play, while Mercury in Capricorn reminds us there’s lots of work to do! Finding a balance between the two can be tricky, so good luck with that!

The Aries Moon square Pluto in Capricorn will also not be helping the situation today, as this constellation can cause us to be passive, dreamy and distracted.  Be careful not to lose yourself in wishful thinking or imprudent daydreams.

Fortunately, we can get a lot more done tomorrow and Wednesday with the Moon traveling through grounded and determined Taurus. Then we can relax and have fun as the Moon moves through Gemini Thursday through Saturday, culminating in a Gemini Full Moon, also called the Cold Moon. This Full Moon is great for releasing old ideas or seeking new ways to address old issues, whether they be health-related, how to make more money, or how to fix that annoying drip in the bathroom sink.

Also, beware the Gemini Full Moon’s potential for making us moody and irritable. Avoid conflict with loved ones this weekend, as peace and harmony may be hard to come by under this lunar influence.

Venus will turn retrograde on Sunday and travel backward through the end of January 2022, taking us on a journey down memory lane and asking us to reevaluate our priorities, what we love, as well as what we envision for our lives, and why.

Astrology Forecast November 29 – December 5, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRestoring order and balance are on the cards today and tomorrow as the Moon travels through harmony and equilibrium seeking Libra. It is a much-needed blessing for starting this week on a high note, as the rest of the week may prove scattered and chaotic at best!

Neptune turns direct on Wednesday and may ‘burst some bubbles’ in its wake, taking the wind out of our sails and tossing a dose of reality our way. Take heart though, as the truth will always set us free, and moving forward under false illusions will only keep you from your goals.

Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon will douse us with its intense, passionate energy. Take special care to remain self aware, as this lunar energy could bring out the best and worst of our innate Scorpio traits and tendencies, ranging from loyalty, authenticity, passion and charisma to moodiness, brooding, vindictiveness or being a control freak.

Mercury will enter Aquarius on Thursday, which will  continue the ‘facing facts’ trend by shifting our thinking where fantasy and reality may be clashing. These aspects are set to prepare us for the effects of a second of two lunar eclipses we are currently experiencing. The second eclipse is happening this Saturday under a Sagittarius New Moon. This will inspire us to set a new course for the next six months, one that is grounded in reality, but based in the heart!

Take Sunday off to regroup under the Capricorn Moon, as we will probably need some ‘down time’ to process all we’ve learned and experienced over the last few weeks.

Astrology Forecast November 22 – 28, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week we are officially celebrating Thanksgiving in the USA, but a sense of gratitude and appreciation are also likely to be felt globally all week long as the Sun moves deeper into Sagittarius.

Suitably, a Cancer Moon today and tomorrow, makes our main focus home, family and tradition as we prepare for the upcoming holiday on Thursday. Preparing for the first official holiday of the season will likely be more gratifying and joyful than the event itself, so feel free to dive right into creating the perfect backdrop to Thanksgiving gatherings.

Mercury will move into Sagittarius on Wednesday, just in time for the festivities. Communication, self-expression, reconnecting with loved ones from afar and general sharing of past memories will be a theme from now through the end of the year.

Wednesday’s Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus can cause some of us to be unpredictable, restless and fickle, which can lead to unnecessary disruption in our personal life and romantic relationships. To make matters worse, the Leo Moon opposite Saturn in Aquarius can cause us to be dissatisfied with life in general, melancholic or even depressed. We could easily feel lonely and abandoned.

The Leo Moon will also have some people shopping the sales this week, while others choose to focus on self-care and regrouping after a hectic week. That’s a good idea too, because the weekend unfolds under a Virgo Moon, where we’ll be busy making plans for the holiday season ahead. Lists and more lists will be the order of the day, but in between all that planning, be sure to stop here and there to smell the roses and give thanks for the blessings in your life.

Astrology Forecast November 15 – 21, 2021

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week should unfold in a pretty steady manner until Friday when we discover that change is in the air! A Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Friday will be the first of two major astrological events to mark this change that will create a major shift in focus and direction for the next six months. Eclipses come in twos, about two weeks apart, approximately every six months.

The Taurus Full Moon this week, also called the ‘Beaver Moon,’ speaks to the idea of a physical change. As an earth sign, its purpose is to direct our attention to the tangible things in our lives; money, health, and security. New awareness and change will be a theme until the next eclipse on December 4th, particularly in these areas.

But tread carefully under the Taurus Moon as it does have a tendency to make us irritable, short-tempered, restless and moody. It is known to create a climate for disputes and family drama. Focus on keeping your cool and staying centered and grounded, especially towards the end of this week.

Then on Sunday, the Sun will move into the sign of Sagittarius, setting us on a four-week course in search of balance, fairness, and resolution. The combination of these two events in one week should generate more determination as well as faith in our movements well into the new year.

Note that both of these events occur under a Gemini Moon, so you’ll notice a lot of buzz in the air as people become more vocal about the changes they are preparing to make, as well as how they plan to go about it. The Moon in Gemini also stimulates our appetite for adventure and novel experiences and it is a good time for communication and learning.

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