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Reunited With Crochet Friend In Spirit

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI like to frequent a well-known, local bookstore. It is my way of having peaceful fellowship indirectly with others. I don’t have to talk to anyone, but the feeling of others around while I’m reading is a pleasant feeling. I always sit on the same chair, which is almost like a comfy love seat with others sitting nearby.

One day, while sitting there and reading, I noticed in my peripheral vision a lady to my left. She sat down on the sofa next to me.

She then looked at me and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to disturb you, but I think you may have known my grandmother. She attended the same church you went to.”

I asked her which church she was speaking of and then confirmed that I had indeed gone there for a few years, but no longer attend. Continue reading

Tale-Bearers Seldom Smile

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is interesting how information comes to those of us who are seers. I am sure it is different for everyone, but I can be walking down the aisle in a grocery store and suddenly perceive a loud voice coming to me, saying something to alert me or to impart some message that is meant for a person in the vicinity.

A very good reason to try and ‘turn off’ this kind of incoming information, whenever we can, is that we sometimes have to share information that is not welcomed, or appreciated. That is why sharing psychic and mediumship information in a professional work setting is usually much more appropriate, as I have learned the hard way from a personal experiences.

We all have intuitive flashes when we feel something to be right and true. It tends to come to fruition if we pay attention, because we are usually right in our intuition, feeling or prediction. A good example is that moment when we feel someone cannot be trusted with information, or that feeling that someone is a gossip. Continue reading

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