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virgo moon

Astrology Forecast March 6 – 12, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe’ll have two important astrological events occurring tomorrow. The Moon waxes full in Virgo and Saturn moves into Pisces.

Full moons call for release, and being in the sign of Virgo, tomorrow’s Full Moon is preparing us to leave the winter season behind (summer in the southern hemisphere) and begin to set our sights on the new season ahead. Also, a Virgo Full Moon tends to make us moody, confused, irritable and even argumentative, so focus on keeping calm.

Saturn changes signs approximately every two years, so the last time it transitioned was in 2020, around the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, when it entered Aquarius for the past two years. During this period we witnessed sudden changes, unsual restrictions, and profound inventiveness, all hallmarks of this sign. As Saturn now ventures into Pisces for another two-year stay, we are likely to see the spiritual purpose and reasons for the global pandemic and increasingly align ourselves with the changes it brought about. This will also herald the start of a new cycle of growth and understanding.

Our most productive days of the week will be today and tomorrow under the Virgo Moon, while we’ll focus on balance Wednesday through Friday as the Moon travels through Libra.

Friday evening is not recommended as a date night, as the Libra Moon square with Pluto in Capricorn may cause us to be emotionally volatile and even aggressive. It may be best to spend a quiet evening at home. Also, avoid discussing finances with your significant other, as an argument is very likely to ensue. Foretunately, we can expect a quiet and mellow weekend under a free-flowing Scorpio Moon.

Astrology Forecast February 6 – 12, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis week’s cosmic energy is all about the mind, including new ideas and alternative ways of looking at things, that will lead us to bigger and better things. We won’t need to re-invent the wheel, but we should consider new uses for old objects, reorganizing our stale schedules and goals, and implement better energy flow in our home with a mini-remodel or feng shui project.

This morning’s Leo Moon opposite Saturn in Aquarius could cause no end of trouble at home, so keep a low profile and stay calm. This opposition is notorious for inspiring arguments and drama, especially regarding the children and household finances.

The Moon travels through Virgo later today until Wednesday, expanding our mental capacity and boosting our organizational skills. We will need to take care not to be too idealistic or overly critical. Expressing our opinions calmly, while remaining open to the ideas of others, will pay off handsomely!

Thursday and Friday are all about balance and equilibrium under the Libra Moon. The keyword here is vision. A great idea may land in your lap, but think it through for a few days before you jump to implement it.

The only significant planetary shift this week is Mercury’s electric transit into Aquarius on Saturday. Combined with this weekend’s Scorpio Moon and the Sun currently in Aquarius, it will inspire new insights, intuitions, and impossible dreams that are sure to catch our fancy. However, be prepared for possible delays in communication and travel Saturday afternoon due to the Scorpio Moon square with Mercury in Aquarius. Be especially careful not to get lost if travelling, and make sure you send that email or text to correct person!

Astrology Forecast January 9 – 15, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNew doors may open for us today, as the Leo Moon empowers us to reach for the stars and confidently pursue our dreams. Leo is the sign of self-expression, creative expression, and extrovert confidence, so make the most of this energy if it is your first day back at the office after the holidays.

Watch your temper this evening when the Leo Moon is opposite Saturn in Aquarius, as this transit can cause tension and conflict at home. Especially avoid getting into any argument over the household finances or your kids. Also do not ask parents or older family members for any advice under this opposition, as they might only help you out of the frying pan into the fire.

The best thing to do this evening amidst this moody, volatile energy is to get some light exercise, eat a healthy meal and go to bed early for a good night’s sleep. Your mental state will be much improved in the morning.

Tomorrow the Moon moves into Virgo for three days, bringing forward our detailed, organized side and getting work done will be our focus. However, guard against being too analytical, stubborn, or critical of yourself and others, as these Virgo influences left unchecked can sabotage even our best efforts.

Mars will turn direct on Thursday after a two-month retrograde cycle, and officially boost our new year goals with action, action, and more action. Get ready to rock and roll!

Friday and Saturday’s Libra Moon will be a call for balance, as we clear out the remnants of last year and step into the new one. If you haven’t hung your 2023 calendars, dusted off your day planner, or set up your virtual scheduling app, now is the time to do it.

Sunday’s Scorpio Moon will cast a spiritual vibe all around us, compelling us to stop, pause, and look internally for the balance and intuitive direction we need to move forward.

Astrology Forecast December 19 – 25, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChristmas week is upon us, but before we get to the weekend festivities the Sun will move into Capricorn on Wednesday and a Capricorn New Moon on Friday. Both these aspects will set the stage for a shift in focus and direction.

Today and tomorrow could prove quite ethereal under the Scorpio Moon, as we’ll be inspired to turn inward to process things on a deeper soul level. Whether we’re excited or anxious for the fast approaching holidays, or feeling a bit blue, these two days will be about restoring inner harmony and balance before proceeding.

