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The Halloween Ghost In The Art Gallery

click here for free introductory reading at PsychicAccess.comA couple of decades ago, I was opening a new location in downtown Santa Fe for the owner of a chain of art galleries. As a gallery director by profession at the time, I was excited for this opportunity. Furthermore, it was an interesting location from a metaphysical perspective, due to its previous occupants. Once upon a time, it had been a part of the local bus station, and it was directly across a former burro alley from one of Santa Fe’s oldest hotels.

I noticed a subtle, yet potent energy in the gallery space from the beginning of the endeavor. Clearly, some spiritual entity was attempting to direct the gallery through me, and had other ideas about what kind of art should be displayed here! Of course, it did not match the kind of work the absentee owner had in mind. But I was being pushed psychically to consider more traditional pieces, as opposed to the contemporary focus that the living owner required.

An interesting event happened when I hired a contractor to build some art storage, which was also to serve as a divider between the showroom space of the gallery and the office area. Every time the contractor would work on the new art storage bins, there would be a kind of rustling noise after he left. It was unmistakable, yet every time I would try to locate the source of the noise it would stop, as if by magic.

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Embracing Scorpio Season

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStarting today, October 23rd until November 22nd, the Sun will be transiting Scorpio, which is the best time to increase your spiritual awareness and heightening your psychic abilities. The ‘veil’ between the living and the departed becomes ‘thinner’ during this time, and important messages are transmitted at this time through dreams, magic and meditation.

People and situations who are a hindrance to your personal growth and spiritual expansion, are often revealed and removed during Scorpio season, but only if one is willing to go beyond the surface and see something for what it really is.

The scorpion can creep up on its enemy and silence it with one quick hit from its poisonous tail. Scorpios are often a few steps ahead of everyone else, and are some of those most brilliant artists, performer, healers, and teachers, as well as very loyal friends… as long as you stay on their good side!

They are often feared, or envied by others, especially because they always insist on the truth, and easily recognize deception, insincerity and a lack of authenticity in others.

The mythical phoenix is also associated with this zodiac sign, because it signifies the death and rebirth of the self, in order to to transform the soul and become the best version of who you really are.

Regardless of your sun sign, the current transit through Scorpio is inviting you to release the old, so you can achieve increased self-love, and gain the understanding of what needs to be done in order to move forward. It can be emotional and painful, but worth the sacrifice in the long run.

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October 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comOctober 7 – 13

We’ll be in the shadows of a waxing Full Moon this week, so be on the alert for minor accidents, computer glitches and surprising messages from people in your past.

We’ll be under the influence of an Aquarius Moon on Monday and Tuesday, which means there’s a chance we’ll be changing direction at a moment’s notice.

New ideas flow in, but we’ll have to take care not to blurt out everything we know or think now. Better to keep things to ourselves for another week or so.

Venus will move into Scorpio on Tuesday, kicking off a month-long passion for the supernatural, the mystical and the unexplained. It will also turn our thoughts to our shadow sides or deeper selves, unearthing memories or experiences that it’s time to look at and clear out, as the transformational energy of Scorpio is so famous for.

The rest of the week takes a softer tone as the Moon glides through Pisces, gearing us toward our spiritual sides and helping us look at the bigger picture of life. The weekend is ruled by an assertive and active Aries Moon, so this is a great time to get things done!

Sunday’s Aries Full Moon will inspire us to purge, and its motto is ‘out with the old and in with the new.’ So, if you’ve got clutter around your house you’ve been meaning to bag up and donate, now’s the time!

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September 2019 Weekly Astro Forecasts

click here for a free psychic reading a PsychicAccess.comSeptember 2 – 8

Although there are no obvious celestial events in the heavens this week, many of the planets will be interacting with each other, making it essential that we stay alert and practice a lot of patience and flexibility.

Monday’s Libra Moon will do its best to keep things in balance, even when life throws us a couple of curve balls. However, Tuesday and Wednesday we will be under the influence of a Scorpio Moon, so it will be important to look beyond the obvious and take all we hear with a grain of salt. Scorpio can evoke unwarranted fears, so if something looks scary or uncertain, your best bet is not to react, but to ride it out until the facts rise to the surface.

Things lighten up under Thursday and Friday’s Sagittarius Moon, and the answers to our questions or concerns will finally appear, assuring us that all is right in our world. Because the week is fraught with ups and downs, we’ll welcome the Capricorn Moon with open arms this weekend, where we can regroup, get grounded and actually be productive!

