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Angels With Me, But Why Do I Feel So Alone?

Get a free psychic reading at, click here nowDo we really have angels that are with us all the time? If our angels never leave us, then why do we sometimes feel so alone?

Yes, we all have angels in our lives, several in fact. Our main angel, or guardian angel, accompanies us from birth until death. And no, your crossed-over relative is not your guardian angel.  A guardian angel goes through many lifetimes with you and knows all your past secrets and all your future secrets, even before you yourself are aware.

I’m sure all of our guardian angels shake their heads many times at each of us, with our irresponsible use of free will, and some of the unfortunate choices we make in our lives. I can picture my guardian angel at different points in my life, just throwing up her hands and saying, “Here she goes again – another bad life choice!” However I know she never leaves my side, which is my comfort in this lifetime.

The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us ~ Jean Paul Richter

I feel her guidance, I hear her voice speaking to me in my dreams and I understand that she is here to help me – never to harm me. At times I do not understand why I receive the messages I do, however I trust that they are always for my highest good.  I follow the guidance of my angels and I live purposely to achieve what I have been sent here to accomplish.

Your angel cannot intervene on your behalf without your permission. They cannot come in and change your circumstances without your consent, or give you the answers without being asked. The only exception to this rule is when your life is in danger and it is not your time to cross over. Your angel will then come in and send warning signs, or come right out and stop you in your tracks, for example by making a vehicle break down so you can avoid an accident about to happen further up the road. While you are getting angry because your vehicle broke down, your angel is again, shaking her head, saying, “Think before you react. Wait and see what you just avoided.” Often we do not even notice.

When you get that ‘gut feeling’ it is caused by one of many of your angels or spirit guides coming in to help you make the right life decisions. When you get that uneasy feeling about a situation or person, there is a reason. When you get that feeling of impending danger, there is a reason. Even when that feeling comes that you are with the wrong person – there is a reason. Your intuition is powerful and if you can learn to trust it, as well as listen to the messages it sends, your life will change significantly. You will never question whether you made the right decision, you will just know.

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone ~ George Elliot

Angels are like best friends. When you are at a time of loneliness it is not because they are not there, it is simply because you have to open the door and start the conversation. It is time to invite them into your life and speak to them as you would speak to the most confidential of friends. Angels don’t spread rumors, they don’t talk behind your back, or share your secrets with another person. They are here to give you complete confidentiality. They are here to show you complete and unconditional love, no matter what you have done in the past, no matter who you have hurt by the choices you have made.

Angels never judge you. They see you as perfect. They laugh with you. They cry with you. They hold you when you are sad and lonely. They celebrate when you are being blessed. They watch all that happens in your life.

The next time you feel alone, sit quietly and close your eyes, with your feet planted on the ground firmly. Then just take a few minutes to relax. Ask your angel to please come and be with you, in a way that you can feel them, or sense them close. Your angel is always there, however in our humanness, it is not always easy to sense them around. Breathe quietly and relax.

Allow the warm wings of your angel to be wrapped around you with a comforting hug. Allow the beautiful glow to warm your face.  Allow the unconditional love to flow throughout your body. Hold the space for a few minutes and allow your angel to be your source of comfort and to show you that you are never alone.

About The Author: Sheri

Sheri is an international psychic and angel reader who provides clear answers on finance, career, relationships, manifesting your dreams, and working-out the kinks of life. Since 2004, Sheri is the owner on an International Spiritual Healing Centre where she runs her Reiki practice - either working on clients or teaching them the levels of Usui Reiki. She utilizes her office space for readings that are conducted via mail, phone, chat or live. Since 2008, she's honed her gifts on various psychic service websites, where she's provided telephone, chat or email readings. She also works on a spiritual network for people who have suffered horrific loss, applying her own first-hand experiences with such tragedies. Sheri's work has been described as honest, compassionate and life-transforming and she would like to see all of her clients soar free to a higher level of spirituality and growth, and exponentially change the world to the best it can be. You can get a psychic reading from Sheri at

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