Wednesday’s transition of the Sun into Capricorn sets off a four-week cycle of review, reflection, and revision, as we close out one year and prepare to move into the next.

Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon will lift our spirits and move us forward with hope and joy.

Friday’s Capricorn New Moon promises new ideas and opportunities are coming our way, so we should write down any ideas or thoughts we have about changing the future for implementation after the first of the year.

Christmas Eve unfolds under a Capricorn Moon as well, emphasizing family and friends, along with a call to embrace the true spirit of the holidays. An Aquarius Moon hangs overhead on Christmas Day, promoting unity, friendship, as well as some surprising insights to emerge over the next few days! Happy Holidays and joyful wishes for a blessed week.

Astrology Forecast December 12 – 18, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThings flow pretty smoothly this week as we finalize plans for the holidays and map out a plan for completing anything that needs to be finished up before the end of the year. The Leo Moon will shine brightly today and tomorrow, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in heartfelt conversations and passionate activities.

Don’t be surprised should your love life take a dramatic turn for the better today, so wear something alluring so that you are dressed for the part. The Sagittarius Sun sextile with Saturn in Aquarius inspires increased commitment in existing relationships, or finally meeting that love of your life. It is an ideal aspect for a marriage proposal or an unexpected invitation to go on a date.

So, if you are single, you may want to join your colleagues for lunch in the cafeteria today, or go out for a quick snack, as the stars are perfectly aligned around midday for meeting that someone special. Think romantic comedy moment with someone dreamy accidentally bumping into you with coffee!

Tending to those unfinished obligations is best done under Wednesday and Thursday’s Virgo Moon, as it grounds and directs us in the most efficient ways to complete tasks before next week’s holidays hit full swing.

A Gemini Moon takes us through the rest of the week, as we focus on communication, correspondence, and clearing a path to immerse ourselves into the holidays ahead.

Astrology Forecast November 14 – 20, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLeo Moon energy has us in high gear for the first three days of this week, encouraging us to be more assertive and proactive in reaching for our dreams.

If you commute to work, be on the lookout for potential road ragers or aggressive people on public transport when you make your way home Tuesday afternoon, as the Leo Moon square with Uranus in Taurus could cause people to become extremely moody, irritable and unstable. Also avoid getting into an argument with your partner or spouse, as things could turn really nasty very quickly! The Leo Moon opposition with Saturn in Aquarius Tuesday night may add even more fuel to this fire, so it may be a good idea to avoid unnecessary drama at home by going to bed early.

Venus will move into Sagittarius on Wednesday, bringing out our light-hearted side as we begin to prepare for the holidays. Creativity will be heightened for the next six weeks, encouraging us to invent new traditions, create home-made gifts, and find innovative ways to celebrate the Christmas season that lies ahead.

Mercury will join Venus in Sagittarius on Thursday, adding even more fuel to the fire, as we let our imagination soar!

Thursday and Friday’s Virgo Moon will bring out our organizing side, encouraging us to start putting a detailed plan together for the weeks ahead. This Moon is also ideal for attending to important health and financial matters that need to be addressed.

A lovely Libra Moon transits this weekend, reminding us to embrace the beauty in our world and embrace an attitude of gratitude. It will be a good time to regroup, rebalance and relax.

Astrology Forecast September 19 – 25, 2022

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological highlights this week will be the Sun moving into Libra on Thursday, followed by a Libra New Moon on Sunday.

We could find it difficult to get much done today as the Moon dances through emotional Cancer. Go with the flow and promise yourself to get back to work tomorrow, when the Moon charges into Aries and spends three days energizing our every move!

Interpersonal relations may be somewhat volatile tomorrow morning when the Cancer Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Do not even attempt to discuss joint finances with your significant other or take that phone call from your toxic relatives, and steer clear of big egos and power struggles when you arrive at work.

The Sun’s move into Libra on Thursday sets us on a pleasant course of sharing love, reaping rewards, and easy-going times for the next four weeks. Immersing ourselves in our passions and exploring deeper connection in our partnerships will be overriding themes.

Friday and Saturday are great for organizing, clearing out clutter, and restoring order to our worlds under the Virgo Moon.

Remember to make a wish on Sunday under the Libra New Moon, which will kick off two weeks of possibilities and shifts, moving us closer to our dreams. But beware the Libra Moon opposite Jupiter in Aries early Sunday evening, as this transit is notorious for getting us into legal troubles and clashing with authorities. if you are planning to go out, be sure to wear your seatbelt, obey traffic laws and do not drink and drive! Also, plan your activity budget for the evening, as you may be prone to overspending and being too extravagant.

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