September 9 – 15

Let’s get ready to rumble! Things are fairly grounded under Monday’s Capricorn Moon (our most productive day of the week), but once the Moon moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next.

The main event this week is the Pisces Full Moon, and we’ll need to watch for illusion and ethereal messages, as Pisces loves to blur the line between reality and the supernatural. By the way, this is a great time for ghost hunting and paranormal investigation.
The very next day, on Saturday, Mercury and Venus will hold hands as they both saunter into Libra, another aspect where our thinking can be clouded by ideals and romance. So, with all the smoke and mirrors that will come our way this week, it’s best to refrain from making any hard and fast decisions, or assuming anything until clarity returns next week. In the meantime, enjoy the show.

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Developing Your Spirit Communication Skills

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit communication is the process of sending and receiving information to and from the spirit realm. This process can sometimes be overwhelming for individuals. The spirit realm and nature sends us inspiration, messages, comfort and guidance. In every moment of every day we receive information. Are we deciphering that information correctly? Are we also clear in our requests to Spirit?

There are many ways spirit communicates with us. For example, a synchronistic song playing on the radio, which we associate with a loved one in Spirit; unusual behaviors, or unexpected appearances of animals, birds or insects; seeing so-called ‘angel numbers’ or synchronistic clock times like 11:11 or 12:12; Ouija board messages, as well as Tarot and oracle card signs; pendulum dowsing; and dreams.

Then there are messages relayed by intuitives, psychics and mediums during professional readings, using the clair senses, channeling, divination and mediumship. These modes of communication can be natural for some, but also a developed skill for others.

Were you a child that had imaginary friends or saw relatives who were dead? If so, then you have the innate capability pre-developed, but you may need to enhance and strengthen your communication ability. Not to become a professional psychic reader, but to be better connected in life. Strengthening comes through discipline, commitment and a passion to be of service.

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Changing Your Future

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWorking with my clients to co-create a  future outcome is one of the aspects of doing psychic readings which I enjoy the most. Setting the right intention for a future manifestation not only helps them with the issue they initially consulted me about, but also tends to improve every area of their life.

It is likely if someone carries an imbalance in one area of life, it’s bound to show up in other areas too. For example, if you know someone who struggles in their love life, because they’re always hopping from one relationship to the next, it’s more than likely that person displays the same behavior at work and with many other decisions and choices in their life.

These habitual behavior patterns take hold in our lives for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, our childhood upbringing, society, genetics, and our astrological birth chart. However, I don’t believe these patterns fully define us, or that we are permanently bound by them. Whether one is born a saint or a sinner, rich or poor, privileged or not, when a person awakens from the myth of who they thought they were, and stops running away from their fears, they can decide to change their future and allow success into their life.

This is where the magic comes in. The simple act of ‘deciding’ something, even in the face of discouragement, is when we align with the powerful forces of the Universe to co-create the life we really want! I’ve seen this in Astrology, with even the most difficult astrological chart aspects. When someone wakes up, or realizes that they are an unlimited being, their entire world shifts. I’m a firm believer that we come here to transcend our astrological chart, not be imprisoned by it.

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The Ideal Career According To Your Zodiac Sign

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAstrology is a great tool for identifying your ideal career and the kind of employment that will fulfill your longing for soulful, meaningful work. Here are a few guidelines for the different signs of the zodiac and the careers they are typically drawn to, and may thrive in.

Fire Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Energetic, impatient and independent Fire signs tend to crave adventure and love a challenge.

Aries is enthusiastic and outspoken as natural-born leaders. They prefer jobs that involve a certain amount of risk or challenge, such as fire fighting, law enforcement, competitive sports or the military. Any career that recognizes initiative, ambition and the ability to overcome many obstacles is ideal for them.

Leo loves being in the limelight and being in charge. They’re often drawn to careers that will bring them the respect and appreciation they desire. Of course, acting and any career in the entertainment field would be a perfect fit. But any profession that allows them to be the center of attention is a natural for them.

Sagittarius loves to be engaged with life and enjoy talking, writing, teaching and traveling. They’re well-suited to careers in education, publishing, law and the travel industry. Always energetic, Sagittarians prefer being outdoors and can’t stand any sort of job that keeps them stuck behind a desk.

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